Why Euro Chicks convert to Islam


Why European women are turning to Islam By Peter Ford, Staff writer of The Christian Science Monitor
Tue Dec 27, 3:00 AM ET


Ok, I admit. When I first read this I thought.

Euro Chicks escape sexual frustration by converting to Islam.

or Euro CHicks find Muslims guys hot.

or Euro CHicks find Terrorism gets vaginal juices flowing.


Mary Fallot looks as unlike a terrorist suspect as one could possibly imagine: a petite and demure white Frenchwoman chatting with friends on a cell-phone, indistinguishable from any other young woman in the café where she sits sipping coffee.

And that is exactly why European antiterrorist authorities have their eyes on thousands like her across the continent.

Ms. Fallot is a recent convert to Islam. In the eyes of the police, that makes her potentially dangerous.

Yes Europe! A new terrorist threat.

You will need to profile hot Euro chicks looking for spiritual fulfillment through Eastern faiths.

The death of Muriel Degauque, a Belgian convert who blew herself up in a suicide attack on US troops in Iraq last month, has drawn fresh attention to the rising number of Islamic converts in Europe, most of them women.

"The phenomenon is booming, and it worries us," the head of the French domestic intelligence agency, Pascal Mailhos, told the Paris-based newspaper Le Monde in a recent interview. "But we must absolutely avoid lumping everyone together."

The irony that this is a French paper? Did you learn nothing during the recent riots?

The difficulty, security experts explain, is that while the police may be alert to possible threats from young men of Middle Eastern origin, they are more relaxed about white European women. Terrorists can use converts who "have added operational benefits in very tight security situations" where they might not attract attention, says Magnus Ranstorp, a terrorism expert at the Swedish National Defense College in Stockholm.

More importantly, Europe! Islam is stealing your chicks!

Ms. Fallot, who converted to Islam three years ago after asking herself spiritual questions to which she found no answers in her childhood Catholicism, says she finds the suspicion her new religion attracts "wounding." "For me," she adds, "Islam is a message of love, of tolerance and peace."

Love, tolerance and peace- used to be the Christian message until George Bush turned Christianity to one of war, greed and selfishness.

But I always thought Islam was about justice and submission to God.

It is a message that appeals to more and more Europeans as curiosity about Islam has grown since 9/11, say both Muslim and non-Muslim researchers. Although there are no precise figures, observers who monitor Europe's Muslim population estimate that several thousand men and women convert each year.

Which goes with the old addage- there really is no "Bad press".

Somewhere in Europe some topless babe sunning herself ontop of a yacht on a lake or in the Med is thinking, "People would fly airplanes into buildings for Islam? Damn, I want more of that!"

Only a fraction of converts are attracted to radical strands of Islam, they point out, and even fewer are drawn into violence. A handful have been convicted of terrorist offenses, such as Richard Reid, the "shoe bomber" and American John Walker Lindh, who was captured in Afghanistan.

BEcause there are always a few wackos. And there are always a few dipshits (ok more than a few) that would be willing to sacrifice their lives for some foolish cause that is just using them.

Admittedly patchy research suggests that more women than men convert, experts say, but that - contrary to popular perception - only a minority do so in order to marry Muslim men.

"That used to be the most common way, but recently more [women] are coming out of conviction," says Haifa Jawad, who teaches at Birmingham University in Britain. Though non-Muslim men must convert in order to marry a Muslim woman, she points out, the opposite is not true.

Fallot laughs when she is asked whether her love life had anything to do with her decision. "When I told my colleagues at work that I had converted, their first reaction was to ask whether I had a Muslim boyfriend," she recalls. "They couldn't believe I had done it of my own free will."

In fact, she explains, she liked the way "Islam demands a closeness to God. Islam is simpler, more rigorous, and it's easier because it is explicit. I was looking for a framework; man needs rules and behavior to follow. Christianity did not give me the same reference points."

See Europe re-explore religion. REligious revivalism creep in the next 20 years, 700 Club in French. Billy Graham speaks to thousands in Hamburg! Televengilist TV in Denmark! Creationism taught in Ireland, Italy, Spain and Portugual! New religious based retirement communities prop up in Greece as ancient ruins buried for new faith based initiatives!

Have you bought your Bible today!
Those reasons reflect many female converts' thinking, say experts who have studied the phenomenon. "A lot of women are reacting to the moral uncertainties of Western society," says Dr. Jawad. "They like the sense of belonging and caring and sharing that Islam offers."

Or is it tradition and a response to feminism? To be fair, some women just don't want the feminist agenda.

Others are attracted by "a certain idea of womanhood and manhood that Islam offers," suggests Karin van Nieuwkerk, who has studied Dutch women converts. "There is more space for family and motherhood in Islam, and women are not sex objects."[/qutoe]

Yasir- "I will trade your women for two sheep and a camel!"

Mohammed- "Yasir, you already have four wives!"

Yasir- "Damn, well it works for the Mormons."

At the same time, argues Sarah Joseph, an English convert who founded "Emel," a Muslim lifestyle magazine, "the idea that all women converts are looking for a nice cocooned lifestyle away from the excesses of Western feminism is not exactly accurate."

Some converts give their decision a political meaning, says Stefano Allievi, a professor at Padua University in Italy. "Islam offers a spiritualization of politics, the idea of a sacred order," he says. "But that is a very masculine way to understand the world" and rarely appeals to women, he adds.

After making their decision, some converts take things slowly, adopting Muslim customs bit by bit: Fallot, for example, does not yet feel ready to wear a head scarf, though she is wearing longer and looser clothes than she used to.

Others jump right in, eager for the exoticism of a new religion, and become much more pious than fellow mosque-goers who were born into Islam. Such converts, taking an absolutist approach, appear to be the ones most easily led into extremism.

It used to be new age, then wicca. Now it's Islam.

It's a good thing Lauren has patriotism to the fatherland.
The early stages of a convert's discovery of Islam "can be quite a sensitive time," says Batool al-Toma, who runs the "New Muslims" program at the Islamic Foundation in Leicester, England.

"You are not confident of your knowledge, you are a newcomer, and you could be prey to a lot of different people either acting individually or as members of an organization," Ms. Al-Toma explains. A few converts feel "such a huge desire to fit in and be accepted that they are ready to do just about anything," she says.

"New converts feel they have to prove themselves," adds Dr. Ranstorp. "Those who seek more extreme ways of proving themselves can become extraordinarily easy prey to manipulation."

At the same time, says al-Toma, converts seeking respite in Islam from a troubled past - such as Degauque, who had reportedly drifted in and out of drugs and jobs before converting to Islam - might be persuaded that such an "ultimate action" as a suicide bomb attack offered an opportunity for salvation and forgiveness.

"The saddest conclusion" al-Toma draws from Degauque's death in Iraq is that "a woman who set out on the road to inner peace became a victim of people who set out to use and abuse her."

Because no one is more radical about an ideology than a new convert.
What is this bullshit? In a spiritual sense I'm so passive that I don't even desire to practice my own religion, let alone convert to another one.

Might I propose that the French employ KGB methods in dealing with this phenomenon?
Face it Ratty, the problem isn't you converting, but that you can't give your chicks the spiritual fulfillment they need, so they are going Muslim.
welsh said:
Face it Ratty, the problem isn't you converting, but that you can't give your chicks the spiritual fulfillment they need, so they are going Muslim.
Bah, they are probably doing it for sex. Just imagine sexual horizons of a polygamic marriage.

*pictures several Muslim women pleasuring each other while their husband watches and joins in every now and then*

You know, I think *I* will convert to Islam.
Nay, the women have to WANT to be polygamic with you.

They're free to shake you off if you can't care for them.

It's all in the book.
CCR, what's with the "Greatest _____ on Earth" obsession, lately?

On topic.

Why European women are turning to Islam By Peter Ford, Staff writer of The Christian Science Monitor

Nigga please. The what?

The death of Muriel Degauque... (snip).

Right. Frustrated woman abandonned by musluim husband blows herself up = "petite" (what the fuck? I thought this "petite" word was only used in porn sites) french women sipping coffee and chatting.

Welsh said:
The irony that this is a French paper? Did you learn nothing during the recent riots?

No offence, Welsh, but that's bold words for a Gringo. A Gringo not supporting his country's current <s>plutocratic oligarchy</s> <s>military/big business junta</s> <s>Cthulhu followers lodge</s> administration, but a Gringo nevertheless. <:
Last I heard, the frenchies didn't bomb the rioting neighbourhoods during the crisis. Coughcoughbaltimorecoughcough.

Others jump right in, eager for the exoticism of a new religion, and become much more pious than fellow mosque-goers who were born into Islam. Such converts, taking an absolutist approach, appear to be the ones most easily led into extremism.

CCR goes "Middle East"

Anyways. This article makes the issue look like Islam = Extremism. AGAIN. Boring. We've had dozens of these debates here on NMA. Whenever I happen to be in a party, gang-up of friends or oher social situation involving political discussion and someone tosses the "Islam/extremism" topic into the air, I immediately look for heavy and spiky objects to use as a flail.

As for the issue at hand, namely spineless little cunts that need "rules and behaviour to follow" in order to lead their miserable, shallow lives, let them be. They choose to be sheep. So they're treated as sheep, sheared and eventually slaughtered.

Sad. Almost as sad as cosplayers, who find the greatest fulfillment of self in dressing up as a video game character.


A minute of silence for their brains.
Stupid stupid people who need rules and guidelines to exist. If they need that they could just join the armed forces, but I guess that is too hard as well.
I wouldn't go that extreme, but John is right Wooz, the Christian Science Monitor is a pretty liberal and non-partison paper. It's not really a fount for Christian lunacy.

ANd I agree, that the problem here is the bias that Muslim - Extreme.

It is interesting though, that more European women are finding interest in Islam, and that the women in the interview are citing spiritual reasons for this conversion suggests something lacking in Europe's culture, or perhaps the issue of religiousity is not unique to the US.

American have explored alternative faiths before. One of the Christian fundamentalist's main targets was "New Age" faiths- which they saw as a Hindu-Buddhist alliance against Christianity. Total bullshit. One can create enthusiasm by creating a false enemy.

Ok, call me a gringo. Hey I married a Latino and have argued against Rosh on the problem of "wetback immigration"- so I am not unsympathetic.

But come on Wooz, one of the problems for France is that it has ignored much of the Muslim problem until it blew up in their face. Now a few women take a spiritual turn and it becomes a threat to national security?

See the problem?
As for the issue at hand, namely spineless little cunts that need "rules and behaviour to follow" in order to lead their miserable, shallow lives, let them be. They choose to be sheep. So they're treated as sheep, sheared and eventually slaughtered.
Can't get your hands on enough crystal meth this week, wooz?
John Uskglass said:
CSM is a well known and respected news source, very often free of partisan bias and better written then..well....anything.

Sorry, but anything with "Christian" and "Science" in the same phrase except in negative quantifications is just pure insanity.

Yeah, nothing like verifying your sources and material before you go and bandwagon libel someone for taking millions of dollars in payoffs from Saddam. And it wasn't even the alleged documents that the Telegraph was using, instead reporting on a set of papers even more fake than Pam Anderson's tits. Credible rag, my ass.

“I don’t accept their apology. Firstly, a newspaper of their international standing should have conducted these basic checks on the authenticity of these documents before they published them and not more than two months afterwards.

“This internationally renowned newspaper published on its front page, in virtually every country in the world, that I took 10 million dollars from Saddam Hussein, based on papers which have proved to be forgeries.

“They did not even speak to me before publishing these allegations. My legal action against them continues.”

I'll admit that some things they do well in, but in the bandwagon jump to paint Gallows, that was fairly...well, there was no fucking way you could call that professional, nor their apology, nor the defense by the editor. After that, I started to take what they have published with a really big grain of salt. Some of the responses to that news bit are rather good.

paulat said:
"and women are not sex objects"

...OHHHHH! So all those guys who want "72 virgins" just want a lot of good conversation????

coydog said:
It's sad when women who should know better go willingly into a culture notorious for systematic degredation and abuse of females.[Rosh's Note: it was Islam that came up with the brilliant idea of removing a woman's clitoris, originally in part along with the hood, and in some places in whole. Yeah, nothing like a culture that often treats suspected cheaters with removal of what gives them pleasure in sex, turning them into numb objects for the men.]


As someone pointed out, check out The Sword of the Prophet, and to see how really full of shit the writer for the CSM truly is, and to read the full reality of Islam in the various societies of the world. Secondly, take a look at The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (And the Crusades).

Wooz said:
Last I heard, the frenchies didn't bomb the rioting neighbourhoods during the crisis. Coughcoughbaltimorecoughcough.

Yeah, and in Tulsa, too. Or pretty much every time a piece of white trash felt the need for attention by calling rape on a black man. And then there was the worst, the riot of Chicago, Ill. circa 1919. You know, where the white folk first showed the blacks how to perform the first "drive-by".

Huh...seems to be a recurring theme in the US. And you expect the French to learn, welsh? HA! :D
Well Kharno, if the Europeans are supposed to representative of a higher standard of civilization, than perhaps they should act the part, no?

YOu are holding your self to American standards? Why?

Do you judge your standard of ethics by how other people act, or how you should act?

This is my main beef with Americans- that we should be acting better than we do. But Europeans have this habit of pointing fingers at the evil that is America and ignoring their own.

Standards, bud. How about getting some of your own for a change? Or is this just a case of the pot calling the kettle black?
welsh said:
Yes Europe! A new terrorist threat.

You will need to profile hot Euro chicks looking for spiritual fulfillment through Eastern faiths.

Actually, calling it a terrorist threat is pretty ass-retarded.

If she's not extremist enough to at least cover her hair, she is very unlikely to adhere to the Islamist faith and it is impossible for her to get accepted into Islamist terrorist circles. Hence not a terrorist threats.

Not all muslims are terrorists, dontchaknow? The police monitoring all muslim converts makes very, very little sense.

I have been noticing the spiritual bankruptcy of Europe a long time ago. Of course people are going to turn to the Islam in a society as devoid of spiritualism as Europe is. It's the inevitable result of overshot secularisation and rationalisation after the Enlightenment.

It's not small wonder that we then turn to islam, it will be no surprise for me if islam keeps growing until it becomes the biggest religion through immmigration and conversion.

Is this a problem? No. Why would it be? Islam is no more inherently violent or dangerous than Christianity or Judaism or any other religion. All major religions have been used as an excuse for violence, it is simply islam's turn. Its extremism will pass and desperate minorities will find another excuse for violence. Maybe in the then-surpressed Christianity. Who knows?

Rosh said:
it was Islam that came up with the brilliant idea of removing a woman's clitoris, originally in part along with the hood, and in some places in whole

Female Genital Cutting is a cross-religious cross-cultural phenomenon, currently restricted to Africa and older than the islam. It was practised in the US up to 1958.

Just sayin'

Is'nt Robot Santa Roshambo?

Yes it is, as signified by him referring to himself as Rosh in his post.

welsh said:
Perhaps, I keep getting this Christmas avatars confused. Sorry Rosh.

Not a problem, but I can understand how it can be taken that way. I thought it was a most ironic point to mention France not being able to learn, when in fact they were the ones to give a significant token to the US, in their appreciation for the US standing for freedom and equality. :D

Mostly, it was aimed at you and John, because frankly the US hasn't been the most mature in handling riots, of recent, or ever. In fact, the US has consistently handled riots more piss-poor so than what France has done, and Chicago burning in 1919 was a bigger story than the riots in Paris. This also includes how the police have illegally arrested thousands of legal protesters in D.C., under the claims it was a riot.

Ahhh...back to the old jokes about D.C. Especially the "Coke District of Columbia" part.

Spawn of Santa said:
Female Genital Cutting is a cross-religious cross-cultural phenomenon,

Indeed, but this one gets the Prophet's Stamp of Approval, left open to interpretation that may leave a woman sexually dead, or at least dead in the way that she will not even remotely come near orgasm before her husband is done. Some sexual relationship.

currently restricted to Africa

Bullshit. BULL-SHIT. While it might be restricted, it still happens for enough people to try and get the procedure reversed. Bahrain, for instance, and the countries are pretty much only known for having it due to the attempts to have it reversed at hospitals. Denial of sexual stimulation and the bullshit arguments about it are a FAR different thing than the rather ignorant shit going on in Africa. Quite frankly, I don't know of many women who could get off without a clit, and any woman who has had decent oral sex of a guy curling his tongue around her clit will argue vehemently against the argument that the clit is not important for orgasm, or "secondary" as the Islamic page seems to believe. So I'll regard the Islam online crap the same way I'll regard the similar Judeo-Christian hypocrisy and Falwell double-speak. The part about going through what percentage of women still achieve pleasure having only a percentile of their genitalia remaining, was rather disturbing and a bit sick if you really think about it. That means it still happens to the point of being studied in-depth for the Islamic online site. Kind of obvious when you think about how and where they got their numbers. Someone actually DID cut that deep in practice, and someone did a study about it, and then generalized it.

Hence why we need separation of church and state, because all three major religions are pretty fucking batty.

and older than the islam.

I know, but don't tell any of those that claim to be "scholar Islamists" that support this, because they are right, because the Prophet dictated it so. :D

It was practised in the US up to 1958.

Ah, the wonderful things we discover about ourselves, including the history of the very cities we live in.
Welsh said:
But come on Wooz, one of the problems for France is that it has ignored much of the Muslim problem until it blew up in their face.

Not as much "Muslim problem" as the complete lack of anything resembling a plan or even a program to integrate immigrants into society, assuming stacking 'em up in ghettos won't have any consequences. Not to mention massive errors in the immigrant welfare system.

But yes, you have a point. Nevertheless, I'm profoundly skeptical about this article and the author's rethoric, especially this statement:

And that is exactly why European antiterrorist authorities have their eyes on thousands like her across the continent.

Which *reeks* of CCR'ish "Zomg hate frenchies" bias, and spills declarative statements left and right without giving a single actual proof, after which it goes describing the lives of some French bitch, the Captain Obvious lines on how easy it is for a particular kind of converts to be manipulated into violent acts, et cetera et cetera. But it doesn't prove that there are perfectly legal procedures of invigilance that come close to the orwellish Patriot enforced in Merka, nor actually proves anything at all, just states "new recruits to Islam are potentially dangerous in the eyes of the police".

No shit?

I'd like some clarifying on that "Big Policeman is Watching You" claim, if I was to give any credibility to it. As of now it sounds like just any other Fucks News-related babble.

But Europeans have this habit of pointing fingers at the evil that is America and ignoring their own.

Well, yes, we definitely have to close *our* prisons a la patagonian concentration camp scattered around the world. It's about time we abolished the death penalty, as well, and this habit of ours to rape the human rights chart is getting on the global community's nerves. Eheh.

Perhaps, I keep getting this Christmas avatars confused. Sorry Rosh.

Neener neener! You called Roshambo a Kharn! niahniahniahniaaah! :D
Robot Santa said:
Indeed, but this one gets the Prophet's Stamp of Approval, left open to interpretation that may leave a woman sexually dead, or at least dead in the way that she will not even remotely come near orgasm before her husband is done. Some sexual relationship.

Excuse me? Where exactly does it get the Prophet's Stamp of Approval? Quote the appropriate section of the Qu'uran or uncontended muslim literature.

Islam has fuck-all to do with FGC.

Robot Santa said:
Bullshit. BULL-SHIT. While it might be restricted, it still happens for enough people to try and get the procedure reversed. Bahrain, for instance, and the countries are pretty much only known for having it due to the attempts to have it reversed at hospitals.

Restricted to Africa as in "that's where it happens, mostly", dude.

Robot Santa said:
I know, but don't tell any of those that claim to be "scholar Islamists" that support this, because they are right, because the Prophet dictated it so.

Again, did not.