X360A hands-on

What the hell is the robot in this picture? Looks more like one of the dwarven machines from Morrowind than something I'd expect to see in a Fallout. I hope that's not the Protectron that BN praised. Also, that shotgun(?) with the ammo-drum near the front-end of the barrel is still unfathomably retarded.
Kyuu said:
What the hell is the robot in this picture? Looks more like one of the dwarven machines from Morrowind than something I'd expect to see in a Fallout. I hope that's not the Protectron that BN praised. Also, that shotgun(?) with the ammo-drum near the front-end of the barrel is still unfathomably retarded.
Looks a lot more like one of these http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tommy_gun than any kind of shotgun. And if I remember correctly the Protectron was supposed to be some sort of usher robot or a ticket clipper or something like that. Highly doubt this robot would be it.
A carefully aimed shot (I actually missed the first shot *shock horror*) at this badboy’s chest and I was in awe of a destructive explosion that ensued followed by the trademark nuclear mushroom cloud. I would go out on a limb and say that this is one of the greatest gaming weapons ever created!

Does NO ONE remember the nuke gun from Shadow Warrior?
Drum fed shotgun anyone?

Plus how hard is it to believe that there was tech that was not discovered/revealed in the FO franchise already, such that a new sentry bot could be FO3?
ArmorB said:
Drum fed shotgun anyone?
The issue is not the drum, but the location of the drum on the F3 shotgun.
Shotgun + short barrel = massive spread then add in the drum of ammo and it sounds like a really nasty short range gun. I don't see anything too aweful about it. This is a world of man portable laser and plasma weapons, it's pretty easy for me to accept many weapon options.
The more I look at those screen shots the more I think of STALKER...

true, and the more i look at them i don't understand how they could create an engine that can't do shadows. that stop sign looks like it's floating.
generalissimofurioso said:
Zaptoman said:
Does NO ONE remember the nuke gun from Shadow Warrior?


All systems ready.

"It is good day to die."


ahhhhhh, so much LAN fun :mrgreen:
ArmorB said:
^^ you use what would last and what works. The american stuff only lasts a few years, heh.

True, it would be plausible if it was the only one. Perhaps someone found an old collectors item PPSH and decided to make a shotgun out of it because of scarcity of its original ammo.
Sure, I can buy that, but after looking at all the vids available of the game, this is not the case. It has takern the place of the common shotgun, with every other Raider seemingly carrying one...

I attribute this gun to Bethesdas usual lack of originality, combined with their usual lazyness and use of heavy not-remade-enough "borrowing".

I am a 3D modeler myself, and if I had made something so blatantly obvious to its reference material, I would probably be fired.
ArmorB said:
Shotgun + short barrel = massive spread then add in the drum of ammo and it sounds like a really nasty short range gun. I don't see anything too aweful about it.
I'm no gun expert, but putting a heavy ammo-drum near the end of the barrel would seem to lead to an extremely poor weight distribution. Seems to me that gun would be unnecessarily difficult to handle and aim. There's a reason why there's no shotgun (or any other gun) in existence with an ammo-drum in that location.
Westbend said:
So one might wonder why there is a proliferance of retooled Soviet WW2 smg shotguns in the ruins of a highly anti-communist society...

hmm.. what type of weapons do you think China might wield in this version of the past-future.. seems pretty likely to me they would be... drum roll please.. knock-offs of soviet weapons. Seems to me that would be a pretty likely source and we know they had a presence on the continent.. I think their ordinance would propagate from the original source.
I don't think an army that uses power armor and plasma rifles are going to be toting around ww2 era weapons, especially not in abundance.
hmm.. what type of weapons do you think China might wield in this version of the past-future.. seems pretty likely to me they would be... drum roll please.. knock-offs of soviet weapons. Seems to me that would be a pretty likely source and we know they had a presence on the continent.. I think their ordinance would propagate from the original source.

China was the dominant communist nation, not the USSR in the Fallout world, so I'd expect the Soviets to use Chinese designs, not the other way around.