Still Mildly Glowing

Oh, that's right. I like to imagine that it fires the MFC as the hi-velocity projectile. It drains the cell quickly to power the coils, and then launches the semi empty shell out, which explodes on contact.
Yeah, my problem is that power armor is supposed to make you much stronger than a human can possibly be. With a power armor, you should have like, 40 strength, regardless of how strong you would be without it. That is the whole point of the power armor, being much stronger than the strongest human, and not even Predator-era Aahnold can use a minigun in real life.DirkGently said:@Mr. Bazooka: I'd put my money on them being explosives; they just deal plasma-type damage.
@Hassknecht: I think its fair the way it is; if you have seven strength, you have seven strength. If you have normally, you have seven strength. If you have seven strength because of the bonus power armor gives you, then you have seven strength. Unforunately, due to what is undoubtedly a mixture of lazyness, uncreativity and engine difficulties, the game doesn't scale your character's appearance based on strength. There should be a system where the higher your strength, the more your character is built. Get up in to the seven+ range, and you start to look like Predator-era Arnold.
Hassknecht said:Yeah, my problem is that power armor is supposed to make you much stronger than a human can possibly be. With a power armor, you should have like, 40 strength, regardless of how strong you would be without it. That is the whole point of the power armor, being much stronger than the strongest human, and not even Predator-era Aahnold can use a minigun in real life.DirkGently said:@Mr. Bazooka: I'd put my money on them being explosives; they just deal plasma-type damage.
@Hassknecht: I think its fair the way it is; if you have seven strength, you have seven strength. If you have normally, you have seven strength. If you have seven strength because of the bonus power armor gives you, then you have seven strength. Unforunately, due to what is undoubtedly a mixture of lazyness, uncreativity and engine difficulties, the game doesn't scale your character's appearance based on strength. There should be a system where the higher your strength, the more your character is built. Get up in to the seven+ range, and you start to look like Predator-era Arnold.
But ok, it's a limitation of the SPECIAL system. Maybe you could work around it with a temporary perk "heavy ordnance" that you get while wearing power armor (or being a super mutant) that allows you to use miniguns (the plasmacaster looks like it could be used by a strong human, though).
At least, strength will have a purpose other than determining your carry weight and melee damage again, that's pretty cool.
/edit: Also, there is no such thing as plasma type damage in Fallout 3. There is just damage. Plasmagrenades are explosives with a different explosion and death animation.
DirkGently said:The miniguns in the games? Yeah, maybe not. But the M134 used *in* the movie by Jesse Ventura? There are version of that made to be wielded by foot soldiers. And they're also a larger, heavier caliber than the 5mm used in the game.
DirkGently said:Feasible? Not really. Awesome? Hell yes. Even a PA equipped soldier would have to have one hell of an amount of ammunition, something which would be difficult to maintain even when you're a strong as a dozen horses. It'd simply occupy too much space to be feasible.
DirkGently said:Also miniguns and modern day gatling guns *are* belt fed weapons, and typically support when they're mounted on anything other than a AC130 or an A-10.
DirkGently said:I'd definitely say a well trained, skilled soldier could effectively hold/aim/fire a M134.