Winchester P94 is back, baby.

If you're going for ridiculous, why not one of the 20mm rounds they fire from crazy rifles that are seven feet long.

I'm all for a man portable M2HB though. It's been fired from just about everything else. "There's not much in history that .50 has not been fired at or from".

Also, since we have PA strength, lets not make it a fire-from-the-hip weapon. Shoulder-fired, three barreled, 1400RPM 5mm minigun. Or hell, go more ridiculous and make it 4.7mm caseless.

EDIT: Or mount it on a steadycam arm and attach the trigger to the throttle control from a motorcycle. That'd be pr cool too.
Yeah, I'm all for a Steadicam-mounted MG42.
Also, independent targeting particle beam phalanxes.
Maybe PA-mounted sharp sticks.
Hipfired miniguns are cool. It's like "I shoot so many bullets per second, I can just hold it in your general direction and you'll be shred to pieces anyway". And considering the sound some miniguns make, you could just say: "I fart in your general direction!"
A portable GAU19 would be supremely awesome/ridiculous :D
I just realized that Fallout:Tactics had a portable M2HB, and it's strength requirement of 9 makes it practically PA limited. Awesome.
Fuck that, if we're wearing PA we could probably carry GAU-8 Avengers. 30mm of death. The only disappointing thing would be that you'd hear it before stuff died, which is blasphemy as far the GAU-8 is concerned.