[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Dec-04-02 AT 04:40PM (GMT)[p]>
> *G* Anwsers instead of
Yay, more waffling without a clue.
> You know, I never
>considered that *sheepish grin*
>vehicles that were still running
>at the war were using
>energy as the price of
>gasoline was so high, and
>then you have that Hummer
>running in the intro with
>a very distinct Gasoline engine
>sound...I never realised that.
>Thank you
That's not surprising in the least.
> Which I didn't say,
>I was just pointing out
>that not everything was set
>in stone.
It fairly well is set in stone if it's been put forth by material already in a game.
You know, like DeathClaws coming from only one point of origin, contrary to your "there could be different kinds for different parts of the country" nonsense.
> But it
>doesn't for example state what
>the area in Chicago is
Wrong. Try playing Fallout 1 again. Pay attention to what people say about the Mid-West.
> Which would be why
>the reason that the content
>was harming the setting could
>be viable. Asking how
>FOT ruins the universe and
>getting the answer 'bugs' is
>not, and something I
>hope we can agree on
I never said bugs harmed the universe, and you can retract that bit of mouth-stuffing, shithead. I said that there was too much time used to work on stupid stuff instead of the real game, that bugs were introduced into the game. I also pointed out numerous materials that did harm the setting through content, materials that you seem to be playing a clueless spin-doctor for MicroForté.
> True- but it was
>meant to be more of
>a tatical and realistic in
>those terms as I saw
As you saw it. Precisely. Unfortunately, that doesn't exactly fit into the setting of the previous games, now does it?
>I find WWII
>weapons more fitting in with
>Fallout's theme myself though...
Yup, definitely without a clue.
> I also was not
>aware that it was actually
>advertised as a JA2 clone
>with Fallout setting...
Wow, and you decide to try and bust my chops without knowing much of anything? Hell, you
are a troll.
> >Except that drugs were horribly ill-balanced for multiplayer. Trauma Packs, for example, gave huge resistances with no side effect at all.<
> Everyone has access to
>the trauma packs however- and
>there is nothing forcing people
>to use them...you could play
>with friends instead of the
>stranger that slapped on the
Which is what I mentioned, that the players have to form the restrictions themselves.
Your excuse above hardly explains or excuses the imbalance in the game that made casual 10k games a pain to play, and that gameplay basically became solely limited to the clans who made up the rules. The casual player couldn't really play against someone who went full with drugs, and I'll quote someone from GSA:
"mplayer sux cause of druged up fags"
> If a pistol costs
>the same amount as the
>pancor- of course. But
>overall damage and cost aren't
>the only factors...distance as well.
> Every game has these
>problems, balancing is extremely difficult
>and there is always a
>favorite weapon.
Translation: "I just posted some shit and hope you'll try to forget this point. I really don't know what I'm talking about, so I'll just go on about distances and other nonsensical bullshit."
> But my point is-
>FEV doesn't have to be
>the only cause, and the
>beastlords, while prominant in that
>single area are not necessarilly
>present in every community all
>over the Fallout Universe.
Still doesn't explain the Beastlords, or for a greater matter, Psi abilities.
> >Because the setting is from the point of view of 1950s pulp sci, perhaps? When you make a setting with a point of view, then all things in that setting should at least have that theme. Instead, FOT gave us ANIME ROBOTS AND MECHA!<
> True, but it's not
>as if they revamped the
>entire theme into an anime,
>and that does not necessarilly
>destroy the setting- The
>setting will always have that
>mid century theme, but yes,
>I'm starting to see your
>points- while not entirely true
>to that theme though,
>hardly 'skullfucks' it either.
You might want to play the original games again. It's obvious that it would take far too long to point out all the pertinent information that you're lacking, so if you go back through the games with your eyes open and read, your perception might be a bit drawn towards the setting. That's what Rex kept pointing out.
> True, and Fallout has
>always been the one to
>have many, many easter eggs.
No, it wasn't. That was BIS' fault for Fallout 2. The original had a few here and there, but none used ad nauseum.
> If one of the
>main guns resembles the one
>from BladeRunner, why can't one
>of the robots?
One of the robots? Kid, have you played FOT at all, or are you just wasting a shitload of our time? If so, I'll make sure you get the
good ban.
> -Much to the others
>dismay in this thread, I
>might stick around these forums...
>some people will actually answer
>questions instead of 'go play
>the game'.
I'm not going to hold your hand and debunk every little problem of yours. You obviously have little grasp of the setting, background, and more. Quite obviously with the DeathClaws.
>I did
>play it, didn't see their
>point of view and so
>asked why...
Either you played it with your eyes closed, or you are lying.
> When someone actually takes
>the time to explains his
>views this place is much
>more enjoyable
If you displayed some knowledge about the setting, then it might not be such a chore to reply to you. As it stands, you're still around less than half a clue.