World map in Fallout II

re: attention to detail

if you go to california i think it is, the place where you get on the ship iirc. that whole beginning part of the map is incomplete. NOT ONE SHELF IN THE WHOLE AREA CONTAINS ANYTHING, none of the boxes or storage thingies either. there was a quest or two there, but otherwise it was really quite incomplete imho
Yah, they did alot of wierd things in San Fran, and like your post, it is a wierd thing since it has nothing to do with the world map
The strangest thig is the scale on the two maps compared to the time take travelling. As only 4 locations are on both maps you can compare their size. It seems that the FO2 maps is a couple of times larger than the orginal - therefore it would make sense that the speed on foot in FO2 would be a couple of times slower. Infact however its way too fast - (still depends on the machine as mentioned)

Below is a quick comparrison of Marposia MB and Vault 13 area.
Firstly look how damn much i had to scale the FO2 map!
Secondly, just look at the colour difference, one is brown and one is a mixture of blues, greys, and browns - no prizes for guessing which is which :P.
Thirdly, you'd think the designers would at least have attempted to make the area have roughly the same topography - there are mountain ranges where there were none before and no deserts were there were deserts.


All in all i really hate the FO2 map - its just a way to get from place to place and not really a fun part of the gaming experience as it was originally :(
Hotel California said:
Thirdly, you'd think the designers would at least have attempted to make the area have roughly the same topography - there are mountain ranges where there were none before and no deserts were there were deserts.

Earthquakes? Dirt in the wind? Mayve there footprints from the mastes army. Maybe that dinosaur footprint was from an unseen beast in the army? Gimme more Jet.

Maybe thas why a mountain appeare on top of Vault 15?