World's greatest Philosopher?

I was under the impression that Kant was usually regarded as the greatest. Some of the others are pretty retarded, e.g. Plato.
Plato- retarded? Hmmmm..

An article on this-
Proles and polls
Jun 23rd 2005
From The Economist print edition
A spectre haunts the BBC

“DEMOCRACY is the road to socialism”, wrote Karl Marx: Britons seem to agree. Communism is in disarray these days, but BBC listeners have put its top brain at the front of a poll to find history's greatest philosopher.

Charlie Taylor, the man behind the vote, said Marx had “built up a commanding lead” over Ludwig Wittgenstein, an Austrian philosopher of language, in second place.

Voters have until the first week of July to choose from a list of 20 philosophers picked by “In Our Time”, a highbrow radio discussion programme. (Recent topics include theology in 12th-century Paris and “The Sublime: Defining the State of Awe”.)

What explains Marx's comeback? Rick Lewis, editor of Philosophy Now magazine, puts it down to name recognition. Eric Hobsbawm, a Marxist historian, thinks it stems from “his liberation from the Soviet Union and prediction of globalisation”. Madsen Pirie, president of the Adam Smith Institute, a libertarian think-tank, blames the voters. “The BBC audience,” he says “is increasingly isolated from reality”.

But, given that anyone can vote on the BBC website, there might be another explanation. Such online polls are notoriously open to meddling. Time Magazine's ‘Person of the Century' vote was the victim of a campaign to boost Ataturk, a Turkish politician. In 1996 Labour supporters organised the vote in another BBC poll to make Tony Blair the year's outstanding figure.

Far be it from The Economist to suggest foul play, despite Marxists' talent for poll-rigging and ballot-stuffing. Instead, we offer advice on tactical voting. Either John Locke or Adam Smith would command our vote, but neither made the shortlist. Of those remaining, J.S. Mill, author of modern liberalism and backer of both free speech and free trade, is our natural choice. Sadly, he hasn't much hope of victory.

In their place we suggest the current third-place candidate: a liberal sceptic and empiricist, a contemporary of Adam Smith and a man with a good shot at winning. Economist readers seeking to stop Marx should vote for David Hume.

Ah, modern disillusionment may have more to favor Marx than others.
I noticed that the poll only called for people to name the "favourite" philosopher, not the most clever or influential. Given that most people probably know jack shit about people like Schopenhauer or Adam Smith, it's no wonder Marx gets in the lead. People know his name, so they have something to click on.
John Uskglass said:
Karl Marx as a good philosopher?

I would hardly label Marx as a philosopher in the traditional sense.

He was a good thinker, though. Megalomaniac in his own way, but of sound mind 'n all

Kant and Aquinas for me, but talk about a skewed list. Nevermind the fact that Jesus and Muhammed aren't on there, where the hell is Confucius?

And one of my all-time favourites, Vladimir Sergeyevich Soloviev, is also missing.
World's greatest Philosopher?
I really don't think I can estimate this. Most of the Philosophers on that list are deontologist, but I made myself a worldview that I would classify as "scientific utilitarianism", so I'm not objective. Oh well...

(btw: "scientific utilitarianism" does not mean that I think scientific progress justifies all means)
Member of Khans said:
I really don't think I can estimate this. Most of the Philosophers on that list are deontologist, but I made myself a worldview that I would classify as "scientific utilitarianism", so I'm not objective. Oh well...

(btw: "scientific utilitarianism" does not mean that I think scientific progress justifies all means)

Sounds pretty Marxian to me, mate.
I would hardly label Marx as a philosopher in the traditional sense.

I'd say historical materialism is still pretty much a philosophical theory in a traditional sense. But, yeah, he was basically a political economist.

What is pretty sad is that neither Epicurus, Zeno or Pyrrho are listed. Pyrrho would definitely be #1 by my book. Word.
Unlike Croatians, we don't label anyone who can write a book a "Philosopher".
I would vote for Nietzsche.
No one beats Nietzsche.
He figured out how reality works, you know (i.e. perpetual return).
And just about everything the guy said makes sense.

Schopenhauer would be second on my list.

Kallikles third (but not on the BBC list, alas...).
I'm gonna have to go with Nietzche as well. Everything he says makes sense, too much sense. Nietzche is like a glaring identifier, to me, of precisely the kind of people I hate. As appealing as his philosophy, anybody that prescribes themself to it tends to be a douche.

So thanks to Nietzche for letting us better identify faux-intellectual douches. =/
alec said:
No one beats Nietzsche.

Except rock.

alec said:
He figured out how reality works, you know (i.e. perpetual return).

I haven't read Nietzsche himself on the subject, but all that I've read or heard about "perpetual return" was completely illogical.
Kharn said:
Sounds pretty Marxian to me, mate.
Marx was a wise man, what does not mean I share all his views 8)
He was to generalizing in his thoughts and his ideas on economics were way to idealistic. So he does not deserve to win this poll, imho.

Per said:
alec said:
No one beats Nietzsche.

Except rock.
:clap: :rockon:

And Nietzsche... I don't like his fanatic atheism. Scientifically spoken there is no way to prove that "god" (whatsoever you think he/she/it could be) doesn't exist. Thus any kind of exaggerated atheism piss me of as much as religious fundamentalism. :roll:
DirtyDreamDesigner said:
Anyways, Nietzsche and Adam Smith would be my favorites...
Also, more nihilists are needed, dangnabit! :mrgreen:

Adam Smith?!?!?! Sure, maybe as a political economist he was worhtwhile, but his only philosophy was his moral philosophy, which bit the bullet bigtime.

And Nietzsche sucked too. Sorry people