why does FOT suck?

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No, a bat isn't a sparrow, but the giant lizards found with feathers and a velociraptor for example are all dinoaurs.
[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Dec-04-02 AT 10:08PM (GMT)[p]>>> If one of the
>>main guns resembles the one
>>from BladeRunner, why can't one
>>of the robots?
>One of the robots? Kid, have
>you played FOT at all,
>or are you just wasting
>a shitload of our time?
>If so, I'll make sure
>you get the good ban.<
> Ban me? Fine,
>go ahead. My language
>on these forums so far
>as been clean, I'm trying
>to add to the discussions
>and I haven't flamed anyone.
> God, I'm tired of
>your b***shit.

Please cry some more, Clueless Wonder. It's so amusing to see how someone will come onto here with half of a clue, get their ass handed to them, and then cry about it.

>Just after
>you do, you might want
>to reread the post and
>find out that I'm not
>the only one that posted
>that the robots look like
>they're from Blade Runner.
>The reason I used the
>above example was in response
>to someone's earlier critcism of
>I quote: '9. The robots look
>like they are from Assassin
>and Blade Runner, instead of
>Forbidden Planet'
> Maybe you want to
>ban that guy too?

Try reading in context next time, stupid.

ONE robot of Blade Runner style might be fine. However, as I've pointed out numerous times (and it hasn't gotten through your thick skull), the style of the robots has always been meant to be the fictional style from Forbidden Planet and the puple era from which Fallout has it's roots. As Prov pointed out, one might be fine. All of them were Blade Runner or futuristic in nature, rather than the boxy, neo-boxy, or Robbie.

Also, it's nice to see you haven't been able to address any of the other points, because I finally hope you can understand how much of an idiot you've been in arguing about subjects you are naive about.
[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Dec-04-02 AT 10:14PM (GMT)[p]>
> >I believe at this point it's very obvious you haven't played Fallout 1 or 2, at least to not any depth. <
> I played through Fallout2,
>and I'm playing Fallout1 at
>the moment, like I already

Which, I would point out, that you evidently have no idea about the setting because you've not even gone through the game that put down the concepts of the series.

And then you come on here to bust my chops and get upset when you're called a moron that is arguing about materials they don't have a clue about? Oh, the irony.

Also, there is information in Fallout 2 to supplement that put forth first by Fallout 1. It requires looking in holo-tapes, conversing, and a little intelligence on the player's part. I'm sorry this isn't some Japanese shit game that tells you what everything is in candy-coated fonts; or that this isn't some Inbred Engine game that usually has more depth in the manual than in the game itself.
> No, a bat isn't
>a sparrow, but the giant
>lizards found with feathers and
>a velociraptor for example are
>all dinoaurs.

That doesn't explain why DeathClaws had hair. You know, something about originating from one spot, from a certain source, and still the same way in Fallout 2.

You're trying to obfuscate the fact that MicroForté screwed up and used early concept art from Fo1 instead of the established DeathClaw, and hadn't played both Fallout and Fallout 2. Even a fair while in either Fo1 or Fo2, they would have seen that the established DeathClaw was nothing like the one in the early concept art.
> True, but WWII weapons
>are much more in the
>style of the mid century-
>A Colt1911 was a popular
>gun for example... still is,
>today...and was used during WWII

Now, another facet of Fallout you missed. The guns were supposed to have generic names, except for some of note. Generics, plus some energy weapons that were futuristic for that time. Fo1 had it nicely, but Fo2 started messing it up badly, FOT did a real mess of it.

This doesn't excuse the point that they also included crappy WWII weapons that were hardly used at that time, either.

> Yes, but FOT isn't
>ditching the theme, I mean
>it's still there... it's not
>destroying the theme. Hurting
>it, most likely...I didn't know
>how it did that- that's
>why I asked.

Face it, you're just confused. For a game you supposedly didn't like, it takes a lot of effort to argue despite being clueless and not playing through the first game.

> >Because mass producted robots wouldn't be an easter egg, would they?<
> And the Bladerunner gun
>isn't either- it was in
>Fallout1, but it can be
>found anywhere, just about, in

Because BIS messed up and put what was supposed to be a pretty unique gun all over.

> Anyway, I am seeing
>many of your points... as
>I said, I did completly
>miss a few...

How about "most"? Screw that. How about "all"? You're doing a great impersonation of an FOT fanboy.

See these marks:


They make replying to a post and reading it a bit more easier than >this

> No, a bat isn't
>a sparrow, but the giant
>lizards found with feathers and
>a velociraptor for example are
>all dinoaurs.

And guess what.. Dinosaurs are in a different biological class than birds.

Furthermore, hair and feathers are two totally different structures.
> Ban me? Fine, go ahead. My language on these forums so far
>as been clean, I'm trying to add to the discussions
>and I haven't flamed anyone. God, I'm tired of
>your b***shit. Just after you do, you might want
>to reread the post and find out that I'm not the only one that >posted that the robots look like they're from Blade Runner.
>The reason I used the above example was in response
>to someone's earlier critcism of FOT...

No one is getting banned for venting his opinion, but one of the reasons Rosh is getting worked up is simply because you didn't listen to him in the first place.
