World map in Fallout II

requiem_for_a_starfury said:
IIRC it's hardcoded, though there is a mod that'll increase the rate of random encounters to 100%, check the downloads.

That's another gripe, in Fallout movement on the world map is fairly consistent no matter the specs of my pc. In Fallout 2 the faster my pc the faster the speed on the world map.

That is of course a bit annoying, but then you can chose to not use the car as at all or just use it as storage and drive sometimes when you got the trunk full of stuff you want to sell off
Try using fallout 2 with a 6 Ghz comp, I dont even see when im moving sometimes. I once managed to slow down the rate by opening up about 400 windows, but then all crazy stuff started happening. I Still prefer fallout to Fallout 2. Although it has less replay value, I can still remeber sneaking down into my basement before school or at 6 am, and playing fallout for hours, trying to find the water chip, or defeat the master. When it was fresh in your mind, it took months to play. I beat fallout 2 in about 4 days, I did all possible quests, talked to everyone, and generaly thought about snapping the cd. In first time gameplay and impressions, fallout 2 seems to get most peoples vote, although i think it sucks somewhat, while fallout always gets my fun jive going... and the fact i get freaking random encounters while playing on my small god of a pc.
Eh? Im just using over clocked dual p4's, I got no idea what company stuff came from, i got a computer expert friend of mine to make it for me. Come to think of it, that would be good information to have. Anyways, what does that have to do with how shittly crappily made the map and map scripts (As in the hardcoded map speed thingy) were made for fallout 2?
Argonnot said:
Try using fallout 2 with a 6 Ghz comp, I dont even see when im moving sometimes. I once managed to slow down the rate by opening up about 400 windows, but then all crazy stuff started happening. I Still prefer fallout to Fallout 2. Although it has less replay value, I can still remeber sneaking down into my basement before school or at 6 am, and playing fallout for hours, trying to find the water chip, or defeat the master. When it was fresh in your mind, it took months to play. I beat fallout 2 in about 4 days, I did all possible quests, talked to everyone, and generaly thought about snapping the cd. In first time gameplay and impressions, fallout 2 seems to get most peoples vote, although i think it sucks somewhat, while fallout always gets my fun jive going... and the fact i get freaking random encounters while playing on my small god of a pc.

How many hours did you play every day?

And did you really finish every quest in the game? I mean the big ones? I dont think so.
Argonnot said:
Eh? Im just using over clocked dual p4's, I got no idea what company stuff came from, i got a computer expert friend of mine to make it for me. Come to think of it, that would be good information to have. Anyways, what does that have to do with how shittly crappily made the map and map scripts (As in the hardcoded map speed thingy) were made for fallout 2?

I was just curious where you got the 6 Ghz clock speed from, since the only extant processor capable of that is the Xeon Pro (As far as I know) and it is meant for servers, not PCs. And it has everything to do with the map speed, since the faster your computer the faster the map goes.
im aware about the faster computer, faster map speed, tis why i dislike fallout 2, and all the possible quest i could complete, would be all the quests you can complete with a givin character type and disposition.
Argonnot said:
im aware about the faster computer, faster map speed, tis why i dislike fallout 2, and all the possible quest i could complete, would be all the quests you can complete with a givin character type and disposition.

None of the big ones then I suppose? at least not correctly

I think you dont like F2 cause you dont really get the game, and therefore dont appreciate it as much?
Yes, the big long boring quests too, and i dont like fallout 2 as much as fallout for the fact fallout 2 sucks moose balls in comparison to fallout.
Argonnot said:
Yes, the big long boring quests too, and i dont like fallout 2 as much as fallout for the fact fallout 2 sucks moose balls in comparison to fallout.

these moose balls you speak of... this is a nordic creature?


so if i am to read you right, you would rather suck on this ones balls than play F2?
No, im saying fallout 2 sucks the balls of said moose, when its compaired to fallout, but thats only my oppinion.
How romantically heroic. Leading a "rebel attitude" crusade on a forum that has already tolerated it enough and issued you two warnings due to your inept posting. Boy oh boy. This is like Don Quixote against the windmills, only against an aircraft carrier.

Digging up a thread to expertly comment a few words taken out of context isn't the best idea, either. Guess what? Nobody gives a flying fuck about your opinion, if you present it in such a naive way. What are you trying to prove? That NMA'ers are Teh Eville? Been done before. That NMA's police on moderating and cracking down on clueless people is...*gasp* OFFENSIVE? Oh noes!
I'm very very Sorry. I apologize for every time I offended anyone on these boards, I'm about to auto-flagellate myself with barbed wire. Ommge ommge, Isn't this forum all about unconditional love and understanding and helping no-matter the circumstances?

Anytime a poster posts something stupid, he's/she's going to be laughed at and have the fact thrown in the face. Deal with it. We get tens of new users a month, most of which can't post properly. The one or two newbs a month we get that can post without making imbecile statements, or that can take a remark without going RebelHeart are a happy relief.

Your sig is cool, by the way. And the second part refelects the type of attitude NMA's policing is about. No, we don't indulge noobs with benevolent laisser-faire when they don't bother to read the rules. Nor when they post blatantly stupid content and mouth off In A Righteous Anti-Establishment Attitude to the mods that are trying to keep the forum idiot-free. As Odin said, if you don't like the rules, get the fuck out. Nobody's going to cry about it, and your revendicative, "omg I'm gonna put EvilleQuotse in my sigge" childish attitude only makes you premium Rosh-Chow.
And plus, if your going to put an xfire mini profile in your sig, then at least have a good one:

Oh yeah... and i like the fallout 2 wordlmap and all that... yeh.
killaer said:
... A great upgrade from the old Fallout. An amazingly detailed map. Okay..well...maybe not that much, but I hoped it would look a bit cooler.
The moments followed were horror...
Well, lets just hope that they will not make the same mistakes they did in the second one, at the F3, but lets still hope they put a 2D minimap in it, cause it won't be fallout with out the map even though the game view would be 3D(if it's).
An obviously true statement: You can't make a dessert with invisible walls allover, you have to use exit grids and 2D map.
Is it so wrong to have an opinion?

And I like my Xfire profile thing, but yours is cool too.