I finally made it to Vegas after reaching all of the checkpoints for the main storyline (Primm, Nipton, Novac, Boulder City). I just wanted to see the Strip because it seemed to be the most happening place in the game.
For those who have reached the Strip:
Is it just me, or does it seem small? I haven't yet entered any casinos except the Lucky 38, so I may not have enough experience to judge properly, but already I feel like I hyped up New Vegas to be something it totally is not. Two zones with a handful of casinos and other sights seem like a tiny amount of content for what is the focal point of this entire game.
For those who know everything about Mr. House (LAST WARNING MASSIVE GOD DAMN SPOILERS):
I was level 12 when I reached Mr. House. Still, I had an ample amount of firepower and combat ability as well as high Science skill. After speaking to him (and failing to save my game after the conversation :/) I noticed a terminal to my left.
I hacked the terminal with ease and unlocked the door to the antechamber and started getting shot at by all the bots. I then went into the room and hacked the next terminal with ease and took an elevator to a catwalk.
I have found Mr. House. He's a 261 year old human trapped in a chamber that is keeping him alive for so long. Lonely bastard.
Memories of the Master aside, is it just me or is Mr. House way too easy to reach and kill? The only difficulty would have been to get downstairs to the Strip, where Boone and ED-E could have helped me dispatch all the guards with ease.
I don't mind the terminal requiring lower than 100 Science to hack because non-Science people need to hack it as well if they want to off the guy, but there were literally no defenses outside of running past the security bots to the hacking terminals. The terminal that unlocks his sealed chamber also required nothing special to activate.
For those who have reached the Strip:
Is it just me, or does it seem small? I haven't yet entered any casinos except the Lucky 38, so I may not have enough experience to judge properly, but already I feel like I hyped up New Vegas to be something it totally is not. Two zones with a handful of casinos and other sights seem like a tiny amount of content for what is the focal point of this entire game.
For those who know everything about Mr. House (LAST WARNING MASSIVE GOD DAMN SPOILERS):
I was level 12 when I reached Mr. House. Still, I had an ample amount of firepower and combat ability as well as high Science skill. After speaking to him (and failing to save my game after the conversation :/) I noticed a terminal to my left.
I hacked the terminal with ease and unlocked the door to the antechamber and started getting shot at by all the bots. I then went into the room and hacked the next terminal with ease and took an elevator to a catwalk.
I have found Mr. House. He's a 261 year old human trapped in a chamber that is keeping him alive for so long. Lonely bastard.
Memories of the Master aside, is it just me or is Mr. House way too easy to reach and kill? The only difficulty would have been to get downstairs to the Strip, where Boone and ED-E could have helped me dispatch all the guards with ease.
I don't mind the terminal requiring lower than 100 Science to hack because non-Science people need to hack it as well if they want to off the guy, but there were literally no defenses outside of running past the security bots to the hacking terminals. The terminal that unlocks his sealed chamber also required nothing special to activate.