alec said:
It's time someone wrote an article about the obvious generation gap in the world of gaming. Kids nowadays are developing new standards for what they think gaming should be all about. Even though we dislike the idea, FO3 will be remembered by them. As a really awesome game. And there's nothing we can do about it.
And how old are you sir? just curious, it seems to relate to the phenomenon you're describing, it'd help me understand where you're coming from to know.
I myself am 28, and I've been a fan of the Fallout series since Fallout 1 which I bought around Christmas at the end of 1999, in a double pack with Fallout 2. That Christmas I sat down and played through I believe both, though perhaps Fallout 2 was after I got back home from vacation. Anyway... I would've been 19 at the time and I loved Fallout 1 so much, it immediately had a place in my top 5 games of all time. (FYI the others in there are Thief: The Dark Project, System Shock 2, Zelda: Ocarina of Time, and StarCraft)
Fallout 2 on the other hand... while it had some parts I liked, overall I was pretty disappointed with it. It struck me as so juvenile, too many low brow jokes, nonstop... I can take a dash of that, but the game was just laden with it. Then there were those aliens you'd encounter that were very clearly a reference to the Alien movies, and my memory is hazy here but I just seem to recall that I felt like I couldn't walk two feet without bumping into either a pop culture reference, or a junior high grade sex joke. I'm *no* prude, believe me, but these factors really made me feel like Fallout 1 had had it's good name sort of trampled on before my very eyes. I was not surprised in the least to learn later that a different group of devs had made it than Fallout 1.
Later I got my hands on Tactics, I actually enjoyed it quite a bit. I think it gets a bad rap and I'm not really sure why. Fun game.
BOS I rented at one point, played about 20 minutes of it before I got sick of it, it just felt really sloppy and bad. I think it's reputation seems deserved. Then again... I have a friend who played it and it was the only Fallout game he has ever played, and he said it was quite good in his view... so perhaps if you don't have the other Fallout games to judge it by, maybe it really does have something to it *shrug* I don't know. I don't have any plans to play it again.
Well, so that leaves Fallout 3... which is obviously what we're talking about here. I just wanted to give you guys some background on my history with the series, I had an account here some years ago I believe but just made a new one to reply to this thread because I forgot what that old one was called... so since this is sort of an introduction post for me I hope you will all forgive the wordiness.
Anyway... Fallout 3. Personally, I think it's fantastic. It's not perfect but it's a really amazing achievement as far as I'm concerned. I've had my gripes with it, like the immortal children thing, and just to prove that point about not being a prude with Fallout 2 stuff I said... I actually think Fallout 3 could stand to have more sex related material in it.
Still, I would rate it something like a 9.7 or 9.8 out of 10 for sure. The more I play it the more I realize how great it is, I'm up to like 135 hours played and I simply don't do that... very very rare for me to spend that much time in one game unless you count a MMORPG. With Oblivion and Morrowind, frankly I lost interest... I wanted to like them a lot more than I did. Something about both games just failed to grab me. I appreciated the skill involved in crafting them, I liked being given a big sand box world to play around in... but I think it was just sort of too generic and bland for me.
With Fallout 3 Bethesda has really redeemed themselves in my eyes, and it's not that they were really maligned in my eyes before, I just was growing increasingly worried about how bland and generic their games felt, my first exposure to them was Daggerfall when I was 16 in '96 and it felt like while some things about their games were improving, obviously, other things were backsliding... I couldn't quite put my finger on it but like I said, Morrowind and Oblivion just weren't holding my interest.
This time, with Fallout 3, it's holding my interest big time. There's always some new area or wrinkle I find to keep me going... and I think they absolutely nailed the Fallout world and feel. I don't understand people who say it isn't really a Fallout game... hell, much as Fallout 2 annoyed me and much as I felt it was a slap in the face to Fallout 1, you'd never catch me claiming it didn't deserve the "2" in it's name or anything silly like that.
Face it, when you get right down to it it seems that the Fallout series has been a troubled one, no 2 Fallout games have ever really been made by the same group of people. Now, I imagine a few did carry over from Fallout 1 to 2, but from what I've heard it was almost a complete change out of the dev team right?
So yea, to act like this is some rock solid series that was going along just fine until Bethesda got their grimey mits on it and ruined everything... seems rather silly to me. The series had at least 1, many would say 2 questionable entries already, it had pretty much withered on the vine, and I think everyone should at least be glad for Bethesda keeping it alive.
I'm glad for much more than that, I think it's a fantastic game. What really bugs me is when other long time fans of the series tell me I'm not a real fan because I like Fallout 3... very arrogant.