Why do we like music?

You mistake me. The incidences aren't inherently funny by themselves, however something is guanin' that provides the humor spark within us, making these things funny. That spark is provided by something inherent and objective. Except I don't really believe that, it's just more fuzzy sounding than the more likely alternative.
I didn't say that the love of Black Sabbath is hard wired,

I said that the mechanisms that cause a love of Black Sabbath to be acquired are hard-wired.
True statement. Sorry for the misunderstanding.

Maybe the world is just inherently funny on some transcendent, objective level. Or not. In which case, it probably once again falls down to an number of unknown mechanisms, probably all tied into the same old spiel about social/linguistic development etc...
I talked about this is a science class earlier this year.
Some people thought that humor and laughter was a sign of submission, which might be true on some small level, but I really do think it's just an outgrowth of social communication. Laughter and jokes are things we've evolved/learned to do to communicate in a sometimes pleasurable way. Humor is a way we make friends and meet people. It's just another technique we know (e.g. intimidation, persuasion, seduction, appeal to whatever, etc.)
Hmm. I'm kinda late on this one. Seems interesting though:

From my point of view music is two things: sound (frequency or wavelength) and rhythm. I believe that music originated from putting these things together somewhere in our history. Maybe the sound part comes from our voices, from people trying to emulate or immitate some bird's mating call to catch them or something. Rhytm is basically anywhere where two people wanna fuck. Also, we have hartbeats and stuff like that. Someone figured out that maybe women like these things, or women figured out that children sleep better if they make nice noises and rock them gently (sound + rhytm), maybe it was a mother trying to get its child to sleep the first creator of music?
New topic hijack :

What about anal ?

What's the accepted opinion on this board ? What's the point ? Is it dirty ? Would you condone it ? Would you recommend it ?
Tried it a couple of times with my first girlfriend, never really enjoyed it. I like a wet pussy what can I say? :shrug:
Blackened said:
By the way, my thread about this problem was actually "why do we like music and humor". I'm very curious why is humor funny - why do we laugh at jokes?

I'll start the same thread on a scientific forum and provide you the link if it gets good enough replies. Or maybe quote them, and then quote there the replies from here, that would be hilarious.

I guess there's no easy answer here, as overall humor seems to be a wide field. People laugh about people making fun of other people, slapstick situations, jokes and whatnot.
And i don't think all is coming from the same source.

But imho a lot of the fun of jokes and such comes from the fact that your brain is presented some situation with certain expextactations. These expectations are about the outcome or the process of such a situation. Now the 'story-teller' is going to try to suprise the audience with some event you didn't expect.
This is a bit similar to the process of learning something new - so you got some expectations and suddenly you realize something new. The brain rewards the body with certain hormones for this learning and you feel good - i once read an article about how the reward for learning was quite similar to the reward for having sex, but that this was only the case if you learnt it by yourself (so you don't get such a reward if your just memorizing stuff for your next exam).
But this is really just my opinion, as i really didn't try to look up something on that matter and i'm not really 'trained' to be able to make assertions about the biochemical processes in the human brain in such situations.
Arr0nax said:
New topic hijack :

What about anal ?

What's the accepted opinion on this board ? What's the point ? Is it dirty ? Would you condone it ? Would you recommend it ?

I go on the sex quarter theory.

Genitals 25%

Anal 25%

Mouth 25%

Chesticles 25%

SkuLL said:
Tried it a couple of times with my first girlfriend, never really enjoyed it. I like a wet pussy what can I say? :shrug:

Lubricate! Slow on thrust, Fast on pull, repeat. Push cock from inside towards the adjacent side of vagina, If beginning with anal, start with semi-flacid dick ad gain erection inside the rectum. Have partner flex groin muscles.

If finishing, slow entrance. Wait until rectum expands, push further, until your waist is kissing her pepperoni.

Anal allows for finishing inside without condom or heavy birth-control. Amazing.
))<>(( said:
Lubricate! Slow on thrust, Fast on pull, repeat. Push cock from inside towards the adjacent side of vagina, If beginning with anal, start with semi-flacid dick ad gain erection inside the rectum. Have partner flex groin muscles.

If finishing, slow entrance. Wait until rectum expands, push further, until your waist is kissing her pepperoni.

Anal allows for finishing inside without condom or heavy birth-control. Amazing.

:lol: This isn't The Order, though. Just saying.