Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!

When compared to the ones from the 90s.
They should be so easy to make from tech perspective, that the writing, the art, the combat should get all the time. But every one I've played so far feels inferior. Clunky, bland in many ways, not as rich in content and/or themes and even unfinished.
Even Pillars of Eternity and Wasterland 2 (haven't played 3) were pretty underwhelming. So far W2 to me was the best but if you compare to the old ass Fallout 1, it's pretty shallow tbh.
Speaking of, I hopped into Fallout 2 for a couple of mins the other day and man really want to find some time to dive into it again one of these days. That atmosphere compared to W2 or PoE or Diablo 3 is just the tits.
They should be so easy to make from tech perspective, that the writing, the art, the combat should get all the time. But every one I've played so far feels inferior. Clunky, bland in many ways, not as rich in content and/or themes and even unfinished.
Even Pillars of Eternity and Wasterland 2 (haven't played 3) were pretty underwhelming. So far W2 to me was the best but if you compare to the old ass Fallout 1, it's pretty shallow tbh.
Speaking of, I hopped into Fallout 2 for a couple of mins the other day and man really want to find some time to dive into it again one of these days. That atmosphere compared to W2 or PoE or Diablo 3 is just the tits.