Vault Fossil

Gjefflin learn to use the Edit button.
Walpknut said:The game tells you that you can't continue playing after the final battle, and that you should make a save, so that means that you can continue anyways..... tangled logic son.
Nevest said:^FO3 was quite enjoyable, but it wasn't a true Fallout title and its narrative sucked.
Nevest said:Also, Gjefflin, triple post? Seriously?
UnidentifiedFlyingTard said:Gjefflin learn to use the Edit button.
requiem_for_a_starfury said:Gjefflin read the forum rules before you get yourself banned,http://www.nma-fallout.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=109.
Any time you have 2 or more posts in a row without someone else's post in-between, that is considered a double post; or triple post.... or, god forbid, a quadruple post. You did a triple post, and then a double post.Gjefflin said:I'm looking but I don't see where I've double posted though.
I do not want to get banned however so if I am doing something outside of the rules please tell me.
no, I am not. get off your high horse.elitist-fanboy1 said:everything you say is dumb, because i disagree with you
duh, I know what a water chip is. I just happen to like Fallout 3.elitist-fanboy2 said:don't you know anything about fallout? I bet you don't even know what a water chip is!! lol!!
Thanks bro! stay cool, etc.elitist-fanboy3 said:I agree with you, you have some good ideas! cool man.
outofthegamer said:If you are replying to 2 or more people, you have to put all replies in the same post - we will see your entire reply, and not assume that you are not replying to all "attackers".
Thanks bro! stay cool, etc.