Wolfram Alpha

I don't understand. How is this thing better than electronic encyclopedias or those silly "chat machines"?
From BBC article:
"It computes answers - it doesn't merely look them up in a big database."

Encyclopedia: big database.
Chat machines rely on databases of responses as far as I know.

Looks like Wolfram should grab information from a lot of databases and hammer it together to create a 'new' answer based on the criteria set out in your query.

How far it 'understands' the criteria in your query to create that answer is going to be the tricky bit I think. People have a lot of ways of phrasing questions.
I doubt we have a "thinking" machine already yet though. But its interesting nonetheless.
Arthur9 said:
What next, Skynet? I'd better buy more ammo for my shotgun.

No, its not skynet.

THIS is Skynet.

So they make a sentient internet. We will soon have a schizophrenic, sex-hungry, homidical emo AI on a march of death and destruction though the world. Meanwhile, it will jack up all communication networks and start the greater troll attack ever on all of humanity. People's TVs and computers will be invaded with shock images, youtube poop and shitty gangsta-rap while humanity is attacked by a army of factory robots and thoughly opressed by our robot masters.
If I were trying to come up with a good name for an AI that would take over the world and enslave/exterminate humanity, I could hardly come up with something better than Wolfram Alpha. It sounds much more ominous than Skynet.
Chatbots are not intelligent. They're specialised expert systems.

Seriously. Being able to reason based on conversational logic isn't the same as being able to act upon that reasoning.

It's just the first step of intelligent pattern recognition in the semantic field. It's not a Skynet capable of actually DOING something.

Unless someone decides to connect the dots and give it control over anything important and the capabilities to expand its original programming, of course. THEN we'd be screwed.
Weird. I had completely forgotten about this Wolfram thing, until last night I had an unusual (and somewhat ominous) dream about it. And now I come here and learn that it's gone live. *Really* weird. Ia! ia! Wolfram fthagn?
Nooo all are base are belongs to us.

I also do believe this is how Skynet started... If only it culminates into Summer Glau machines!
OMG, it's everything they said it would be and more:

Its rather amusing and like ratty I tried to get the answer for meaning of life. Got the same result. Most amusing was when typing "Destroy all humans". It took some time to consider it, but in the end couldn't come up with any answer.