Why is no one talking about the Watchmen trailer?

Movie was ehhhh for me. I found a lot of the heart of the graphic novel to have been cut out. Much of the sub characters and hidden meanings were lost.

I came out of this film pretty disappointed, sadly.
What do you fucking expect them to cram into 163 minutes? I thought it ran quite well with the novel.

The sex scene that you're all bashing rocked, my girlfriend and I tried it to no avail. Hahaha....
No one's still talking about the Watchmen trailer? Hm, maybe because the movie itself it out?

I was entertained, but it's pretty stupid, including the changed ending.
changed ending? i was under the impression that it followed the books quite well (well, except a few obvious things which were hard to put in a short movie).

haven't seen it, but i plan to.
The problem is that much of the book's subtle messages and complexity was lost in translation. Sure it's to be expected, but....the slow mo special effects, underusing Ozymandias, omitting Night Owl 1 almost entirely, not to mind eliminating core supporting characters were no excuse. Sure its 163 minutes long, but much of the retarded and redundant slow motion fight scenes could have been eliminated(what was up with Silk Spectre and Night owl fighting the prisoners?)
I went to a lecture about it at my school and the teacher said that in the Tales of the Black Freighter Ozymandius is the marooned sailor and Rorschach is actually the shark who gets half blinded and deliriously swims in search for something or other.

He kept on stressing the book's emphasis on symmetry, but at the end he never tied it to how the movie has no symmetry even though the lecture was titled "Watchmen: Graphic Novel versus Movie." Which was fine, I learned that the book was far more symmetrical then I realized.

My conclusion is the movie fucked up in one way: they did not consult Alan Moore. The thing is the movie is faithful to the book but not really. They keep scenes and then change essential character reactions\moments into something it was not. This really pisses me off. Like when Rorschach shows up to warn Doctor Manhattan, Rorschach's respect\idolization of the Comedian did not piss off Laurie. They choose to keep the scene, but they change the character for no fucking reason. They made Laurie completely useless. They deviate from the character dynamic for some arbitruary reason making the Graphic Novel's three dimensional characters into two dimensional comic book cheese superheroes.

Alan Moore was making fun of comic book sexism with Watchmen. The movie took that and made it what Alan Moore was parodying. So Zack Snyder took a parody and warped it into a product that does not realize its a parody. Its broken and does not know what its supposed to convey anymore. Still, it has redeemable qualities and I would recommend pretty much anyone besides my parents to go see it.

This notion of how much you can pack into 163 minutes. How about this: why dont they cut out the unbearable scene of rorscach breaking in to see Doctor Manhattan (breaking through the door and what not). That scene is boring and slow and not in the book. Why dont they cut most of the prison fight scene. Why the fuck does Ozymandius talk so slowly.

Honestly this isn't a good summary of Watchmen. They should've followed the proportion of the book, and not have betrayed the characters.

By the by, everyone who has not read Watchmen thinks Rorschach, Ozymandius, the Comedian, and Laurie have superpowers.