so ok.... i`ll start shortly. There`s no such PERFECT game as Fallout 1 & 2. Now `im waiting for part 3
hmm but why is it 3d? iit`s ONLY my opinion but i think if the creators would apply new graphics but keep the old style (the same view of teh character as in 1 & 2 part) the game would have had the same climate as the previous ones.
i personally don`t like 3d games cause they are (ONLY for me) worser at the graphics than games made in one view point. They just look more realistic (not mentioning the requirements which are a bit smaller
u can agree or disagree , post your opinions of 3d ver. of the powerful fallout.
i pray for this game to be released finally!
so ok.... i`ll start shortly. There`s no such PERFECT game as Fallout 1 & 2. Now `im waiting for part 3
hmm but why is it 3d? iit`s ONLY my opinion but i think if the creators would apply new graphics but keep the old style (the same view of teh character as in 1 & 2 part) the game would have had the same climate as the previous ones.
i personally don`t like 3d games cause they are (ONLY for me) worser at the graphics than games made in one view point. They just look more realistic (not mentioning the requirements which are a bit smaller

u can agree or disagree , post your opinions of 3d ver. of the powerful fallout.
i pray for this game to be released finally!