Will the Democratic filibuster be disabled?

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Tone wasn't banned because of insults, he was banned because of stubborn stupidity. I can only agree with Rosh here, Tone stopped making a decent argument a few posts back and refused to see where Rosh had called him on disrespecting the military, while it was quite obvious. It's not, in my opinion, an unjustified ban. It's too bad this means he's banned from TO for those two weeks as well.
I just don't like that they both resorted to attacking the other person with insults. A good discussion needs not these things.
Strider said:
If Tone takes a ban, then I think Rosh should take a ban himself. I saw no more slander and personal attack from Tone than I did from Rosh.

It wasn't about personal attacks.

I just don't like that they both resorted to attacking the other person with insults. A good discussion needs not these things.

Hey, did you miss the part where Sander pointed out that it wasn't about personal attacks? I don't care what you like or don't like, and this isn't The Order.

Personally I think you both should get off your holier than thou horses, take a deep breath and read the dirt you have both written about each other. What happened to keeping the mudflinging to a minimum? Neither of you obviously was going to be the better man and back down.

Please explain to be how any self and service-respecting soldier could really condone the insult to the deaths and risk of personnel for fraudulent reasons, which is later excused after-the-fact by a prideful Air Force officer using weak validation for a full-scale invasion and coup d'etat. Of course, most older troops tend to have some idea that it isn't a "turkey shoot, only they wear towels on their heads" , and treat it seriously as kids are having to live for the rest of their lives with human blood on their hands. Apparently I paid enough attention to the vets to see what that does to most people at such an age.

Yes, I know it is expected and a definite possibility to need to kill someone when you enlist or accept a commission, but it's yet another thing that they have to live the rest of their lives with, which can be particularly traumatizing to those who killed in the name of a lie.

Integrity, my ass.

I really want to hear your excuse for that since you presume to act as some kind of judge on the topic.
I won't pretend to know much about the US military, so I can't really say much in this debate. What I can say tho is that the ban was valid, somewhat borderline but it's still a valid temp ban.

Many have understood now that I've made a mod to ban only Tone from the NMA forums and not the hosted forums, so he can still access those and pm's.

As a previous army man myself, I can see where this is all coming from. But I'll butt out because I don't know much about the US military, besides the fact that we always kicked the Navy Seals ass each time they had a NATO excersise up North.

And if anyone was wondering, I'm an ex armoured division communications corporal/sergant.
I gotta agree with Rosh on one thing though, its no Turkey shoot unless Turkeys somhow have learned to shoot back. One thing most Chair Force personel wont encounter.
Some very well thought out and memorable quotes from this enlightening discussion....

Rosh said:
Think before you post your petulant idiocy
Your frightful ignorance on this subject.........
It is a pity you're too bent on herd mentality...
So far, you've been a coward in this thread.....
....if your prideful ass had bothered to notice.
You are STILL a coward for your previous weak validation.....
....that point was brought up, COWARD.
...like a cowardly and prideful "little brass"....
...you post some incredibly moronic bit.....
...which proves nothing other than you're an idiot....
No, shithead.....
I have no time to waste on a dishonorable excuse for an officer.
Something your feeble learning capacity was obviously overwhelmed by with your pride, as per usual in this topic.
Maybe if they had bothered to teach you how to read.....
Otherwise you come off as a prideful fuckwit.......
Hence, you are STILL a coward.
...in lieu of a reply to your continued bullshit....
Apparently it wasn't monosyllabic enough or in crayon for your to be able to understand clearly enough.
You disgust me, deckape.
....you're too stupid to understand it.
...Lt. Shitbags.

And to cap off the backrubbing from above...
Rosh said:
Frankly, this has been nothing but a trolling spree on your behalf

«ºTone Caponeº» said:
Rosh, you're pathetic.
Forget it Rosh, you have no credibility.
You are just a civvy Rosh.
You[r] attitude is the one that's appalling.
I'm waiting for you to connect the dots.
....I think you're just a bit looney.
Are you so limited in your thinking....

Tone was not as direct, but did show a bit of sarcasm and slight disrespect.

I do award the gold medal of trolling to Rosh though. Very well played out guys! Good work!
Strider said:
Some very well thought out and memorable quotes from this enlightening discussion....

It appears you aren't capable of understanding a point unless it's repeated multiple times for your benefit as well.

I do award the gold medal of trolling to Rosh though. Very well played out guys! Good work!

Nice try, moron, but try to learn what trolling consists of before you make yourself into more of an idiot.
Roshambo said:
Nice try, moron, but try to learn what trolling consists of before you make yourself into more of an idiot.

Taken from Wikipedia:

"The response of someone accused of trolling can vary widely from hurt indignation to verbal abuse, raising the stakes with inflammatory remarks maligning the motivation of the accuser.

Trolling is often described as an online version of the breaching experiment, where social boundaries and rules of etiquette are broken."
Strider said:
Taken from Wikipedia:

"The response of someone accused of trolling can vary widely from hurt indignation to verbal abuse, raising the stakes with inflammatory remarks maligning the motivation of the accuser.

And hence, wrongfully accusing someone of trolling when in fact they were just flaming someone who was creating controversy without adding content to the discussion.

On that note:

The response of someone banned due to trolling can vary widely from hurt indignation to crying "Gestapo", raising the stakes with sulking remarks maligning the reasons of the admin. :)

Trolling is often described as an online version of the breaching experiment, where social boundaries and rules of etiquette are broken."

Close, but in the netiquette sense, quite wrong. It is the intent to disrupt conversation by drawing away from the topic by means of tangents and other logic fallacies. Flames to ire people is one method of trolling, when there is no purpose nor background to them. The difference between trolling and flaming is a simple one, which it seems many people have a problem understanding, context.

Also taken from Wikipedia:

"An Internet troll, a person who posts messages that create controversy without adding content to the discussion."

As most people beside the martyrs have noticed so far, I have kept to the discussion almost ad nauseum when the other party kept trying to twist it into a number of tangents using fallacies (and succeeded, given that some clueless twit decided to defend him), yet I flamed the hell out of someone whom I consider to be a liability in a uniform.

Amusingly enough, you have since failed to add anything to this discussion other than another addition to a particular database entry.

Another troll banned to The Order.
try to repeatedly stuff my mouth...
mouth stuffing tactic.
done little but stuff my mouth
mouth stuff others
Again, more mouth-stuffing
you constantly mouth-stuff me

alright, alright.....enough w/the 'mouth stuffing'!
you're getting me hot.
3 minutes??

dude, do you just constantly refresh the board, hoping for another poster to ban, or do you set it up to e-mail you on reply, so you can hurry over for more banning?
No, I had just noticed it after refreshing the forum. Since there seems to be an error in the ban mod, I'll just take care of the problem in a more reliable solution. Take a week to grow a clue.
Jesus Christ people, Enough.

Vat this fucking Topic ang get it over with.

rosh, Seriously, Enough.

Vat this and let it be done.

Lock it at least. This is getting out of hand.

Everyone So far as I have seen has gotten at least a LITTLE out of line.


Elissar - more than a little annoyed that people let this get THIS out of hand.
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