zombie survival guide

It would actually be pretty neat as a random encounter, maybe a mod, to find a bunch of ghouls standing in the middle of the desert muttering about brains... Kind of like the "Moo, I say, moo." encounter. :P The ghouls have always reminded me of zombies anyway, at least their world models and hwo they move. - Colt
Johnny Toxxic said:
Finally a topic deserving of my zombie hatred.

Nice post here.

Ok, lets assume that the zombies are George Romero type zombies. This means that they can't climb fences, swim or move fast.

But zombies tend to climb through fences, and they can climb on top of each other, if there are enough zombies. After all, when have you ever heard of a zombie waiting in line for dinner? As for move fast- it seems zombies can move fast for short distances, but only one or two steps. what matters is how slow you're going. More importantly they don't stop.

As for swimming- I am not sure. Just because we don't know of any zombies that float, doesn't mean they couldn't. There seems little to stop a zombie from floating- as dead people.

- Shooting them should only ever happen when there are too many of them to handle with melee weapons. Eventually you'll run out of bullets. An axe never gets low on ammo.

I agree with this, but I am thinking what is really needed is a long club. An axe handle might get you within grab range, and if they can reach out and touch you, they're probably too close.

Maybe a golf club would be the better weapon if it were strong enough. Or an aluminum bat. A spiked club could cause problems if it gets stuck in the zombie's skull. It might put down the first zombie, but you don't want to be prying it lose while other zombies are coming up.

Because remember, where there is one zombie, there might be another.

- Tight clothing is for your protection. I would also add that you should wear a LOT of clothing and do it in layers. This prevents any bites getting through and breaking the skin.

A wise thought, but the problem with heavy clothes are- (1) It gets pretty damn hot, and (2) too much clothes can restrict movement.

I hear they have a shark suit that is good against Great Whites- but no one has tested it yet. Maybe that would work. Realistically, I think that some of the outfits worn in 28 days later- riot gear, would probably be the most practical.

- Always have a "Zombie Buddy"TM. What is a "Zombie Buddy"TM? A "Zombie Buddy"TM is a person that is fatter and slower than you. You don't have to outrun the zombie menace, just your "Zombie Buddy"TM.

Clever, but don't forget, your zombie buddy might come after you.

- Since you do't know how long the zombie menace will last make sure you live in a temperate area. No sense in avoin the zombies by travelling to the arctic if you can't live the rest of your days there easily.

But you might be less likely to meet zombies in different climates. For example, zombies might get frozen in Alaska and thaw out in the Spring. In tropical places, the zombies might get "ripe" fast, and quickly fall away.

- If you live in a big city and the zombie menace is made public you should stay where you are for a few days. the highways will be full of people stuck in traffic snarls and they will, in all likelyhood, not have a "Zombie Buddy"TM. If you give it a few days, you can pick your way out of the city and avoid becoming a zombie while waiting for the jackass in front of you to merge into traffic.

I would have to think that the best defense is a good escape. Dawn of the Dead, escape by helicopter, is probably your best bet. Moving through the streets for weeks, even in an armored car or one of those big garbage trucks would be dicey. If zombies break out in your urban neighborhood, the best strategy would probably be to get out the shotguns and can food, because you and your baby are staying home for damn long time.

- Zombies never sleep. Until you are away from the population centers you should only sleep a little, and never on the ground/groud floor.

Again, problem here is that zombies don't get tired either, but you will. Too little sleep over too much time and you'll lose your edge. Since the zombie population will likely grow faster than it will decline, especially in the early days of the crisis, you're risk will increase while your ability to deal with it decreases. Not good.

I think if you need to sleep the book's suggestion is a good one. Go up the stairs and then destroy the stairs beneath you. But always plan for an escape.

If these are Romero zombies, you can probably outrun them for awhile. But if they are 28 days later zombies, and they get you trapped, you're fucked. Even if you shoot them, you'll be drawing more in.

Which raises another interesting thought- sound. For reasons unclear the zombies are attracted by sound. This might be a good time to try out that home made silencer. If you can pop the occassional zombie in the head without the others knowing about it, well, life would be easier.

- Zombies only know one tactic: "Brains..." Know the layout of the place you are and come up with plans of attack and, more importantly, means of escape.

I agree, always plan your backdoor.

In this sense the best strategy is probably a mix offense/defense. A group of people, armed with an assortment of weapons- melee and ranged, that can take territory they need but also defend it well enough that they can make good an escape.

That's all of my zombie tactics for now. Remember: zombies aren't your friends, but they may have been.

And sex with a zombie friend is still necrophilia, just more exciting.
Sorry, got the name wrong, the game is both Give Me the Brain and Lord of the Fries from Cheapass Games.

Give Me the Brain Game Description said:
Welcome to Friedey's, the Fast Food Restraunt of the Damned. You and your Zombie co-workers have a lot of work to do, and there's only one Brain to pass around.

But don't let that bother you too much.

Working here doesn't usually require it.

Give Me The Brain is a hilarious card game set at Friedey's, the fast food restaurant of the damned. The object is simple: play out your hand. The problem is, a lot of the cards require a Brain, and you've only got one to pass around.[/url]

As for the topic on hand, some of my own thoughts, some from the book, which I own a copy of.

If you are looking at a serious outbreak, with large numbers of zombies, fences are no help. They will just pile up and climb over one another until they surmount the fence.

Zombies, if their bodies are really dead, would both sink and float (it's a complicated topic). Dead people initially sink, but as they decompose, gas builds up to a point where the body floats to the surface. So it all depends on if zombies continue to decompose and the amount of time they have been dead.

Still, zombies may be in the water, so if you come close enough to the bottom, they can still bite you (even if they are on the bottom). The book actually talks about zombies in water.

I don't remember what melee weapon the book favors , but it does speak highly of the crow bar, which happens to be personal favorite. It is a useful tool and a weapon at the same time. You can use it as a blunt object to bash, or as a spike to impale. Very versatile and useful if you are fleeing from zombies through a city.

The problem about clothing is the same as Welsh mentioned, it is a trade off between protection and mobility. You could possibly wear a suit of armour, but the zombies would strip it off given the fact you couldn't outrun them. The best bet might be protective gear that prevent knife-cuts, here is an example. It still limits your mobility though, so which is more important? Not to mention availability.

A group of skilled people, with the equipment to fight zombies, to travel with would prove better than a Zombie Buddy"TM. Someone has to keep guard while you sleep, after all.

The book mentions escape as well. The trick is to have a prepared location to escape to, a group of people to escape with, and to have everyone check for suspicious activity. This means you escape before everyone else. Pay attention to news report, the government won't be able to cover up a zombie outbreak completely, look for towns being quarantined by the military and such actions that would be indicative of a government cover-up of a zombie outbreak. With an entire group searching for such information, someone should catch it, and contact everyone else. The roads will still be bad, because groups of survivors would set up barricades, and no one will be moving the cars littering the streets. A government might even do something drastic, like nuking an infected city, even if you are still in it.

Situation is drastically improved if you live in a rural area.

Err... nothing to say about the rest of it.

Just remember the lesson we learned in Shawn of the Dead and in Planescape: Torment before that. If we can overcome the zombies, we can harness them for menial tasks.
I have always been hesitant about the idea of creating a slave society of zombies. It's like keeping dogs. You can have all sorts of protection and guard against escape, but sooner or later they are going to get loose.

A false sense of security is perhaps your greatest danger.

Now the idea of groups is an interesting one. It is unlikely that you will find such a group of concern citizens that share a similar phobia to zombies. Should you start contacting people saying, "Hey lets build shelters, stockpile food and get lots of guns in the event of a zombie outbreak," well, people will just think your loonie and toss your ass into the looney bin.

And do you really want to be in a straight jacket and a rubber room when the zombies come knocking?

So let's say you join a community of the zombie aware, but what kind of community will they be.

Remember, in an insane society, the same man will appear insane.

So you are fucked that way too.

Do you really want to be with someone in a small fortified farmhouse who keeps going on and on how "the dead rising from the grave" is yet another sign of the impending biblical apocalpse. Or a group of crazed militant radicals who have stockpiled supplies and weapons for just such an outbreak, and it was luck that you're dealing with zombies and not nuclear war?

Frankly, I can't stand either commies or christians. Give that, I think I'd rather go on my own and take my chances with the zombies. Say what you will about zombies at least they won't bore you death.
don't let this be you!


avoid inviting relatives to thanksgiving dinner, especially if they could be zombies.
I was just wondering...how do zombies percieve the living? Is it possible to disguise yourself as one to hide amongst them?

The Vault Dweller
From the little bits of the guide that I read at the bookstore... I think that the supposed virus makes it so that those with it can sense the virus in others, maybe through smell. Of course, I think that the guide essentially assumes that the zombies have been created by a type of virus that shuts down your higher brain functions and uses some other form of energy than oxygen. Your blood stops circulating and other organs shut down because they're not needed now. This would actually be a fairly good military weapon if unleashed upon enemy troops. They'd start attacking each other and then you could just fly in and napalm the whole lot of them with no one to shoot back at you. - Colt
That's part of the book actually. That the virus has continued to survive in the laboratories of the Soviets, Chinese, and Japanese (not in that order). Mentions various stories from those laboratories.
@ Kotario- yes, indeed the crowbar is supposed to be the best zombie melee weapon. It can be used for more than just bashing the living dead; it is a useful tool.

Also, I mentioned the scenario of Romero-type zombies because they are the ones most likely to be encountered. If we have an outbreak with the zombies that are in the latest incarnation of "Dawn of the Dead" a lot of these tactics won't work. They were supernaturally fast (fast enough to chase cars and busses), could climb (Romero zombies have never been shown to climb) and they were absolutely relentless.

On the subject of smell and zombies: there is a graphic novel called The Walking Dead that shows that zombies can be fooled by wearing the stench of death. Foul and repugnant as that sounds, it could possibly be a way to gain time to gather supplies or get away from the dead.

Which brings me to the subject of the people you associate with in a zombie survival situation: choose wisely. In EVERY movie/book/graphic novel it isn't the zombies that fuck you, it is the lame ass bastards with whom you are stuck with. The zombie's only motive is brains. Your associates' motives can run the entire spectrum; survival, greed, envy, and hatred, are all possibilities.

For the clothing bit I say wear lots of layers because if it is hot you can remove some of those layers and still be afforded some protection. If you do the same with a sharkbite suit or riot gear you are defenseless without it. Plus it takes almost no time to put on a jacket and zip it up. I don't know if the same can be said of any other protection.

@The_Vault_Dweller- The problem with fire is that it takes a lot to burn a body. It takes a lot of energy and time to properly cremate a loved one. You would probably not need to cremate every zombie but how much does it take to render a zombie nearly harmless with fire? Since it is assumed that they feel very few stimuli, and pain isn't one of them, burning them only makes them into walking torches.
Johnny Toxxic said:
Since it is assumed that they feel very few stimuli, and pain isn't one of them, burning them only makes them into walking torches.

And since all of us who have played too many games know: Setting fire to enemies that run around for a while on fire is NOT a good idea if the programmers decided to make it able to light you on fire.
Colt said:
Johnny Toxxic said:
Since it is assumed that they feel very few stimuli, and pain isn't one of them, burning them only makes them into walking torches.

And since all of us who have played too many games know: Setting fire to enemies that run around for a while on fire is NOT a good idea if the programmers decided to make it able to light you on fire.

unfortunately... that code is enabled in real life -_-
I agree. This is why flamethrowers are probably not a good idea. Remember, zombies don't feel pain, they only feel hungry.

Remember, in Night of the Living Dead when they eat the couple that get blown up in the truck, they like their flesh raw or roasted. Doesn't matter to them.

I think the crowbar is an excellent weapon, which brings up another important issue- dual use.

Things you need, you need to carry. So you have to pick stuff that has a dual use- that you can use as a tool or a weapon.
You would probably want at least one small pot to cook in and boil water. It would need to be light but be able to be used on a fire. A hatchet or machete would be useful for cutting firewood and depending yourself. Not sure of what else right now. Some really obvious stuff of course.
Didn't Wasteland have zombies of sorts? You know the screamers I think?

It would make sense some humans and ghouls may have degenerated to such a state as they become brain numb flesh eaters.

Like when you first enter Necropolis...

That would be sweat... Zombies, ghouls or whatevers. I'll make sure to ave up money on fire arms and shotgun shells, especially that ultra sweet SPAS 12 shotgun. Drills the undead like a jackhammer.
I'm looking at the book on my bookshelf right now. Anyone else skip over the water survival section?
Somehow, I think skipping sections in a Zombie Survival guide is... well, perhaps defeats the purpose? Also sounds like a gag in a zombie movie

Zombiechow 1: We are at least safe here near the water!
Zombiechow 2: I think so, this is the one part of the zombie survival guide I didn't read
Zombie: *Emerges from the water* Gurgle! Mmmm Brains! *Eats Zombiechow1*
Zombiechow 2: If only I had read that one section, we would all be saved!
Zombie: *Eats zombiechow2*
Zombiesurvivor 1: Hah! I read the water section! I am quite safe!
Zombiesurvivor 2: All hail our glorious leader who read the whole Zombie Survival Guide!
AttractiveFemaleZombieSurvivor: Make Sex with me!
ZombieSurvivor1: Okay
Commissar Lauren said:
Somehow, I think skipping sections in a Zombie Survival guide is... well, perhaps defeats the purpose? Also sounds like a gag in a zombie movie

Zombiechow 1: We are at least safe here near the water!
Zombiechow 2: I think so, this is the one part of the zombie survival guide I didn't read
Zombie: Gurgle! Mmmm Brains! *Eats Zombiechow1*
Zombiechow 2: If only I had read that one section, we would all be saved!
Zombie: *Eats zombiechow2*
Zombiesurvivor 1: Hah! I read the water section! I am quite safe!
Zombiesurvivor 2: All hail our glorious leader who read the whole Zombie Survival Guide!
AttractiveFemaleZombieSurvivor: Make Sex with me!
ZombieSurvivor1: Okay


You'd think so, huh? Doesn't really matter either way since I would liken to the ways of Barney in The Simpsons Treehouse of Horror III:

Homer blows away a zombie Mrs. Krabappel and a few others before finding Barney chomping down on an arm.
Homer: [shocked] Barney, not you too?!
Barney: I'm not a Zombie, but hey, when in Rome...
this tool should exist in any..err..EVERY man's gear. It's exelent for cutting of arms or heads(depending on size) in one swing, minimum blade length is 20cm. But it's the shape of the blade that matters.