You like Dungeon Keeper?


Background Radiant
If so, you're a wonderful human being.

There's a sequel in the works. No Dungeon Keeper 3, no, War For The Overworld. (which was going to be the subtitle of DK3, actually)

It's a 'spiritual' successor made by pure DK3 fans. Not, as far as I can see, a professional game studio, but real fans. They've already done quite some work - in fact, it looks nearly finished - and it frankly looks amazing. It looks like everything one imagines DK3 would be if Bullfrog made it.

I can't urge you enough to take a look, and support them. It looks like it's going to be awesome.
DK1 was the best of the series, I'm having problems getting it to run on my machine though. Cautiously optimistic for this one!
Looks promising. Quite a big fan of the original.

I'll try the demo tonight after work and if it's any good, I'll pledge something.
Just yesterday videos came out from Peter Molyneux and TotalBiscuit showing degrees of support for the project. Been really excited for this, and it seems like now it really has a fighting chance. The devs have had an open ear for community input, and after seeing them cook up that demo in a few weeks time, I'm very interested to see what they can manage given adequate time, resources, and feedback.

If anyone has any questions, just ask and I'll try my best to answer them. If I don't have an answer from memory, I'll poke the devs in the IRC.

(Apologies for link storm. Putting down all the things I can think might be of interest.)

Relevant links:

Youtube Mirror of KS video featuring Richard Ridings:

Project Homepage:

IRC where both devs and community lurk (Stop in and say hello!):

Videos from TotalBiscuit and Peter Molyneux.

(Response video from the team thanking him:


Oh, this could have gotten quite a large sum of money. Of course, the constant stream of Kickstarter projects one right after the other will not permit that.

Double Fine's adventure is not out yet. Wasteland 2 is not out yet. Shadowrun is not out yet. Eternity is not out yet... Can't these developers wait?
I agree, there are a hell lot of projects in the works right now.

I guess not all of them will be succesfull or eventually the quality we hope for.

But we have to wait and see! I sure LOVE the idea of a new Dungeon Keeper game. I think Bullfrog had a lot of talent and some nice games (not just DK).

Anyway. I ve seen a lot of projects on Kickstarter now. But I also would like to see one of them at some point released. Just to see what they actually deliver.