You know you play too much Fallout when...


Companion to the Last Proton
1. You try to carry around 200 pounds with you for more than a minute. Outraged at being encumbered, you think "But... but... I have 8 strength."
When you get into a fight, and you expect the world to suddenly stop moving, and for an END TURN/END COMBAT panel to appear in the lower right of your vision.
4. When someone bigger than you starts a fight with you, you immediately run for ground which is inexplicably brown/green.
That was the lamest shit, ever.

5. Whenever you drop something, you scream "Noooo!!! Critical failure!!"
When you walk into someone's home and have the sudden urge to steal everything

Doesn't everyone get that urge?
You play too much Fallout when:

-You ask everyone you meet if their selling anything.
-You do favours for people expecting experience.
-Refer to your parent's basement as "My Vault".
-You feed stray dogs expecting them to fight loyally for you.
When you ask at your local shop if they have that blue cola.

When you mutter a description of everything you see under your breath. (Seriously, if you want to piss someone off, especially at work, try this one :D)

When you call your Mp3 player "Pipboy". (I do :~])
When you don't understand why people get so upset when they contract a VD. Who the fuck doesn't want a Vault Dweller?
When you're constantly picking stuff up "just in case it comes in handy sometime," and then handing it to your friends to hold it for you until you need it.