Worst gaming experience?


First time out of the vault
I have been on a console jag for a while since my last post here, and most recently I have been enduring a stinking pustule on my PS2's ass for a while now. This stinking pustule is Shadow of Rome.

My GOD, Capcom, you gave me my first teeny-tiny aneurysm. Very few games even get close to making me this angry. This screaming ball of putrescence that has defiled my console has almost NO redeeming qualities present in it.

Now most of you will say "Come on, Shadow of Rome is old." And I suppose you're kinda right. But when someone experiences such overwhelming hate towards an inanimate object for the first time in at least a decade, whether it's an older game or a newer one, that someone feels a strong desire to vent about it somewhere.

Now, keeping that in mind, I am quite sure that many other people here have gone through a similar type of agony (some more than others). And thusly I propose that you folks rant, bitch, scream and howl in rage in this thread about games you've "played" that have made you so angry you became ill. It's very entertaining to read such posts, so I've heard. And some would say it's cathartic, a cleansing of the soul (of course, that assumes you have one which for some people is rather doubtful).

If there was already a thread about this somewhere it didn't show up on the first two pages and I didn't wanna be a gravedigger. So shoot me. You wouldn't be the first to do so.
I started such a thread in 2003.

At least I think I did.

But maybe I didn't.

There is, however, a plenty of games that came close to giving me an aneurysm.

I just can't think of any.

For now.

Hold on...

I recall a few.

VtM: Bloodlines

Two minute loading time for an area I am about to spend barely 20 seconds in? Unacceptable. Loading times in that game are so long, that if I had been doing something productive instead of staring at the loading screen, by now I would have developed an operating system, found a cure for cancer and conquered Belgium.


5 hit points + 10 enemies with Tommy gun + no health pack in sight + no save option = insane asylum

Diablo II

I can take lag. I can take PKs. I can take ridiculously overpowered multishot lightning enchanted superunique enemies. But bloody hell, I can't take them all at the same time!

Shadow of the Beast

That game alienated me from platformers. It's like they purposefully designed it to make it utterly frustrating and impossibly difficult.

Project X

Project X did to me for sidescrolling shooters what Shadow of the Beast did for platformers.
Ratty said:
Diablo II

I can take lag. I can take PKs. I can take ridiculously overpowered multishot lightning enchanted superunique enemies. But bloody hell, I can't take them all at the same time!

PKing in D2 is quite hard... I've been playing it for a few years and I've only SEEN someone been PK'ed once...

Also, in D2, it's not the monsters that are overpowered, it's the players with hacked runewords and the likes...

Also, granted, lagging is deadly when fighting a superunique lightning enchanted superfast aura enchanted boss, but dying in D2 is totally not a bad thing: you lose some (worthless) gold and you have to take the town portal or waypoint back to where you died... To pick up your corpse. Unless you played HC. But did you?
clercqer said:
Also, granted, lagging is deadly when fighting a superunique lightning enchanted superfast aura enchanted boss, but dying in D2 is totally not a bad thing: you lose some (worthless) gold and you have to take the town portal or waypoint back to where you died... To pick up your corpse. Unless you played HC. But did you?
Well... no. But it's the principle! I refuse to die because of bloody lag!
Ratty said:
Diablo II

I can take lag. I can take PKs. I can take ridiculously overpowered multishot lightning enchanted superunique enemies. But bloody hell, I can't take them all at the same time!

D2: LoD. Been there, yupyupyup. Annoying 9-year old asswipes with a chip on their shoulders and a fondness for the "Hostile" button - and the screamingly overpowered Sorceress and Amazon (and perhaps barbarian as well) and the horribly neglected Necromancer (one of my favorite classes) and the wonky Assassin (another favorite). Then the 1.10 patch hit, creating a new ladder system that pitted everyone against everyone else and thusly destroyed camaraderie amongst gamers. And while 1.10 cut Sorcs down to size it did so to the extent of actually making them worthless - either they were idiot-savants in one elemental skilltree to benefit from skill synergies, or utterly gimped. 1.10 absolutely destroyed the Necromancer for the same reason the Sorc got gimped - speccing in more than one skill tree made the Necro a complete disaster (they had it hard enough before 1.10, thanks so much Blizzard). The only salvageable class IMHO was the Druid (#1 favorite, were-creatures FTW). Synergies weren't a bad idea - the way Blizz managed to fuck up such a good idea just dumbfounds me. I have fondly placed my Diablo II and Diablo II Lord of Destruction CDs in a drawer beneath my desk, likely never to be seen again... :cry:
The worst game I've ever played is Universal Combat. Although it promises it can do all this crap, it comes with no tutorial, no tool-tips, and no way to help a new player, which it really needs. The game is altogether confusing, glitchy, and with graphics that make the SNES look like a PC with dual-7800's.

Do not buy this game.

Not ever.
Ratty said:
I started such a thread in 2003.

At least I think I did.

But maybe I didn't.

Should have stickied it IMHO, as the antipode to the "10 Best Games" thread.

I would like to petition for this thread (or another like it) to be stickied next to "10 Best Games".
Baludr's Gate. At least until you get to some decent level+equipment (and/or Minsc), most of the combat for me was just hoping, praying and reloading, since the result of the combat was mostly a one-hit kill. Still, I like the game in general and once you get a decent party + equipment and stop dying in every battle that you have not tried for three times and have utterly prepared for four years in advance, it's OK.

Can't think of any others right now, because games in general don't piss me off like that - if the game is good I can take some annoyment, even if it does need a physical vent on my furniture, if it's not - I'll just drop it and play something that I like.
recently? I would say my worst gaming experience is Battlefield 2. A friend of mine said it was good, so I went to the store 2 months ago and spent $50 of hard earned money on it. After installing it, the performance was total crap on my machine on medium settings, yet it runs other games like Quake 4 perfectly. So I lower the settings even more to get it running somewhat smooth and start playing on random servers. It is just a BAD fps with underpowered weapons(I have to unload an entire clip of submachine rounds into someones chest to take them down) while getting constantly killed 5 seconds into gameplay by people whoring out attack helicopters, and tanks so they can spawn kill the other team nonstop. After several days of boring combat, surviving the vehicle whoring and idiot teammates, I deleted that piece of garbage, and went back to replaying some real games.

I had a horrible gaming experience with Baldur's Gate 1 too. When my entire party got killed off by 1 winter wolf, by one damn wolf, I just lost all interest in that game, considering I have BG2 and that game is 10000 times better.
Pick any of the Delta Force games, the pieces of crap that they are. Despite the fact that they look like shit they run like shit too, even on top of the range PC's.
Tomb Raider: The Last Revelations

17 hours beating the game all for a 30 second video of laura getting crushed.

Then again, every tomb Raider except #2 was terrible.

Even worse, Ive beaten them all, even the special pc versions
Those old point and click FMV Rebel Assault games. I remember getting them in some Lucasarts bundle I bought once, and they're just the pinnacle of uninspired Star Wars related crap.
Wasn't Tom Raider IV advertised as "the last title in the series"?

And didn't they release that "Angel of Darkness" or whatever emo console game within less than a year after that claim?

Really, the series went downhill ever since they gave Lara Croft a navel piercing.
Ashmo said:
Wasn't Tom Raider IV advertised as "the last title in the series"?

And didn't they release that "Angel of Darkness" or whatever emo console game within less than a year after that claim?
After "The Last Revelation" there was Tomb Raider Chronicles, then Tomb Raider: Angel Of Darkness, and now there's Tomb Raider: Legends coming out soon.

Xavierblazer said:
Then again, every tomb Raider except #2 was terrible.
I think Tomb Raiders each got better from first to 3rd, and then downhill starting with The Last Revelation (AoD being the worst - uninstalled the game and sold the CDs after an hour of gameplay - only exceptionally bad games receive a treatment like that from me). I'm kind of putting some careful hopes on "Legends", though from the videos it looks like my PC might not be able to carry it (without an upgrade).

Xavierblazer said:
Even worse, Ive beaten them all, even the special pc versions
Also, I don't understand what you mean "special" PC versions (and neither your sarcasm, if any) - PC versions were much better (in graphics and in the fact that you could save anywhere) IMO than the PlayStation originals - some of the most successful console->pc ports I've ever seen.
Some of the worst that I can remember were on the PSX. Star Wars Episode 1 : The Phantom Menace comes to mind. That game was so damn glitchy I had to restart a couple of times because my character got stuck in a wall. Other craptacular games that come to mind are FPOS obviously, The Guy Game, and Bards Tale. All subpar games that I wouldn't mind using as coasters.
I can't stop there though. I have been subjected to countless gaming atrocities over the years. Chuck Rock comes to mind. The game pissed me off so bad. Your a caveman that kills the badguys by using his belly. It is so hard to hit the baddies it's pointless. Yet I tried over and over again to play the game. Half my fault for playing the shit and half the developers for being so retarded.
Another game I wish I never played is Final Fantasy:Crystal Chronicles. I could not stand playing that crap for more than 2 hours then I took it back to the store.
Sometimes I have to kick myself for buying games like that, but if I didn't make myself play shit like that, I might not appreciate the good games as much.

Toront Rayne
Signing off from Baghdad.
Anyone ever play those games for Sega CD where they used video clips of real people and had very little interaction?

More Specifically, Sewer Sharks and Ground Zero Texas type games.

I think that system would have been the worst ever made, if it werent for Eye of the Beholder.

Shadowbird said:
Xavierblazer said:
Even worse, Ive beaten them all, even the special pc versions
Also, I don't understand what you mean "special" PC versions (and neither your sarcasm, if any) - PC versions were much better (in graphics and in the fact that you could save anywhere) IMO than the PlayStation originals - some of the most successful console->pc ports I've ever seen.
I think I was refering to the "Gold" Versions, which I guess wouldnt be all that special

Sarcastic in the fact that I did nothing but played a tomb raider game from age 11 to 13. Maybe I did one other unmentionable thing
Hey again TorontRayne.

DDR...a death by coronary waiting to happen for most gamers...or death by stomping a hole in the floor, or being embarrassed to death, or...

I refuse to play it. Like the music though.

The Vault Dweller
Hey Vault Dweller.

DDR isn't that bad.Its fun to watch my wife bounce.......
Dungeon Siege.

The most monotonous and frustrating game I've ever seen, or played. I honestly can't believe people liked it as much as they did. Sheesh.
Homeworld 2
Paid retail for that piece of shite.
The controls really need a full three dimensional controller. I happen to own one, thanks to my university's computer recycling program. (I also own 5 laptops, 2 laser printers, 2 telephones, 3 calculators, a microwave oven, and a mainfraime thanks to that lovely program... and a borrowed truck for the last item.) It's a "Spaceball". Yes, there is a product called a Spaceball. Anywho, does the game support this lovely item that it so truly needs? NO!
And then I find out that there is a unit cap and that on top of it the computer will always send a force outnumbering mine NO MATTER HOW MANY UNITS I BUILD, I gave the game away to a friend who I think now threw it away.