why does FOT suck?

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I think that FOT sucked because the interaction was down.People could speak to you but you couldnt talk back! what do you think made FOT suck?
Hope to hear your thoughts.

ty edman
i thought it was a good game but the bad thing about it that it doesn't work for old computers man i played it on my friends and it kicks ass
>i thought it was a good
>game but the bad thing
>about it that it doesn't
>work for old computers man
>i played it on my
>friends and it kicks ass

Sure, if you ignore that:

1. It's buggy as hell, even after a few patches. It still refuses to run on some computers, despite no real reasons.
2. No new patches will ever come out for it.
3. It skullfucks the Fallout setting mercilessly.
4. Aside from the multiplayer component, it's crap compared to games that were released two years previous. JA2, of particular note.
5. SheepClaws.
6. Talking SheepClaws.
7. Beastlords.
8. The bullshit of "Vault 0".
9. The robots look like they are from Assassin and Blade Runner, instead of Forbidden Planet.
10. And so on...

Fact is, of all the MicroForté devs, I'd say that Gareth (Section8) was the only one who knew what Fallout was about, and he wasn't in a position to really keep the clueless in line. Hell, he's the only one that has evidently at least PLAYED Fallout and Fallout 2, compared to the others.
sometimes your people wont obey correctly and also you cant talk back to people....what was the point of charisma for example?

The Shadow rise And will Submerge The earth, and create it into his own image....
Well, ch let you get some useful perks, and I think it speeded up promotion. However, other stats were more useful, like st, en and ag.

I like FOT. Sure, it isn't as good as FO1 and 2, but then what is?
Even though it's not post-apocalyptic, Jagged Alliance and Jagged Alliance 2 both kick major ass.

Aside from a pseudo-RT system and mutliplayer, JA2 has done everything better than FOT, and it came out earlier. Still is a blast to play.
Well that's the minimum specs for the JA2-UB game, for more info check out [link:http://www.interplay.com/games/product.asp?GameID=29|this link]..

Hmmm.... Well it seems that everything has been said. Oh well, it sucked because it sucked. Why must you seek the truth of the proven? Why can't I shut up. If I had an emoticon right now it'd be Mr.Green!
1. Because it turns out after Jagged Alliance and X-COM. When FOT released perhaps people think "Howdy! Perhaps it as good as JA." and they- i should say- expect too much.
2. Same like Rosh. Lots of Bullshit.
3. Because it's linear!!!
4. Is FOT a Tactical game or RPG?
5. Too high specification.
6. You don't feel anything tactical. Just like an arcade game.
7. X-COM, JA and JA2 are more tactical.

Hey Tyrant. You must Try Jagged Alliance and JA2. I try this thing on many machines from antique Pentium 233 with 64 megabyte RAM to the super duper mumbo jumbo kick some ass Athlon XP 1800 with GeForce4, from Windows "lots of problem" 95 to Win "more problems" XP with no problems at all. Even when i formatted my Hard Drive I just copy that to my other Hard drive and without those registry crap....It WORKS!!!!! Got no problem at all playing Jagged Alliance though. I should say Rosh were right!
Hey perhaps you should try X-COM. It's good too...
[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Nov-16-02 AT 05:08PM (GMT)[p]because the perks were created for a turn based game where as it is both a turn based game and a real time game.
I like FOT. Sure, it's flawed, but it's a fun game to play. And the thing is, if the flaws were cleaned up, and a slew of new features were added, the resulting game would be beautiful. If they're making FOT 2, let's hope that they're listening to us fans.
>because the perks were created for
>a turn based game where
>as it is both a
>turn based game and a
>real time game.

That is...the perks that WORK.

Oh, don't expect another patch to make them work or take them out any year soon.
>This might sound stupid but what the hell are sheepclaws

Well this only shows us how much you really know about Fallout..

>This might sound stupid but what
>the hell are sheepclaws

Sheepclaws = Deathclaws that are toned down and to easy
>Sheepclaws = Deathclaws that are toned down and to easy

You're forgetting the real reason for why we called them sheepclaws...THE HAIR!! (oh the horror)..

I hated it because it lacked the freedom of the other Fallouts. You had no choice in the order of the towns you visted, and they all one specific mission. Home base had nothing but overpriced items and a recruitment center. Maybe there was a medical base I don't know I played the game for a day, beat a few missions, then relized it was crap, so I forgot alot of stuff.

The game was no longer a Fallout, as simple as that. Fallout gamers like RPGs. The game had no RPG aspects.

"Eat lead, chop shop boy!" - Chosen One
All hail Lord Phrog, #1 fan and veteran of Fallout series.

Thanks for the JA tip. I went to that site and ordered JA2 for $15. Hey, should I play JA first like how ya play FO before FO2 for better understanding or does it not matter?

"Eat lead, chop shop boy!" - Chosen One
All hail Lord Phrog, #1 fan and veteran of Fallout series.