X360A hands-on

Anal Beads said:
But seriously, it doesn’t matter what you create, you will never beat (we don’t think) the pure destructiveness of the “fat man”, Fallout 3’s very own mini nuclear catapult. You may have seen it make an appearance at the end of Bethesda’s E3 demonstrations but nothing could prepare me for the joy I had when I used it. I luckily stumbled across one when fighting through a bunch of severely pissed off super mutants at Washington’s Galaxy News Radio station and when their king pin, a Super Mutant Behemoth, came out of nowhere, I had no other choice than to use it. A carefully aimed shot (I actually missed the first shot *shock horror*) at this badboy’s chest and I was in awe of a destructive explosion that ensued followed by the trademark nuclear mushroom cloud.

"Dude, the ammo is going to be scarce for the fatman."

If you're one of the buffoons that claimed this earlier in the year, please read the above quote again. Enjoy.
Xenophile said:
Westbend said:
So one might wonder why there is a proliferance of retooled Soviet WW2 smg shotguns in the ruins of a highly anti-communist society...

hmm.. what type of weapons do you think China might wield in this version of the past-future.. seems pretty likely to me they would be... drum roll please.. knock-offs of soviet weapons. Seems to me that would be a pretty likely source and we know they had a presence on the continent.. I think their ordinance would propagate from the original source.

How does that make any real sense? For the amount of PPSHs shotguns we have seen raiders carrying around, China would have had to invaded Washington DC with a large army, and then conveniently died off in enviroments where their guns wouldnt rust into solid chunks after a month of exposure. There are only so many Chinese Commandos I belive would make it to the silly Shelter Pods (Wich are strangely unlooted even in the middle of a Raider encampment).

And last time I checked, Washington DC is almost on the opposite end of the globe to China. So in short no. The Chinese would not have a presence on the eastcoast. Stop defending Bethesdas lazy gameplay design and art direction.

The problem with their "shotgun" lies in the positioning of the drum IN RELATION TO THE RECEIVER AND CHAMBER, not that it has one.

The Drum is supposed to act as a magazine that feeds shells around inside of itself towards an opening at the top where they are pushed into the receiver and from there seated in the chamber.

By the way this weapon is designed the shells would have to leave the drum travelling upwards, be pushed rearwards the length of the forearm back to where the receiver is, then up into the feeder and forward from there into the chamber.

that would be the slowest, most impracticle and quite possibly the most easily screwed-up action of any semiauto/automatic gun ever.

If it was even possible or intelligent for this gun to work this way, it would be incredibly unreliable. (which shotguns are not supposed to be, by design)
realistically speaking there is no way to that PPSh-41 would end up mass-converted into a shotguns. first off to the best of my knowledge China never made PPSh-41s (at least not on a large scale, they made a lot of different weapons piecemeal during the Japanese occupation) so any PPSh-41s that exist in China are ones they bought or captured from the Soviets and almost certainly they would have been sold for scrap by now.

secondly the PPSh-41 fires a very low-powered 7.62x25 round using direct blowback and there is no way to convert its mechanism to fire shotgun shells. in a direct blowback gun the breech is unlocked and depends on the momentum of the bolt to keep the gun from blowing up. this works on OK for 7.62x25 but if you widened the barrel and bolt in a PPSh-41 and tried to make it shoot shotgun shells it would literally explode and probably embed the bolt in your forehead.

sure you could make further modifications to the gun to make it gas or recoil operated (that's how real auto-shotguns work) ... but then why does it look like a PPSh?

someone is going to reply that this is just a videogame so it doesn't matter but it matters to me, one of the things I liked about FO1 & FO2 was that they used real guns. as far as I'm concerned this is another step backwards.
oihrebwe said:
someone is going to reply that this is just a videogame so it doesn't matter but it matters to me, one of the things I liked about FO1 & FO2 was that they used real guns. as far as I'm concerned this is another step backwards.

I guess I should just mention that "it's a videogame, but it matters to me, too". That way, at least your prediction won't be realised through the first reply :)
I hate to point out the obvious.. but I am pretty sure I know why they designed the gun with the drum so far forward. I think it was to reduce the number of animations they had to make. the hand is in a natural spot for a rifle without a clip. Though I would have to look at the picture with the assault rifle to see if it is in the same spot. Perhaps the drum was too wide to fit between the trigger and the "rifle" hand position so they just put it forward.

I figure it was just a way to get another gun model in without multiplying the number of animations they needed. Since I imagine with the bullet time and whatnot they has a few per hand position.

I'll look at the other screens to see if all the rifles have the same placement.

EDIT: Hell.. I don't know.. from the weapons we have screens of there are several hand placement animations. Guess I could be wrong, but it seemed like they just wanted to keep the "rifle" animation, but looking at the screens I saw "rifle", "rifle with pistol grip", "Pistol/Submachinegun", "Fatman" and "grenades". Also looked like the had a bolt-action reload animation. Just seems to me they would try to keep the options reasonable. Wonder if they all have their own reload actions. I figured they would try to keep the animations down since they are going to have so many weapons, but I could be (hell probably am) wrong.
Scare said:
They should've stuck with this-
Yes. Now that's an automatic shotgun that makes sense and is cool looking. Plus, you know, it was in the original Fallouts. I guess Bethesda is just too concerned about being true to the originals to include weapons from them though. So much better for them to "improve" the game with crappy weapon designs.
Yes. Now that's an automatic shotgun that makes sense and is cool looking. Plus, you know, it was in the original Fallouts. I guess Bethesda is just too concerned about being true to the originals to include weapons from them though.

Jackhammer was only in FO2 and FOT, not in the original. And Bethesda was right not to include it in FO3, as a modern, real-world weapon.
Makagulfazel said:
"Dude, the ammo is going to be scarce for the fatman."

If you're one of the buffoons that claimed this earlier in the year, please read the above quote again. Enjoy.

I seriously doubt they're going to leave massive amounts of nuclear weaponry laying around. They did a great job with balance IMHO in Oblivion. You didn't find end-game weaponry until you were even close to being 'end game'. They're promoting it in the demos and it will likely be cleaned up before release.
Ghostsauce said:
I seriously doubt they're going to leave massive amounts of nuclear weaponry laying around. They did a great job with balance IMHO in Oblivion. You didn't find end-game weaponry until you were even close to being 'end game'. They're promoting it in the demos and it will likely be cleaned up before release.

That's because thanks to level and loot scaling they didn't exist in the game world until you reach an arbitrary level.
Right, and thank goodness. It ruins a game when you run straight to San Fran and get the Navarro quest and end up with Power Armor before you reach level 2. That kind of gaming is crap
Yeah, it's much better to become the arena champion, theives guild leader, mage's guild leader, dark brotherhood leader, fighter's guild leader and savior of the entire world as level 1.
Ghostsauce said:
Right, and thank goodness. It ruins a game when you run straight to San Fran and get the Navarro quest and end up with Power Armor before you reach level 2. That kind of gaming is crap


That kind of gaming is called using an exploit to ruin a game for yourself and generally being an idiot who can't beat a game without a walkthrough or guide that they got off of the net.

it's pretty much the same as what people do who cant beat a real FPS game:

they use god mode so they can see the whole single player campaign, yet miss out on the actual feel of the game as it was meant to be played.
Yeah. It would be ridiculously difficult to pull that off in Fallout 3 considering that level scaling doesn't exist. Do your homework, no?

@whirlingdervish: That was my point exactly.
Ghostsauce said:
level scaling doesn't exist. Do your homework, no?

Emil says the only reason you can't complete the game at level 1 is that the main quests give you enough exp to level up.
It's better than Oblivion though, I'll give you that.
PlanHex said:
It's better than Oblivion though, I'll give you that.

I don't even know about that, after that recent previewer managed to kill two or three Super Mutants at a measly level 3. Sure, it sounds better than Oblivion (hard not to), but I'm not willing to believe that just yet.
Ghostsauce said:
Right, and thank goodness. It ruins a game when you run straight to San Fran and get the Navarro quest and end up with Power Armor before you reach level 2. That kind of gaming is crap
Freedom = crap? You were just as free to NOT metagame and to NOT speedrun. It's your choice to 'ruin' the game by exploiting it. If you don't have the self control to refrain from it, that's your problem.

The point is that you could if you wanted to do that (while in Oblivion there wasn't even a chance of getting lucky and finding anything other than low-scaled loot early). The freedom was given and if you wanted to dump everything into Outdoorsman skill, were lucky enough to avoid getting killed by random encounter monsters and able to finally make it to these places early, you were rewarded. Unfortunately, playing the game with a faster computer seems to decrease encounters, which might make those who are not aware of that flaw to think it's easy to get there by design. I recommend using something which fixes this, such as killap's patch.
I've never liked the idea of level scaling, and think that how the world was handled in FO1 and 2 was just fine.

Sure, you could theoretically get power armour by level 2, but only if you knew exactly where to go and how to do it. Most new players (if not all) wouldn't have had this knowledge, and only would have been able to do it on a second or third run through.

Beth has done a game that I thought handled loot and whatnot fine, and that was Morrowind. I enjoyed how in Morrowind there were only two sets of the most powerful armour in the game, and they were scattered around in different pieces. Also, the mobs all had pre-set levels, so if you went to an area that you weren't supposed to go to, you'd get your ass handed to you.

Beth is trying to strike a balance between TES III and IV I think, but I wish they'd just dump the entire idea of scaling stuff, and give us a real RPG.