Your thoughts on Dogmeat

How do you feel about Dogmeat Mk. IV? What do you like and dislike about him? How would you ameliorate him?

Before I commence, I’d like to admit that I’ve never directly played Fallout 4, I just watched my amigo play it, so my opinions probably aren’t worth much. Still, I’d like to do my part for the thread.

So first off, I’m getting the impression that he’s invincible; I have yet to see him expire. I really dislike that, because keeping him alive throughout the previous games (and Arcanum) was a fun challenge. There’s no drama when he’s in severe danger, much less when he’s gone since he can’t expire in the first place. From what I understand, he regenerates automatically, so the only reason why I would heal him is if I were impatient.

Second, there doesn’t seem to be any consequences of dragging him around other than that you’ll have to trade him to acquire a new party member. Arcanum had one consequence where you couldn’t bring him in trains, and there was a very minor one in Fallout 1 where clicking on him would annoy Katja, but even so, think of the potential that they wasted. What if somebody was allergic to canines? What if he smelt something funny about somebody (a Synth)? What if you had to chase him because he was wandering to somewhere interesting? Maybe features such as these exist somewhere, but from what I’ve seen, he’s just cannon fodder and a packmule.

Third, for some reason he now has an inventory, and from what I’ve read, a very large one too (he can carry several flamers). I know that Bethesda is going to defend this decision with ‘It doesn’t have to make sense! It’s a vidya game! Duh!’ but that doesn’t mean that they had to ignore common sense. Were it up to me, I would make the inventory optionable: make it a backpack that the protagonist could purchase from a store, and cramming it would encumber him.

Fourth, according to my friend, there’s no way to empower him using narcotics. All that you can do is inject him with stimpaks. That is quite disappointing, because I have fond memories of drugging him up and being impressed by how he made short work of raiders and gangsters. It’s quite unfortunate, because boosting him could really give him an edge that he di’n’t have before.

Finally, even though it might be considered cliché at this point, I’m not upset about having a canine companion again. I do think that it was lazy to just copy his name, but that’s not a major complaint. He’s cute (especially when he crouches with you), and it’s satisfying to see him tear up people, but I really wish that they had implemented him better. I like the idea of him.

As I’ve said, I’ve never played this product, so you are more than welcome to correct me.
He is innofensive with the exception of the part where you can't refuse to join the party.

It's really difficult to screw up a dog.
Couldn't they name it something else? Why in Bethesda's mind is every dog in the wasteland named Dogmeat?
It's a gimmick.

I don't mind gimmicks. But Fallout 4 is nothing but gimmicks with now RPG whatsoever.

Settlement crafting = gimmick
Dog = gimmick
Weapon/armor mods = gimmick

The whole game is one big giant marketing gimmick with no actual RPG game in there.
Dogmeat in Fallout 4 is not that great. First off they chose a German Shepard, which has to be one of the most boring breeds out there. They could have at least had an oversized Australian Cattle Dog like Fallout 3. Ideally though Dogmeat would be some Wasteland crossbreed mutt that looks halfway between dog and coyote. But nah, he's a boring pure bred German Shepard instead. Gameplay wise he's near useless and his constant pained whines get on my nerves.

The fact that there are now three dogs named Dogmeat in the Fallout canon has stopped bothering me, I've realized it's all part of the creepily brainwash-esque marketing of this game by trying to flanderize every "iconic" aspect of Fallout 3. The Ink Spots, Dogmeat, the Vault Boy etc.
Dogmeat in Fallout 4 is not that great. First off they chose a German Shepard, which has to be one of the most boring breeds out there. They could have at least had an oversized Australian Cattle Dog like Fallout 3. Ideally though Dogmeat would be some Wasteland crossbreed mutt that looks halfway between dog and coyote. But nah, he's a boring pure bred German Shepard instead. Gameplay wise he's near useless and his constant pained whines get on my nerves.

The fact that there are now three dogs named Dogmeat in the Fallout canon has stopped bothering me, I've realized it's all part of the creepily brainwash-esque marketing of this game by trying to flanderize every "iconic" aspect of Fallout 3. The Ink Spots, Dogmeat, the Vault Boy etc.

German shepherds are adorable and take super mutant sized dumps, what's not to love?

The Aussie Cattle Dog is definitely closer to Mad Max though, from where the whole dog and lone wanderer with a shotgun idea came from I think.
They're just boring generic army dogs. Plus the idea of a pure breed German Shepard just wandering around the Wasteland kinda rubs me the wrong way. It's not like in the first Fallout where Dogmeat was just some mutt that belonged to a Wanderer and got picked up by another one, no Dogmeat in Fallout 4 according to Mystic Meg is some independent free spirit that chooses you instead of you choosing him, which I find it aptly reflected by the fact that he's forced on you as part of the main fucking quest.
I'm just waiting for the new dog armor dlc.
It won't be official DLC.

DLC is made by the actual developers of the game. Bethesda's new enterprise was having modders make the DLC for them and then charging for it (they attempted to charge for mods). I am sure this was somehow their plan for F4 before all the consumer outrage ended paid mods on Steam.
I like how Dogmeat serves hardly any purpose in the game despite all the effort they went through to show what he could do.
That was their entire marketing strategy: talk about the dog, how Codsworth says 1000 names, settlement crafting, but NEVER talk about the game itself.

Well said, though you missed; Power armor, 2 new songs (as all the others are re-used) and shooting stuff.
Oddly enough 1, 2 and NV have slight spoilers for the main quest in the trailer. FO3 and FO4 does not.
In my opinion I'm getting sick and tired of dogs being put in every new Fallout named Dogmeat. The only purpose he serves is for being some important figure in the main story. I mean how the fuck does Mama Murphy know his name? How does Nick Valentine? Everybody seems so know him, why does he teleport to Kellogg Cornflakes' house?
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