Would you like to see a new game in the planescape setting?

Well, the Planescape setting is somewhat confusing and overly complicated, as well as not nearly as interesting as many others, but it also has that special charm. I think the setting worked well in PS:T because the game was awesome enough to make it work. I doubt we'd see that again if someone else used the setting.
probably not the time PST saw the light as game was a different time for RPGs then today. The kind of games that might be similar are coming from the indi market and moders. Not realy from companies with comercial background anymore. Well I guess the "from gamers for gamers" idea isnt really applicable anymore
Well I guess the "from gamers for gamers" idea isnt really applicable anymore

It very much is, just in a different sense and from different companies than before. Now the philosophy is very much ripe in doujin/indie game circles.
Ausdoerrt said:
FR isn't overrated, it's just been getting old.
It's sooooo overrated. Forgotten Realms is where D&D transitioned from a game made by enthusiasts to a game made by marketeers.