World map in Fallout II


First time out of the vault
After finishing Fallout, I eagerly slipped my Fallout 2 disk into the drive and installed away. I was happy with the same old goodness I enjoyed from the old game, but when I was prepared to leave the tribe of arroyo...

I was expecting something grand. A great upgrade from the old Fallout. An amazingly detailed map. Okay..well...maybe not that much, but I hoped it would look a bit cooler.
The moments followed were horror...
I was greeted with a horrendous immage...some kind of clunky interface. The actual buttons in the corner took up half of the screen.
I told myself, "maybe it just looks a bit ugly here, I should look arround to enjoy the rest"

I nearly had a heart attack.

The little cross wooshed across the map in superhuman speed, walking about the brown disgustingness...What the hell happened?
I loved the old world map, but this one...ugh
The guy just wizzes right past the map, and the surroundings are ugly as HELL

In fallout 1 I loved the map..but what happened with this one? It just looks wierd...Ive only played it for a bit but its just strange..what are your first views on it when you first saw the map?
Theres a way to alter your worldmap speed, but I dunno how.

Buttons in the corner taking up half of the screen? Screenshot please. Also, it might help to post your system specs.
It looks like they just took a satellite map, turned it brown to look more wastelandish and photoshoped a couple of bits on.

I think it's symbolic of Fallout 2 as a whole compared to the level and care of detail and attentioned as applied to Fallout.
Keep playing for a bit, soon you will find that the plot, and overall scripting of the game is not nearly as good as fallout. And the fact that noone in the whole fucking wasteland seems to sleep... besided you that is, its some what desturbing.
Yeah, fallout deffinatley had the best story *sniff*
It just doesnt seem the same anymore...
Come to think of it... you're absolutely right... the Fallout map was way more detailed. I actually used to visit all those citys and bomb craters and alike... just to see what was there.
why complain about the bloody surface when the rest is just.../insert your favorite word for describing Fallout 2/ :violent:
Heh heh heh, Jets not so bad... ish... From the discriptions a psyco addiction is worse. Fallout 2's plot is more humourous (well as humourous as genocide, murder, extortion, slavery, kidnapping, drug addiction, sex, booze, and nuclear fallout can get) and has less depth. It was a sad, sad day when i first popped that game into my cd-rom tray. But fear not, soon the advantages will slowly grow on you... Although you will never like it as much as the original.
You shouldn`t compare F1 and F2 to each other that much.

Both games are excellent in their own little ways, yes?

Remember the old wise words -" Life is like a box of chocolate, you never know what you are going to get, but you know you will end up shooting it with a gauss pistol, over and over again.."

Some dude says - yes...he is definitely on Jet :crazy:
Oh come on now, F2 isn't THAT bad. I'm playing through it again right now and having a good bit of fun. I just look at it as being more of a high production value mod than a retail sequel...

Even though I'll agree that F2 is definitely not on the same level as F1, that doesn't mean that F2 is automatically shit in every way (other than the push command). Though I suppose it's just a matter of opinion, even FOT doesn't deserve to be called the "apotheosis of brahmin dung" (though it's close). I'd reserve the definition for FOPOS.
I think F2 is more about the entertainment and F1 is more about the story... FO:T is more about weapons and FOPOS is about being the shitty-est game ever... methinks.
I meant compared to Fallout.

Compared to so called rpgs like dungeon siege, FO2 is an excellent game. Though you can see where the trend started that caused FOT.
What was the point of flaming him, FalloutDude? You just make yourself look like the stupid one, especially considering that everyone seems to agree with him- except for you. Maybe you should rethink your point of view, when you're in the clear minority it usually means you're wrong.