Still Mildly Glowing

Thorium said:And there isnt a infinit supply of ammo. There are no factorys producing ammo anymore. New ammo would need to be handcrafted and would be very expensive.
I don't get why people go on about scavenging. If there was a catastrophic event that kills 80% of the world population, we'd have enough stuff lying around to cater for our grandchildren.
Even if a lot of the infrastructure gets destroyed - but we're more likely to perish then lifeless objects.
I find a more interesting question: What would be your plan of action after said event? Eg:
1. gather relatives, friends, strong folks (cannon fodder)
2. find transportation
3. store non-perishable food and water (canned food, military rations)
4. find secure place (easily defendable with escape routes)
5. discuss contingency plans with group, form task groups and watch duties
6. hoard knowledge: raid a library and get "how-tos" on everything important (farming, DIY, power generating, medicine)
7. raid a pharmacy for the basics
8. look for essential people, try to add them to your group (doctor, soldier, farmer, metal worker, carpenter, ...)
9. lure every good looking and intelligent woman to this infrastructure, under the guise that you have the best set-up for re-populating the world. As you've arranged all of the above, you clearly possess the best genes of the group, and are best fit for repopulation DNA.