XBOX 360

What about Pitfall on the SNES? In fact, would PC games even still exist without consoles?
The Overseer said:
What about Pitfall on the SNES? In fact, would PC games even still exist without consoles?

Yes, and they probably wouldn't be dumbed down nor simplistic to try and cash in on the console crowd like some developers do.
The console world does seem a strange market. Three different companies battling it out so that people will choose their device to play games on. People avoid computers for gaming because they don't want to have to upgrade all the time and consoles are simple and made for games. But jeez, now, if you want to play all the console games, you have to buy three different systems... seems a lot easier to just buy a computer and get all of them.

And I'm not sure the release first, win strategy is always key. Didn't Sega try that with the Saturn and/or dreamcast? Mmmm that worked well.

Another thing that baffles me is, why are so many people so eager to spend so much money for a new system? While I'm a pc gamer at heart, there are still a great deal of console games on the older systems that i'm still interested in playing. No reason to lay 400 dollars for the system and then 60 for the games when I can continue enjoying hte stuff i have.
Just played some 360 at a friend's office. It rocks. Especially Condemned. That game alone is almost a reason to buy the damn thing.
SimpleMinded said:
Another thing that baffles me is, why are so many people so eager to spend so much money for a new system? While I'm a pc gamer at heart, there are still a great deal of console games on the older systems that i'm still interested in playing. No reason to lay 400 dollars for the system and then 60 for the games when I can continue enjoying hte stuff i have.

Survey Says:

Really, when you combine a market that is used to a weekly attention-span and shitty games that might only have 12 hours of total gameplay for $50 a pop, then it leaves a hollow feeling to the games for the experienced. The idiot cattle shell out the money and expect that to be business as usual. Sad, sad cockroaches. The console mentality is becoming very damaging to even PC development, in particular the development of cross-platform/console games. Ugh.
I'm thinking of getting it this summer, after the price s have dropped a bit and they've fixed all the bugs. I must say, I liked what I saw though. But I might still get a PS3 instead. If it wasn't for Condemned, agh.
The Overseer said:
I'm thinking of getting it this summer, after the price s have dropped a bit and they've fixed all the bugs. I must say, I liked what I saw though. But I might still get a PS3 instead. If it wasn't for Condemned, agh.

Simple. Wait for the PC version. Problem solved. :D
Fuck Condemned. There will be 5 other sequels within a 3 year period anyway. Play "Condemned 5.3 Super Omega edition" in a couple of years when the 360 is down to 150 bucks.
I could wait for the PC version, get a new PC for $2000, and play it. But I'd rather stick to the $300 or so Xbox 360.
The Overseer said:
I could wait for the PC version, get a new PC for $2000, and play it. But I'd rather stick to the $300 or so Xbox 360.

Bullshit. You could even get a $400 premade kit, preferably a reputable company. Then you take and get a bit more RAM. You might have to spend $100 for a new graphics card. Which are all part of basic yearly updates for a machine that can do far better than a console. Really, you have to ask yourself if your're interested in mainly action and shooter-based games, and the occasional, if laughable, "RPG" that whores out for the X-Brick. Aside from a couple of other titles, there doesn't seem to be any real purpose for owning an X-Brick: Running in Circles anytime soon. Hell, given the X-Brick, I don't see any reason at all. Most of their exclusive games tend to be a bit forgettable in terms of generic action crap.
Not really. Seeing the graphics featured in Condemned, I'll need a pretty beefy upgrade, and an expensive one too. I remember the last computer I bought about 4 years ago cost me like $2000. Then I got a new graphics card about a year ago for $100.

And when friends come over for gaming am I just going to let them sit next to me in front of the PC while I play Morrowind? Nothing beats the console when it comes to gaming with other people.
10 hours of gaming? Most PC games don't last much longer. And I've had plenty of Xbox games last longer than 10 hours.
The Overseer said:
Not really. Seeing the graphics featured in Condemned, I'll need a pretty beefy upgrade, and an expensive one too. I remember the last computer I bought about 4 years ago cost me like $2000. Then I got a new graphics card about a year ago for $100.

And when friends come over for gaming am I just going to let them sit next to me in front of the PC while I play Morrowind? Nothing beats the console when it comes to gaming with other people.
$2000? What the hell did you do to it?
Spend some $900 and you've got a system that will easily handle the newest games, probably including Condemned as well.
My current system cost $3000. Beat that.

As far as I can tell, the only edge consoles have over PC is the ability to play games in your armchair. But when one takes game selection, quality, technical execution and price / gaming time ratio into consideration, desktop computers still make the best gaming platform and consoles (especially XBox) are simply pathetic in comparison.
Graz'zt said:
But when one takes game selection, quality, technical execution and price / gaming time ratio into consideration, desktop computers still make the best gaming platform and consoles (especially XBox) are simply pathetic in comparison.

This is my main problem with consoles. You'd think that with hundreds of titles and one static, unchanging piece of hardware to make and optimize them for you'd be sitting on a gaming goldmine, but my experience has been that there are only about 2-3 games for each console that I actually enjoy playing - far too few for me to justify paying a few hundred dollars for one. And of those few I enjoy, replayability is even rarer; I loved Windwaker, for example, but after I beat it I had no desire to play it again for a long, long time.

Overseer hit it on the head; consoles are great for 2+ player games and PC's can't even compete in that category. For single-player and online games they're completely inferior to PC's though.
I'd say when it comes to online games they're pretty equal.

And single-player... It seems most games taken as examples here are American games. Play Final Fantasy or MGS, great stories there. That's the thing; American games tend to favor gameplay over story, and Japanese games the other way around (especially when it comes to the camera).

I soooo want to play Resident Evil 4. UGH!
The Overseer said:
10 hours of gaming? Most PC games don't last much longer.

Bullshit, really. I could name entire genres that prove this wrong. Strategy, CRPG (real ones), and pretty much anything that utilizes a keyboard and mouse - which most console games outside of the MMOG trash don't take advantage of because of the peripherals stigma.

The only ones that don't last more than 10 hours are the ones as insipid as the console trash - some lame FPS shooters and cross-platform games fucked because they developed it mainly for console. In other words, almost all of the X-Brick's library, for $50 a pop for crap that doesn't last the weekend.

Wow...I just bet you loved your Neo-Geo. :D

And I've had plenty of Xbox games last longer than 10 hours.

Unfortunately, they are the select few that comprise less than 5% of the X-Brick's library. So why should I pay $500 for an overpriced doorstop?

Also, $100 for a modern video card, yearly, isn't that much to expect.

You might actually have fun using it with a game that doesn't suck ass (Halo 2 or any other unimaginative console shooter, including the X-Brick version of UT), Unreal Tournament 2004. Fuck, the last halfway imaginative console shooter I have played was The Suffering, and that was pretty damn cliché in itself. It also didn't last more than 8 hours. That was found in the bargain bin, however. Second Sight was also...amusing, if short as well. Ooops, both of those came out for PS2.

So, I still don't see the reason to pay for $50 games on an limited console (still has limited input, and therefore, limited gameplay), for a select library of games I know I would not really care to pay that much for. I also don't see the purpose of paying a high price to watch a game play itself or moo at CG and gameplay that is repetitious as fuck (Final Fantasy). MGS might be nice, but all the lame clones that invade the market years later as trend-chasers, with developers stating it is the new way to go, isn't really my cup of hype to continue. Those that might be worthy of playing on the console also appear for the PC, and by the PC version the price will have gone down to at least $39.99 (because they don't have to charge the console license charge as overhead!), and so therefore I take my savings on the games I buy and use it for hardware upgrades.

As for friends coming over, there is such a thing called a LAN, which allows friends with jobs to hook up the computers they have. Then you can actually spend a weekend playing a game, versus flipping back and forth between games once hourly ennui sets in after you have played the game to death already, with well over a dozen hours left in the day to spare.

Really, I hate the X-Box. There's really nothing good about it, overall, except for the graphics. That is great for one kind of game, so I don't see the sense in essentially buying a console for one genre.
The Overseer said:
I soooo want to play Resident Evil 4. UGH!

You could pick up a new Gamecube for $99, a used one for half that - and unlike Sony and Microsoft, Nintendo builds their hardware to last so there's not much to worry about in buying a used one. IMO, the gamecube has the best games out of the current generation so it's more than worth it. I'm still waiting for the price of RE4 to drop a bit or a good used copy to turn up; I hear the controls have been 100% improved, but I had such a horrible experience with RE2 that I'm not going to pay anywhere near full price for another game in that series.
Montez said:
The Overseer said:
I soooo want to play Resident Evil 4. UGH!

You could pick up a new Gamecube for $99, a used one for half that - and unlike Sony and Microsoft, Nintendo builds their hardware to last so there's not much to worry about in buying a used one. IMO, the gamecube has the best games out of the current generation so it's more than worth it. I'm still waiting for the price of RE4 to drop a bit or a good used copy to turn up; I hear the controls have been 100% improved, but I had such a horrible experience with RE2 that I'm not going to pay anywhere near full price for another game in that series.

Aye, my only disappointment with my gamecube has been the fact that the games tend to take a ways longer to drop in price :-\. However, besides that, I've had a great deal of fun with it and frankly... if your concern is so big on playing games when friends come over, I'm surprised you spent 400 on an xbox 360 instead of 100 on a gamecube.

Also, Rosh, not sure if you were talking about the 360 or not but the games on the 360 are 60 bucks a pop, not 50 :).