Your Scariest character in the Fallout franchise

Vault Buster

First time out of the vault
Now I don't know if this has been posted but oh well. (also im trying to find the special forum spot for fallout 2 since I need help with that) But any who, Who was who you think was the scariest character in the whole Fallout franchise. I have 2 since I cant decide,for me the first one is in Fallout 2. Yeah that witch doctor dude Hakuunan (I don't know if I got the name correct). I know you might not find him scary in anyway,but he sometimes just pops up and scares the crap out of me with the "Chosen One Hurry up you fat bastard" I know what happens after if you get the GECK and I always think " ENCLAVE KIDNAP THEM ALREADY" because of the 13 year timer.... Wow 13 I feel like they're obviously trying to make a reference to Vault 13. But my scariest character is from Fallout 1. Yup its the master he creeps the Hell outta me seriously just look what happened to him an open stomach with a monitor inside :shock: But he has peoples' personalities downloaded so it's like Dissociative identity disorder! Though his body creeps me out
but how does he simply live like that! I ask my brother for his opinion and he simply says "it looks like that guy who had balls for a chin."
These were my opinions and sorry for it looking rushed I just woke up and signed up for this forum today so i'm pretty tired. Also like I stated up there before could you tell me where a forum spot where all fallout 2 is,if you could thankyou? Hope you guys have an nice day!! :D
The scariest Fallout character!

I think for me personally it would definitely be 'Frank Horrigan' from Fallout 2! I mean he is a 12ft tall, brainwashed Super mutant working for one of the most feared factions of the time! :D Plus as hardcore as he is, he is still extremely intimidating and that makes me feel he deserves a mention! He isn't a 'horror-type' scary character, but if I see him in the street I am not waiting to find out what he wants :D

Just do a quick search and check out some of his dialogue! Anyone who says stuff like this 'You're not a hero, you're just a walking corpse' has to be feared! :) I could also talk about every resident of Andale in Fallout 3, but that would take too long :D
woo1108 said:
Ghost people is scary but awesome
One of the best enemies in FO of all time, I'd say.

Mine are the Tuneleers. Holy fuck, I was scared of those. In case of Marked Men or Deathclaws you knew what to expect, but Tuneleers would attack in packs, disappear underground, deal surprisingly lot of damage and make this unnerving gurgle sounds. Not to mention they looked like some reptile goats (the first though I had seeing them). In a similar manner, Trogs from The Pitt were kind of scary too.
As for NPCs: Master (for obvious reasons) and Sargent Dornan - I was scared to choose any dialogue option because I thought he'll make the entire Navarro go after my ass if I choose wrong.
The Glow.

Yes, it's not a character, and no, I don't care.

That ruined facility has depth, thickness and quality to it that is basically tangible - it has its own character - greater than many other characters in video games.
Atomkilla said:
The Glow.

Yes, it's not a character, and no, I don't care.

That ruined facility has depth, thickness and quality to it that is basically tangible - it has its own character - greater than many other characters in video games.

yeah it's interesting how that place has changed for me. as a kid it was simply a spooky hole but as i grew older i began to really, really appreciate the depth of the place.

ha, depth.
Marked men. An endless supply of cruelly brutal, highly trained, well equipped, well organized, physically powerful vicious monsters whos only purpose in life is to kill. If all the fallout creatures were brought to the real world, marked men would be the most terrifying for me. At least deathclaws dont have human intelligence.
The Master: I mean he is a schizo, multi-headed, cannibalistic, psychic, multi-voiced, overseer like dictator, who likes like he crawled out of a crack that leads to the depths of hell itself.
woo1108 said:
In Wasteland, all the enemy from base Cochise.

This isn't about Wasteland, though.

...never got to Cochise. I need to replay that game, and finish it this time, ASAP.
Atomkilla said:
The Glow.

Yes, it's not a character, and no, I don't care.
Lay down the law, me bredda! =D

I'd still say mine is Horrigan. Earlier I was recounting to some friends (who'd played the modern FO titles, but not the originals) the scenario where you faced Horrigan, and it really took me back to the frightening moment where I was desperate to get off this SCARY place filled with SCARY people before the SCARY reactor blew it all sky-high, and I was blocked from my escape by this towering psycho with an imposing voice that could make concrete piss itself, backed up by his own squad of *more* SCARY people, in a room lined with security turrets backing him up. Thinking about the first time I had to face him (and how instantly he pulverized me) just refreshed my memory on how much that moment was genuinely frightening. Some people like to say that Vader was a pimp, but no, Horrigan was the true boss.
Ghost people scared the heebie jeebies out of me, and veras hologram.

Other than that, maybe the master and his army of fleshy abominations under the cathedral.
AlphaPromethean said:
Ghost people scared the heebie jeebies out of me, and veras hologram.

Other than that, maybe the master and his army of fleshy abominations under the cathedral.

I remember the first time I played Sierra Madre, before I encountered any Ghost People, I saw one doing a very weird walk. Like he was on the set of Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas and just took some Mescaline or something.

And then when I finally encountered one, I didn't completely know what Elijah meant by "they're hard to kill". So I used my hologram rifle and put one right in between his eyes, and dropped him immediately. I walked away all proud (and relieved that I didn't have to fight him) thinking "Elijah must be a puss, because these guys aren't that hard to kill. Then I remember hearing that weird noise they make and then just stopping. I very slowly turned around only to find a small splash of that blood/cloud crap they leave behind as blood, but no body.

Then I heard the noise behind me again. Again I very slowly turned around, only to find the bastard right in front of my face with his knife-spear weapon lifted in attacking mode. Made me almost jump out of my seat. I hesitated and shot without aiming, and hit him in the groin, knocking him down with the first shot. This time I was sure he had to be dead. His blood was all over the walls. So again I started walking again. Sure enough, ten seconds later, I heard that same creepy sound. I turned to look, and the body was gone again. So I took a look around the area, and couldn't find him anywhere. What the hell, where could he have gone? So, as I prepare to leave the area telling myself he up and left, I turned my character around and there he was again, right in front of my face. This time I shot him in the head at point blank range. His whole head came off. I didn't know if he was dead for sure however, so I took his knife-spear and just kept chopping and chopping until there was nothing left.

So then I continue on my journey to go get Dog, relieved after I just had a semi-intense battle, and I must have taken a wrong turn somewhere or something because, I literally walked in the middle of three or four of them. It freaked me out so hard, they all just stood there looking at me like "either hes really brave, or really stupid". I booked it out of there as fast as I could, and took shelter in one of the buildings to regroup and maybe find some supplies. Well, there was good news and bad news. The good news was, was that I stumbled upon one of Dean Dominos supply caches. The bad news was, was that after I took a moment to rest, I heard the creepy noise again.

Then I started to see their glowing eyes in the dark of the other rooms. Not their bodies, just the eyes. I got freaked out and went out of the building, only to find that, either those three I ran into tracked me, or these guys were new, but three more were waiting out side the building. I manned up and decided I would attempt to fight one (keep in mind I was only level 10), and, I got the best of one, but while I went in to deliver the killing blow (he was already unconscious, I just needed to make sure he didn't get back up) one of those bastards through one of those bombs and lit us all up into flames. I ran (my character probably screaming in pain) and finally found a safe place to hide out for awhile, after my flesh stopped burning.

So then I found an arrow point down an alleyway. "Whats that? Maybe Elijah telling me something?" So I followed it, and at the end of the alleyway it looked like there were a ton of those Sierra Madre chips and even some supplies. I ran towards in eager to get them and maybe buy some food or something that could heal me, and then BOOM! A shotgun went off and crippled both my legs.

Well, basically I had to run around Sierra Madre screwed up until I went to get Christine, and thankfully found some healing items.

Also, Sierra Madre reminded me of Silent Hill.

Cool story, bro. I'm serious.

I thought that Dead Money announcement on Vault at the time (or wherever I had seen it originally) ruined the experience for me, at least about that bit - in the news feed, there was basically written in big letters that the only way to kill those things was to chop 'em up. So yeah, that ruined it a scary element a lot, and Ghost People, although scary in beginning, quickly turned into an utter annoyance.

I was Level 20 something when I first visited Sierra, so that additionally helped.
The Master is one scary motherfucker. I knew how he looked because I'd seen screenshots before, and I knew you could talk him down because it's something the damn game is famous for. What I didn't know about was the Corridor Of Revulsion, and what I didn't notice for a few seconds was that it was sapping my health. Then I got to the (man?) himself, and something about the way he talked got to me. I guess he seemed a lot more forceful than I'd been expecting. I talked him down and was glad to get the hell out of there.
I made a point of avoiding ANY information about the various DLCs for New Vegas until I actually got them, so that I could avoid any and every spoiler possible. I'd made the "mistake" of spoiling the utter crap out of Fallout 3 by reading about the sections I was walking into ahead of time in the Official Guide (though, in retrospect, that's not that big of a deal; I can't imagine my experience of the game would've been THAT improved had it "surprised" me) so I was on a mission to let Fallout: New Vegas take me on its journey at its own pace, on its own terms.

But that wasn't enough to make Ghost People scary, to me. Their backstory was the scariest thing about them. But the actual Ghost People? They had a tendency to be killed "accidentally" by me on my first attempts because of critical hits I'd do which would tear off a limb. I didn't know that dismembering them was the key to killing them, they just died when I fought them almost every time. The first one who actually got back up did so right in front of me, because my methodical nature involves picking EVERY corpse clean- but not necessarily before I loot every surface leading up to every body -so I was staring right at the Ghost Person and had JUST finished removing its weapons when it got back up. It startled me, but the thing had been disarmed, so besides the brief startle, it was otherwise harmless.

I found far more fright in the actual atmosphere and setting of the Sierra Madre than in any of its inhabitants. It's long DEAD inhabitants were much more terrifying to me. Sure I was about 25 or 30ish when I first ventured to that cursed place, but during one of my "challenge myself" binges I crossed the Mojave Wasteland at level 1 without earning ANY experience and started Dead Money AT level 1, and it still didn't offer me much of a challenge. If the game hadn't been so crippled by the engine it was forced to use, or the producers would have ALLOWED a significant overhaul to render it a genuine challenge, then I'm sure the Ghost People would have presented me more of a scary experience due to being imposing, in combat, but because of the simplicity with which they were able to be approached, the thing I found scariest about them was their theme, not they themselves...

It is definitely true that the Master was terrifying when I first encountered him. Truth be told, if it wasn't for how MASSIVELY more difficult Fallout 2 was than its predecessor, if the journey to the Oil Rig and every bread crumb left of the trail with bits of the Enclave involved (let alone full encounters) weren't so intimidating, I might not have been in such a terrified state by the time I faced Horrigan, that my memories of traversing the Cathedral Vault and meeting the Master himself could possibly have never been eclipsed by that experience. Venturing deeper into that final Vault and seeing its inhabitants and the very walls become more and more twisted and unsettling certainly did make for a genuinely scary experience. Really most of Fallout itself was simply a terrifying and immersive experience. But ultimately even if I found most of the locales of Fallout 2 lacking in as much atmosphere and intensity, the game overall was so much more demanding and intimidating, and the presentation of its antagonists SO MUCH more imposing, that facing Horrigan truly replaced every memory I had of "fear" at that time. I was petrified to have to face him. I felt like enough of a badass at the end of Fallout that despite not knowing WHAT to expect, I was looking forward to it in the end. But there wasn't a single part of me that was looking forward to facing Horrigan. He was just too damn scary...