To anyone having trouble on the battlefield with this game try some of these tips:
1.) Only keep the cream of the crop as far as recruits go. If you hire 5 new soliders and 3 of them have 18 strength and 0 bravery, then SACK THEM. Hire new ones and repeat untill you have a crack squad. It costs some money but it's chump change in the long run.
2.) Your guys stats do matter. Dont give a rocket launcher to a weak, slow, or cowardly character. Give your most accurate weapon to your most accurate shooter with the most TUs and use him as a crack marksman.
3.) Form your guys into squads with defined roles. Trust me this helps immensely. Normally, I add a small tag on the end of a soldier's name when I hire them to give them a defined roll, and might change it as thier skills advance. The tags on the names also help you identify who's supposed to do what in the pre-mission loadout screens. Normally, here are the roles and tags I use:
- RF - Rifleman: Generic foot solider and most common. Has average to good stats overall. They're kind of expendable. Usually equipped with a rifle of whatever variety, and a few grenades. Don't load them up to much as a million grenades and stuff will slow them down. Don't give him a pistol, it's dead weight.
- HW - Heavy Weapons: The big guns, high strength and decent TU's and high bravery. You don't want the guy with the rocket launcher panicing. Usually equipped with a rocket launcher and a few rockets or auto-cannon, and later Fusion Launcher. Has a pistol for close range use or backup.
- MK - Marksman: Simply a Rifleman with exceptionally high accuracy. Use him to shoot first, and if possible reserve your riflemen to protect him in between turns (with interrupts). Give him a few more mags because he'll be shooting more than anyone else.
- SC - Scout: Speedy and sneaky. This is your solider with the highest TU and best reaction time. They're a quick support class. I usualy equip them with several grenades, a bunch of electroflares at night, a pistol, and a stun rod/stun launcher. That's right, the main combat weapon is a pistol. This keeps him fast and can provide the key close range snap shots if you get surprised. Also, it's always good to have stun weapons on you in the event that you run into a new species or commander. He also works as an effective grenadier.
- DM - Demolitions: Another modification of the rifleman class. Carries extra grenades, and one or two high explosives. People underestimate the HE packs. Have a few pesky aliens in a barn and don't want to risk getting shot climbing up the stairs? Just level the damn thing and fill the rubble with rockets.
- CM - Commander: Simply your highest ranking soldiers. You want to keep these guys protected, not only because they usualy have the highest stats, but also because the moral hit your troops take from having a squaddie killed are directly related to thier rank. Give this guy a rifle, and grenades/electroflares. Later you can train your commanders to be psionic troopers so they can be even more effective when they're hanging back.
So typically, If I have an 8-10 man squad, I'll have:
3-4 Riflemen
1 Marksman
0-1 Demolitions
1-2 Heavy Weapons
1 Commaner
1 Scout
+1 HWP (Don't bother with the cannon tank, just go rockets, then laser, plasma, etc.)
Move these guys in fireteams. For example, two riflemen on point, with the HW guy and Marksman behind them.
Dont' fret if you lose riflemen, they can be replaced. And don't be afraid to use FIREPOWER! Use grenades, use HE packs, and especially once you get a Rocket HWP, blow the crap out of buildings if you see one or two enemies in there. If anything, it will take down the wall, removing the enemy's cover and allow your riflemen to pick them off.
Blarg, now I have to go play it again.