Or just go to 'shell' and rape them out of the 'water-car' patent so we could finally get our cars which run on good old H2O (hell I even have drawn a picture of a possible closed system which would never ever have to refill once you've filled it. Hmmmz, maybe I should find out more about this and try to patent itTemo said:Fusion is the only possible alternate source of energy since all the other ones are too expensive or insufficient. You can use a solar battery roof to cool your house in the summer, but not much beyond that. If fusion is invented, humanity's future is safe, but alas scientists are still beating their heads against a brick wall.
Three words: Conservation of energy.MazeMouse said:And water power: Just see the closed system of a water-engine. use a little bit of electricity to get the electrolyse (sp?) going. Then 'burn' the 2xH2 + O2 back into H2O again and then use the H2O you just (re)created again in the electrolyse process again. The only thing you would need is and airtight system which would only contain H2 and O2 because otherwise you'd still get the CO- and CO2 exhaust.
The 'explosion' of burning the H2 would off course be used to drive a piston shaft.Big_T_UK said:Three words: Conservation of energy.MazeMouse said:And water power: Just see the closed system of a water-engine. use a little bit of electricity to get the electrolyse (sp?) going. Then 'burn' the 2xH2 + O2 back into H2O again and then use the H2O you just (re)created again in the electrolyse process again. The only thing you would need is and airtight system which would only contain H2 and O2 because otherwise you'd still get the CO- and CO2 exhaust.
You could not have a closed system like that, or rather you could if it was 100% efficient, but you couldn't take any energy out of it, or it'd stop working.
Ah, this explains it.MazeMouse said:The only 'external' input would be the fotocells (or any other means of generating electricity for the electrolyse) and the external output would be what you would use the H2 burning for. IN this case that would be using the 'explosion' to drive pistons (just like petrol does) and while doing that regaining your fuel.
Then I wonder how the 'ghell' they did it in any other way.Big_T_UK said:Ah, this explains it.MazeMouse said:The only 'external' input would be the fotocells (or any other means of generating electricity for the electrolyse) and the external output would be what you would use the H2 burning for. IN this case that would be using the 'explosion' to drive pistons (just like petrol does) and while doing that regaining your fuel.
That would not really be water powered. It would just be a very complicated photocell. The energy that you would get from the explosion of the hydrogen & oxygen would be the same as the energy needed to split them, so there'd be no net gain. You'd be better off using a standard photocell
EDIT - To be a bit more technichal, here's the chemical formulae. (I had to look these up, 's been a while since I did A-Level Chemistry at school)
Splitting H2O into H2 and O2:
2H2O -> 2H2 + O2, Δ G = +118 kcal.
Re-Combining the H2 & O2 into H2O:
2H2 + O2 -> 2H2O, Δ G = -118 kcal.
Explanation: The change in energy in the closed system is Δ G (delta G), if the number is positive, this means there is more energy locked up in the molecules after the reaction. Therefore you have to put energy into the system for the reaction to be possible. To split 2 moles of water, you need to put in 118 kCalories of energy (in this case electrical energy in the electrolysis tank). Conversely, the energy (kinetic in this case from the explosion) released by 2 moles of diHydrogen burning in 1 mole of diOxygen is 118 kCal.
So, even if you could "harvest" all the energy from the explosion (a 100% efficient process, and practically impossible), then you would still only have the energy taken in by the photocel to show for it, so you may as well not bother with the electrolysis/explosion reactions.
Big T - Tagged "Science" during character creation.
This would be true at a very high level of efficiency. Otherwise the amoun of energy "wasted" would make it pointless.Ozrat said:Just because you don't "gain" any energy by splitting and recombining the water molecules doesn't mean that it is "useless". It is an excellent way of storing that energy.
So what is the difference in effeciency and power between an electro-engine and a 'conventional' type of pistondriven engine?Big_T_UK said:This would be true at a very high level of efficiency. Otherwise the amoun of energy "wasted" would make it pointless.Ozrat said:Just because you don't "gain" any energy by splitting and recombining the water molecules doesn't mean that it is "useless". It is an excellent way of storing that energy.
Big_T_UK said:Three words: Conservation of energy.
You could not have a closed system like that, or rather you could if it was 100% efficient, but you couldn't take any energy out of it, or it'd stop working.
Ozrat said:ust because you don't "gain" any energy by splitting and recombining the water molecules doesn't mean that it is "useless". It is an excellent way of storing that energy.
MazeMouse said:So what is the difference in effeciency and power between an electro-engine and a 'conventional' type of pistondriven engine?
Temo said:Fusion is the only possible alternate source of energy since all the other ones are too expensive or insufficient. You can use a solar battery roof to cool your house in the summer, but not much beyond that. If fusion is invented, humanity's future is safe, but alas scientists are still beating their heads against a brick wall.
The most common kind of mutation caused by exposure to radiation is cancer. (Particularly Thyroid cancer IIRC)l0s7 4 lyf3 said:The only 'mutations' occuring as a result of radiation are just the body trying to adapt to the new enviroment.
Kahgan said:but lets all remember that every mutation in fallout was because of the FEV, scorpins for example wouldnt mutate, caus they can take an extreme ammount of radiation without being affected.....