Why The Master's Plan WOULD Work


It Wandered In From the Wastes
Ok, so as you all know you can convince The Master to kill himself if you show him proof that the Super Mutants are sterile. My question is, "So what?" I mean, Super Mutants are immortal, they dont age, and it doesnt seem like they have any neural degradation as long as its pure strain humans who are dipped. So, really, reproduction would be a BAD thing since it would lead to over population. The Master was right all along. And as for the Nightkins' "problems", well, The Master would probably notice it and the cure would come quicker as he would have all his mutants working towards that goal. If Im wrong, explain.
Immortality doesn't work in the long run. People will get injured sooner or later, and eventually they will not be able to save.
This would require constant dipping, which would be much more expensive, in a historically-long-run, than simply having mutants oh-la-la-ing each others.
Master should have just say something like "Ok, I will stop creating super mutants, and my army from now will help people from all founded post-war towns like Hub or Shady Sands, so at least, already created SMs will be useful".
But after all, due to him being mad (and pretty frustrated too) he decided to go "fuck this, im off" what ends with a lot of violent stuff happening in the wastes in the following years. :D
X12 said:
Super Mutants are immortal, they dont age
Actually, according to Vree's autopsy report they do age, they just have an increased life span of 10%. She also says that Humans could just try and outlive the mutants if they weren't being created somewhere.
Languorous_Maiar said:
Vree was simply wrong, they are immortal if we take into account just aging.
Yeah, i mean, lets take Marcus for example. He was here since the Master started, and yet over 100 years later (by the time of New Vegas) he is still standing and with all his mental facilities intact.
X12 said:
So, really, reproduction would be a BAD thing since it would lead to over population.

That is just plain silly & isn't even worth presenting evidence to the contrary. Humans would eventually be able to kill off the mutants should they so desire, just by virtue of the fact that there would be more of them because they could reproduce.
Unless of course you'd use your superior mutant force to hunt down most prime humans, round them into pens and dip at a consistent rate to keep the amount of Super mutants sufficient, while simultaneously eliminate any humans that may have "ran for the hills".

Not that I would ever advocate such a thing.
We're talkng about one small locality - southern California. So how many mutants could there be? There are no vats - they've been destroyed, remember?
Philos said:
There are no vats - they've been destroyed, remember?

Not necessarily, depends on the sequence of events. The point we're discussing is "Should the Master have realized that his plan would work as he had been sweet-talked by the Diplomatic character", not "Would the Master's plan work without the Vats" or "Would the Master's plan work without the Master". That's another set of questions.
No, the vats are not available as a possibility period. During the course of the game both the vats are destroyed & the Master is killed. Period. All we have is the mutants - in one small corner of the world. Their only hope is to be assimilated into society - otherwise sooner or later they will be destroyed. Marcus understood that. The question, "Should the Master have realized that his plan would work as he had been sweet-talked by the Diplomatic character" is only one question among others.
Philos said:
No, the vats are not available as a possibility period. During the course of the game both the vats are destroyed & the Master is killed. Period. All we have is the mutants - in one small corner of the world. Their only hope is to be assimilated into society - otherwise sooner or later they will be destroyed. Marcus understood that. The question, "Should the Master have realized that his plan would work as he had been sweet-talked by the Diplomatic character" is only one question among others.

What? Why period?
You can end Fallout by joining the mutant cause. The ending is legitimate, and voids the storyline of FO2. That's how this kind of continuity works - and that is the premise of this thread.
You can't just arbitrarily change premise :D
zegh8578 said:
You can't just arbitrarily change premise :D

Why not? It's only a premise after all. Darwin arbitrarily changed a premise & successfully substituted his own. (Or did he?)

In any case, turning your back on your vault & joining the enemy historically means you have no friends. Both sides are going to hate you. But heck, it's only a game. Maybe the Master was wrong after all. Maybe he wasn't from his point of view. It's one man's opnion against another's. The majority wins - or do they? Who knows?

Who cares?
Philos said:
No, the vats are not available as a possibility[,] period. During the course of the game both the vats are destroyed & the Master is killed. Period. All we have is the mutants (...) The question, "Should the Master have realized that his plan would work as he had been sweet-talked by the Diplomatic character" is only one question among others.

I'll chalk this one up to miscommunication. Of course with the vats destroyed, there is no future for the Super Mutants, as their population is unsustainable - even if they are functionally immortal and not normally die from old age (again, I'll pin this one on their telomeres being constantly repaired by their bodies and not being shortened, similar to stem cells, not some bogus "rapid regeneration") - they would be picked off one by one by accidents, natural disasters and an neverending wave of vengeful "subhumans". Integrating into society would only prolong their species' battle for survival.

So why bother discussing that in the first place?

The OP discusses the Master's attitude specifically, at which point in the game it is unknown if the Vats had been destroyed, and certainly the master is very much alive. Period.

Take it from there to chapter n+1.
The premise of this thread was a "what if" scenario. Of course, with the Cathedral and then Mariposa destroyed (according to the Vault Dweller's Memoirs that was the order of destruction) the Unity was effectively destroyed.
I can understand the original question & the reason for posing it, but - unless I'm missing something - if the mutants "win" then the game as such immediately ends because the only really important goal in the game is the Vault getting a water chip. Once that is in any way made impossible, there's no point in continuing the game. The Overseer has the final say-so (may he burn in hell!).
Yes, you're missing something.
It's discussion about lore, not about gamey/mechanics stuff.
As X12 said, "what if" Master would win etc. etc.