Would you turn yourself into a Super Mutant if you could?

Would you let yourself be dipped into the VATS and be turned into a Super Mutant?

  • Hell yeah!

    Votes: 10 29.4%
  • Hell No!

    Votes: 16 47.1%
  • I'd rather be a ghoul honestly

    Votes: 8 23.5%

  • Total voters
Lily is my reason why I would not desire to become a Super Mutant. She loses her memories of all those people she loves and becomes someone else.
Tone done the segregation and I am in. I would love inifinite lifetime to learn about all scientific fields and read all fictions. And super-mutant seems the best option for immortality in fo universe. Not fond of being a ghoul or a brain in a jar...
Most Super Mutants don't seem smart enough for serious science, though. :>
And super-mutant seems the best option for immortality in fo universe.
In FO1, it is stated that a Super Mutant's lifespan is only 110% of a human. While that most likely was retconned, I see nothing indicating that Super Mutants were immortal.
Take a closer look at the initial message of that thread.

Lou is special, even Marcus is (both have their INT stat at 8). That makes two from all games, even the newer ones. Based on what we know, most Super Mutants simply aren't that smart, just like I wrote. Probably average at max with a few unique exceptions.
I believe, canonically, the reason the Master was seeking out Vault Dwellers was due to the fact radiation fucks with the Super Mutants' heads. People like Lieutenant were created from radiation pure humans while people like Harry were created from regular Wastelanders.

It's also possible Harry is just a dumbass.

As we see with the New Vegas Super Mutants, a game most gamers consider canonical with the original two, most Nightkin and Super Mutants are still less...erudite than Marcus.
most Nightkin
To be fair, the Nightkin of New Vegas are all suffering advanced versions of the afflictions affecting them (schizophrenia, fear of being watched etc.) along with a loss of purpose for having no true master.

The rest... not as many intelligent mutants seem to be around by the time of New Vegas (or most likely are in better hiding areas).
Get dipped and join the glorious ranks of the evolved human race? I see no other way to refine a prime normal.
(Of course I'm going to be 100% about being a super mutant.)

To understand super mutants (and the question posed within its defined parameters), becoming a super mutant doesn't naturally impose retardation in the subjects. However it is influenced by multiple factors such as;

Base line intelligence
Genetics (yes inherent genetic traits are a factor)
Exposure to energy such as radiation (Currently no scientific data on unacceptable exposure amounts that lead to deformity)
Purity of the FEV strain
Form of FEV strain exposure (liquid, gasous, etc..)
Condition in which the patient is "dipped" (lab settings vs. an oil drum)

Factors like these can greatly change the variables of individual metamorphosis. The end result of an ideal candidate coupled with correct exposure practices will yield a viable super mutant without the deformation of intellect. Granted sterility is still an issue, last I checked it could be a case of a hormonal reset. To break it down in lay man's terms it could simply require the newly metamorphosed meta human to go through puberty again.

However if this is not the case, if dipped, and the individual retained their intelligence. They could easily work with others of their ilk to correct the issue. The reason I think this is a viable strategy is because the Super mutant will now have a much longer life span.

Since the question does not impose the restriction of the Fallout setting, we are free to assume the individual in question will have or can obtain resources to find a solution to the imperfection.

Bear in mind that many of the cookie cutter super mutants that were created was during the fledgling use of the "dipping" technology, which over time, and through scientific progress yielded to better results and refined practices.

When you get down to it, humans are in a similar struggle. We humans are trying our best to delay the inevitable that is the conclusion of death. Either we evolve genetically or we jam ourselves into machines, the result is the same. The end of the Human species and the birth of another. The choice is whether we choose to evolve, or risk natural selection working in our favor.
Nah, wouldn't want to be a Super Mutant, especially when the human population is not exactly high after it got obliterated by a Nuclear war and one cannot reproduce as a super mutant (yet a fucking Deathclaw can and reproduces like rabbits..wut).
Lou is special, even Marcus is (both have their INT stat at 8). That makes two from all games, even the newer ones. Based on what we know, most Super Mutants simply aren't that smart, just like I wrote. Probably average at max with a few unique exceptions.

The point of the thread is to consider becoming a super-mutant while taking as granted that we keep intelligence. While it is always nice to mention the conditions to keep intelligence, it is a bit off topic as the initial question mention thatc this factor is took as granted.

If the question is " what would you do if you could fly?" It isn't much revelant to answer " I am unable to fly"

Anyway, even if my intelligence isn't improved, I would have more lifetime to study those field with the intelligence I already have.

About life expectancy, there is, so far, no mention of any super-mutant dying of old age. I take for granted that they don't until the first one does. Same for ghouls.
I would do it

I'd sit back and relax up in Jcobstown with Marcus

Smoke some of dat good stuff naw im sayin

im too white to smoke weeed