Look, Ma! Two Heads!

I've seen people say they want all the RNG elements removed from RPGs and praise the new crit system.
What did you expect guys. The first and most popular mods I've seen on the Nexus are: Add 1000 of each junk to your workshop, Fusion Cores not draining, remove encumbrance, auto-solve for hacking and lockpicking, unlock all perks in the game, get all bobbleheads and magazines, or simply godmode... Or adding more legendary enemies to the world. Do we really need more of this pointless Borderlands-style legendary enemies to fight and get some enchanted weapons from?
That's it, the main target audience for F4 seems to be the casual gamer. You can also see this at how ridiculous easy the game is even on Survival difficulty.
But to be fair, there are also quite a few more ambitious mods around. Like bringing back the old dialogue menu, craftable ammo or optimizing the difficulty level towards harder.
I dont understand people ha.I've seen people say they want all the RNG elements removed from RPGs and praise the new crit system.
(At)Askorti: Not anymore (they were in the first week), but they're still among the most popular in the Top 50. I mean really, why would anyone want to dumb this things down? Fusion Cores aren't scarce, lockpicking & hacking is easier but also more fun than before and the encumbrance is out of RL touch when compared to F3/NV. So why bother with that stuff? The last time I was massively interested in cheats was at the age of 14. At that time I really loved to screw around with "bigbang" or a flying tank in GTA Vice City. Not a bad things per se, but kind of shows how many casuals are into F4 right now.
These are people who don't like chance-based critical hit or skills yet love randomized loots.I've seen people say they want all the RNG elements removed from RPGs and praise the new crit system.
These are people who don't like chance-based critical hit or skills yet love randomized loots.I've seen people say they want all the RNG elements removed from RPGs and praise the new crit system.
It does make somewhat sense for the kind of game that Beth created with F4, with all that crafting and settlement building though. I have no clue how well that settlement building works though. A certain degree of randomisation would be needed I guess. You have to get the materials from somewhere. But a few players say that the settlement building while good in theory, has also a lot of short comings - and not just with the UI.
The settlement building has no depth whatsoever.