XCOM 2 vs. Fallout 4: How to not alienate your fan base

Typical me, running things slightly off-topic and sharing a Reddit post again, but how true do you think this sentiment is? I found it and was interested in sharing it to see opinions here on it, and I know many will consider it naive and untrue, but I believe in many of the points and I sort of like the positive thinking in it.

(Yes, I know the post included Fallout 4 into the list of "great games", can we just ignore that part for the sake of this topic? There's plenty of other threads you can go and vent about Bethesda on, let's not descend this one into another roundabout. Thank you.)
Typical me, running things slightly off-topic and sharing a Reddit post again, but how true do you think this sentiment is? I found it and was interested in sharing it to see opinions here on it, and I know many will consider it naive and untrue, but I believe in many of the points and I sort of like the positive thinking in it.

(Yes, I know the post included Fallout 4 into the list of "great games", can we just ignore that part for the sake of this topic? There's plenty of other threads you can go and vent about Bethesda on, let's not descend this one into another roundabout. Thank you.)
I work very hard NOT to look at that website. It is as bad as YouTube comments.
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1. Dominance of Steam: Valve is a good company and Steam is popular with PC Gamers for good reason. But are over-dependence on it isn't really good for the market.

Oh I can fucking agree to that! Steam is WAY too dominant, and that means Valve under new management can really fuck over games if they wanted to.
Oh I can fucking agree to that! Steam is WAY too dominant, and that means Valve under new management can really fuck over games if they wanted to.

That's always the big issue with any monopoly and that's why monopolies tend to be touchy subjects. The current leadership won't last forever at Valve, and sooner or later someone who doesn't have the gamer's best interest at heart is going to be setting the stage. That's not a nice thought.

I work very hard NOT to look at that website. It is as bad as YouTube comments.

I spend the majority of my times on that website! It's not nearly as bad as you think. The thing is that it's a place that shares both the most intelligent of thoughts and the least intelligent of thoughts simultaneously. You know, just like real life, which is what I presume people dive into NMA to get away from. :razz:

Just that one page, read the top post only (do not scroll down if you're protective of your mind), ignore the Fallout 4 part, tell us whatchu think. If that's still a no, just tell us if you think the current state of the video game industry is in a good place. I think it is!
okay i'm lauging now. firaxis does alienate the old xcom fanbase by streamlining some gameplay stuff. like free aiming for example
Well, Bethesda did some really dubious design choice for Fallout 4 (fps, removal of skills (why are they even using S.P.E.C.I.A.L. at this point? 3 stats should be enough like Marksmanship, Endurance, Miscellaneous), uninspired crafting, map littered with power armor, legendary board of freezing #2077, useless unfun and broken as fuck settlement mini game, voice actor (and bad ones on top of that), yes/maybe(yes)/sarcastic(yes)/question dialogue option, gamebryo,...). But I doubt that they've alienate their fan base that much. Remember, neo-Fallout fanbase isn't Interplay or CRPG fanbase, it's Bethesda fanbase, and what they want is Skyrim, and they got what they desired.

As long as Bethesda hold the right on Fallout, we're never going to see an other CRPG.