AlphaPromethean said:
Ghost people scared the heebie jeebies out of me, and veras hologram.
Other than that, maybe the master and his army of fleshy abominations under the cathedral.
I remember the first time I played Sierra Madre, before I encountered any Ghost People, I saw one doing a very weird walk. Like he was on the set of Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas and just took some Mescaline or something.
And then when I finally encountered one, I didn't completely know what Elijah meant by "they're hard to kill". So I used my hologram rifle and put one right in between his eyes, and dropped him immediately. I walked away all proud (and relieved that I didn't have to fight him) thinking "Elijah must be a puss, because these guys aren't
that hard to kill. Then I remember hearing that weird noise they make and then just stopping. I very slowly turned around only to find a small splash of that blood/cloud crap they leave behind as blood, but no body.
Then I heard the noise behind me again. Again I very slowly turned around, only to find the bastard right in front of my face with his knife-spear weapon lifted in attacking mode. Made me almost jump out of my seat. I hesitated and shot without aiming, and hit him in the groin, knocking him down with the first shot. This time I was sure he had to be dead. His blood was all over the walls. So again I started walking again. Sure enough, ten seconds later, I heard that same creepy sound. I turned to look, and the body was gone again. So I took a look around the area, and couldn't find him anywhere. What the hell, where could he have gone? So, as I prepare to leave the area telling myself he up and left, I turned my character around and there he was again, right in front of my face. This time I shot him in the head at point blank range. His whole head came off. I didn't know if he was dead for sure however, so I took his knife-spear and just kept chopping and chopping until there was nothing left.
So then I continue on my journey to go get Dog, relieved after I just had a semi-intense battle, and I must have taken a wrong turn somewhere or something because, I literally walked in the middle of three or four of them. It freaked me out so hard, they all just stood there looking at me like "either hes really brave, or really stupid". I booked it out of there as fast as I could, and took shelter in one of the buildings to regroup and maybe find some supplies. Well, there was good news and bad news. The good news was, was that I stumbled upon one of Dean Dominos supply caches. The bad news was, was that after I took a moment to rest, I heard the creepy noise again.
Then I started to see their glowing eyes in the dark of the other rooms. Not their bodies, just the eyes. I got freaked out and went out of the building, only to find that, either those three I ran into tracked me, or these guys were new, but three more were waiting out side the building. I manned up and decided I would attempt to fight one (keep in mind I was only level 10), and, I got the best of one, but while I went in to deliver the killing blow (he was already unconscious, I just needed to make sure he didn't get back up) one of those bastards through one of those bombs and lit us all up into flames. I ran (my character probably screaming in pain) and finally found a safe place to hide out for awhile, after my flesh stopped burning.
So then I found an arrow point down an alleyway. "Whats that? Maybe Elijah telling me something?" So I followed it, and at the end of the alleyway it looked like there were a ton of those Sierra Madre chips and even some supplies. I ran towards in eager to get them and maybe buy some food or something that could heal me, and then BOOM! A shotgun went off and crippled both my legs.
Well, basically I had to run around Sierra Madre screwed up until I went to get Christine, and thankfully found some healing items.
Also, Sierra Madre reminded me of Silent Hill.