Wolfhorn ranch and Ulysses

Stanislao Moulinsky

Vault Fossil
Just a piece of useless trivia I randomly discovered while checking the Vault, but in the Italian version Wolfhorn ranch is called "Accampamento di Ulysses" (Ulysses' camp).


So...yeah, I guess this is where the character was supposed to appear. Now the only mistery is why the Italian version has the original (?) name for the location.
Hah, I bet the name changed after the translation was work in progress already.

Maybe Ulysses was escaped from the Legion or such. Or he is working there secretly or whatever. Damn, I want moar information.
well found this after a short google search. No clue if its true though.



<center> "The day I set my flag down, it'll be over my body or over a nation I believe in." </center>

Ulysses is a cut character from the game. He was going to be a companion, and he was apparently going to be one complicated character. He was ultimately cut from the game, but an interview with Chris Avellone states that he might return in a future DLC.

So, care to discuss over this man?
He was going to be a follower, but they cut him for some reason or another.

EDIT: Ninja-ing son of a bitch.
well if its true I can only say I found the lidle info that is out there quite interesting. I would have loved to see such a rather dark character in the game. I think anyway that Fallout Vegas doesnt take it self serious enough anyway. But hey thats my oppinion.
Ulysses (the name itself) is interesting, because at first I took it to mean Odysseus, the clever Trojan War hero. But if that quote about being loyal to the flag, etc, is correct, then maybe it's also a reference to Ulysses "U.S." Grant.

BTW, Lexx, why do you only have two rad signs? I've wondered that for a while.
Kinda sounds like a guy who you're supposed to be able to mold to agree politically with whatever faction you align with over the course of the game, thereby providing some weight behind your (rather capricious) decisions.

It'd take a lotta writing, tho: Four endings plus three karmic zones equals twelve arguments to narrate.
Little Robot said:
BTW, Lexx, why do you only have two rad signs? I've wondered that for a while.

Interesting question. I don't know, never realized this.
considering when lexx registered here it might simply be the radiation decreasing over time *shrugs* who knows >_>

Though how did you found out about Ulysses ? There some ingame documents which refer to him ?
Crni Vuk said:
Though how did you found out about Ulysses ? There some ingame documents which refer to him ?

A brief mention in an interview with Avellone.

Have you ever written a quest or character that you loved but for whatever reason could not implement in the final game?

Yep, it happened in Fallout: New Vegas. There’s a character on one of the trading cards, Ulysses, who was supposed to be a companion. Oddly enough, tearing him out of the game was almost as hard as putting him in because companion scripts touch almost everything (and he also was a complicated character in terms of some of the hooks into the storyline). Maybe he’ll come back at some point. I miss him.
Hmm, that guy sounds pretty much interesting to me!

But since it seems that he's going back in a DLC only, I don't see him as a possible companion, sadly. :(

BTW: w00t! Dreadlocks!