Woman Charged With Having Sex With 8-Year-Old 'Boyfriend'

Bradylama said:
Something that's been bugging me for a long time. How would women gang-rape another woman?

Well, there could be many methods:

  • Tongues, like ConstipatedCraprunner said
    Multi-headed dildos
    Just plain S&M
    Mutual Masturbation
Back to the topic, the boy can't legally give consent, being 8, so it is rape. Even though if the roles were reversed (man + little girl), the general public's reaction would be 1000 times more severe.
Bad woman...lucky kid...well except for growing up either perverted and trying to hide/contain it or submit to castration to save himself.

Ya Wooz...I hate those things! The "New York Post" I see for sale around here looks like a tabloid with one article in huge print on the front...

As for Lauren...youve owned us all...now when can we return the favor?

On a lighter note...I'm just glad it wasnt a Romanian kid.

The Vault Dweller
Kid had it relatively lucky though. Its not uncommon for men to coerce sex with boys when compared with women doing so.

I'd source, but I don't have my textbook from last year here.
Tongues, like ConstipatedCraprunner said
Multi-headed dildos
Just plain S&M
Mutual Masturbation

There's no really good way to rape anybody with said methods except dildos, and good luck finding a dildo in prison.

More like sharpened toothbrush gang bang am I rite?
Bradylama said:
Tongues, like ConstipatedCraprunner said
Multi-headed dildos
Just plain S&M
Mutual Masturbation

There's no really good way to rape anybody with said methods except dildos, and good luck finding a dildo in prison.

More like sharpened toothbrush gang bang am I rite?

I saw a movie where a woman got raped by another woman with a bottle.


It WASN'T porn, dammit.
The_Vault_Dweller said:
On a lighter note...I'm just glad it wasnt a Romanian kid.

of course it's not a Romanian kid...

if it had been a Romanian kid, the title would've read: "Women bites off 8 year olds penis "
SuAside said:
if it had been a Romanian kid, the title would've read: "Women bites off 8 year olds penis "

I think if you've been a bad person in your past life, you will be reborn as a Romanian penis. That would explain a lot.
Readin gthrough these posts I have to say this one thing:

Vote Ashmodai for KING!
Ashmo said:
I think if you've been a bad person in your past life, you will be reborn as a Romanian penis. That would explain a lot.

So it's possible, then, that a man super glued a condom to the phallic reincarnation of Hitler?
calculon00 said:
Ashmo said:
I think if you've been a bad person in your past life, you will be reborn as a Romanian penis. That would explain a lot.

So it's possible, then, that a man super glued a condom to the phallic reincarnation of Hitler?

If that was the case, he was a hero and not the dumbass people think of him as.
SuAside said:
The_Vault_Dweller said:
On a lighter note...I'm just glad it wasnt a Romanian kid.

of course it's not a Romanian kid...

if it had been a Romanian kid, the title would've read: "Women bites off 8 year olds penis "

Or "Woman transplants 8 yr old's penis onto her own body for a laugh"