Why did we never post on Falloup Online?

RPG of the year!! said:
Read it again.

It should be "generally despised", not "general despised".

I respectfully disagree with you... n00b :P

Although it is missing a comma at it's best. Oh well. ;)
Silencer, don't make me post that bug picture again.

Anyway, once you understand Fallout, and have a mind of your own, you won't enjoy anything that isn't great anymore.

Too bad for, "Ten", most Fallout fans are smart and wise, hawk eyed bastards that generally despise stupid, obvious and bad humor.

But for the effort, he gets a ten. Wooz can give him the award.

EDIT - added smart and wise.
Silencer, don't make me post that bug picture again.

I double-dare you.

But for the effort, he gets a ten. Wooz can give him the award.


If I had the money and time, the 'award' would be a drawing course. That dude can't draw for sour apples, and the anime expressions only make it worse.

One can only hope the dude will keep practising and expand his humourous spectrum.
Last one certainly is the best ^^

But I also liked the ones before... I like simple humor... does that make me stupid? hmm...
That guy deserves a reward not only for trying so hard to be funny and artistic, regardless of his success, but also being one of only a few Fallout fans that wasn't embittered by rejection and here he took it and made a comic that caused me to actually LOL.

The Vault Dweller


He should have used Kharn's face for the talking head or someone else here. That would have been hella awesome.
Wooz said:
If I had the money and time, the 'award' would be a drawing course. That dude can't draw for sour apples ...
:| In all the strips I saw (about 5 of them I think) the art maintained correct proportions, symmetry, and anatomy for characters in a typical cartoon style. What's left to make the art bad? If this is really the full extent of his artistic ability (which we don't know) then verily, he's not likely to make a career out of it, but it's more than adequate for an amateur satirical web comic.
... the anime expressions only make it worse.
Only if they don't fit the art or tone of the comic. Exaggerated expressions have been a staple of cartoons for years.

(And wow does seeing that ever make me strangely nostalgic - considering how I never really liked Ren and Stimpy that much)
What's left to make the art bad?

Dunno. It just looks bad.

Bad layout? Lack of definite style? Supplementing skill with the popular AnimeStamp facial expressions? Uninteresting and cliche drawing simplifications?

The dude must seriously work on his drawing skills, at this stage, it looks pretty amateurish.

(which we don't know)

Which is clear to see in the way his characters are drawn. Please.

he's not likely to make a career out of it, but it's more than adequate for an amateur satirical web comic.

You're absolutely right, I don't expect a webcomic draftsman to be Rembrandt.

That doesn't mean it's well drawn. It isn't.

It could be good as a whole if the episodes were funny. They aren't, except the last one, to some extent.

Here's an example of good drawing and funny ideas.

exaggerated expressions have been a staple of cartoons for years.

Exaggerated expressions != anime expressions.
And sorry, anime expressions dont' fit anything besides Prince Pickles.

But hey. Nobody's saying the author wants it to be percieved as well-drawn. As long as it's funny, it serves its function as a comic.
It appears Wooz has the gift.

Anyway, he knew we all love Bethesda trashing, and he knew very damn well we can't help it to see pete's face and not laugh.

Honestly, I enjoyed a good laugh, but not because of the comic, design, layout, jokes, but just from pete's terrific, colgate smile. He makes my mom cry.
The newest one ain't bad, though it just begs for a "Hello gentlemen, all your classic RPG franchise are belong to us" line or some such.
haha i loved the last one. fair play to him we all trashed his comic and he come right back at us with a good strip. i like people who dont hide when critasism comes there way but instead stand up and take it on the chin.