Why did we never post on Falloup Online?

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
Mentioned several times, spotted in the referrer list several times, but now finally (with a reminder from Bulhakov) it's about damn time we give a front-page nod to Falloup Online, a MMOmocking comic drawing out events as they would happen in the generally despised idea of Interplay's Fallout Online, while also mocking the normal MMO conventions (half-naked women, bad roleplaying, stupid quests).

Link: Falloup Online
Ugh. Not my cup of tea. The jokes aren't that funny and they are pretty obvious. To me, most of the online comic strip series are pretty lame.

But that's just me. Some people probably find Falloup Online quite hilarious. And it's nice to see that people make an effort for a good cause.
So ten of these, now there is a nice pet:

Look there is a buck. :roll:
Kharn said:
... a MMOmocking comic drawing out events as they would happen in the general despised idea of Interplay's Fallout Online ...

Err... Unless the FO community is prominently composed of Generals, generally.

On the other hand, one error in its newspost is probably far less than this lucid masterpiece deserves.

I suggest adding more.
RPGotY, I see no error - the general idea is despised by us, while it might happen that some poor nerve stapled wreck of a human might appreciate it. :)
Silencer said:
RPGotY, I see no error - the general idea is despised by us, while it might happen that some poor nerve stapled wreck of a human might appreciate it. :)

Read it again.

It should be "generally despised", not "general despised".

Reading Falloup from start to finish, though, I will say this for it; I can already hear Todd Howard gasping "GET THIS GUY ON THE WRITING STAFF, NOW!" through his tears of crippling laughter.
Not exactly clever, but well-targeted humor.
Maybe it hits too close to home for some. :wink:
(More than a few "Stanlettes" around here I'd guess.)
Kharn said:
octotron said:
Not exactly clever, but well-targeted humor.

Yip. You guys are being a bit rough. It's no Pulitzer winner, but it does what it intends, no?
The humour may be well-targeted, and the basis of the humour is solid. But the humour itself is just not funny.
There's nothing inherently funny about how he set it up, although it does have some potential, but the jokes just plain suck. I mean, getting by a guard by punching him out and saying that that's your diplomatic skill is supposed to be funny? Pft.
I must admit that at first I was excited about this Falloup Online but then I read the first strip. And the second, the third and, well, everyone of them. It just is not funny. The Internet is full of these trying-to-be-funny-but-fails-horrificaly comics. I don't get it. People *is* probably reading them, though, otherwise they wouldn't exist, right?
Yeah, it's not incredible, but kudos to those who make anything fallout related. With a little work it could be great. I feel like I should be saying this to Bethesda, and not some guy trying to give us a minute amount of entertainment during our painstaking vigil for F3. He should draw one about how all people who play Fallout playing Magic: The Gathering cards. That would be funny.

Bah. Thanks, but i'll stick with Gone with the Blastwave. At least Morr doesnt update when he can't think of anything funny.
Sander said:
The humour may be well-targeted, and the basis of the humour is solid. But the humour itself is just not funny.
There's nothing inherently funny about how he set it up, although it does have some potential, but the jokes just plain suck. I mean, getting by a guard by punching him out and saying that that's your diplomatic skill is supposed to be funny? Pft.

Yeah. Also, it's not that well drawn.