I support the poster above, and very much disagree with the guy who was going on about Fallout 3 being an improvement upon anything (or modern RPG's being an improvement). It did have a few very cool things (like abandoned vaults) but eh...
The cinematic experience argument sucks balls and always has - I've seen quite a number of graphical overhauls and paradigm shifts over the years, and the only ones that survived were ones which really put something new and meaningful out there. Isometric and turn based games have in fact never been as popular as today. Lol and Dota 2 are currently kings, and for loads and loads of people no visuals improvements made them stop playing dota 1, a seriously dated wc3 mod, up untill they swapped to dota 2, an isometric action game who's engine was specificaly made to replicate even most of the limitations of the old one. Lol just never stopped snowballing in popularity even though both it's graphics and it's aesthetic suck hard. And as for turn based (non-japanese) RPGs - there never were any ever since isomtric was the "new thing". You've got, what, Fallout 1 and 2 and Temple of Elemental evil, that's pretty much it (Baldur's gate and simmilar are NOT turn based). If you look at it, when the few things that are in the beta right now come out and join shadowrun and the other one, there'll be more turn based RPGs made in the last 2 or so years than there were any popular ones ever since computer graphic capabilities got into gear.
In fact, there had been so few worthwhile non-japaneese turn based RPGs that even someone who's as disdainful and cynical about Fallout 2 as I am (and I am extremely cynical about it) tend to still replay it over and over simply because it never had any competition in that regard. My only other option for years was Temple of Elemental Evil, which is too hack and slashy (and the D&D rules aged horribly IMO), and nothing else. Shadowrun is short and shallow, age of decadence is too meh, but untill those two came out the closest thing you could find was Dungeons of Dreadmor - a graphical roguelike (and a smash hit, showing that there is indeed a market for these things). So the way I'm looking at it, the time of turn based RPG's with a decent plot is just arriving (in fact it's likely to arrive this year).
However, I'm extremely cynical about Fallout 2. Extremely. I find it's legendary status to be largely founded on nostalgia and the accessibility of it's interface, and find it terribly lacking in areas it's praised for. I also find it is best enjoyed with a huge emotional distance and think all the lore arguments to be incredibly silly. There's too much stuff in Fallout 2 you're not supposed to take seriously, why people take equaly silly stuff from the same game seriously I'll never understand... I'd say that if both fallout 2 and fallout 3 were redone in the same interface it would take less modding to turn Fallout 3 into something sensible than Fallout 2. As it stands, Fallout 2 is quirky and flawed but kinda worhwhile (with plenty of modding allready done), Fallout 3 is boring and flawed (in much the same ways, tbh) and not very worthwhile due to having missed the interface/writing/aesthetic direction too hard. Which is a wonder to behold really, since it managed to miss it harder than Fallout 2 which is a feat.
Also, people attacking Fallout 3 kind of aren't aware of the huuuuuuge nostalgia filter / lack of a reference pool on their side concerning Fallout 2. It's not that you couldn't roast Fallout 3 as a standalone game, but Fallout 2 is more guilty of stuff Fallout 3 is being acused off except it's written to be so silly, and the interface doesn't immerse you in the same way, so you don't notice. A Fallout 1 fan, back in the day, had no good reason to take someone who started with Fallout 2 seriously (at least where I come from - still know a bunch of people like that, and I dig them). I've seen that before too, me and a friend never bought into Diablo 2, our younger brothers did. Diablo 2 had more features, but they all fell flat, and the game just couldn't beat Diablo 1 for atmosphere in the slightest.
So, to conclude, I've seen Morrowind, so you can't sell me a cinematic "vacation in another world" kind of game unless it can match it for imagination and visuals. And it can't, Morrowind beat you at the first time I fell of the chair when I saw the silt strider - not even Skyrim had anything on that. If you can't do that you have to sell me on the story and the plot. And by my standards Fallout 2 isn't the high watermark of that, it's a rushed, bumbling, contradictory bit of a hackjob best viewed as a satire which I play because of nostalgia and the fact that there hasn't been anythign better turn based out in decades. I don't in fact play it for the plot, and probably wouldn't (even though I do
enjoy the plot, I just don't think it's any good most of the time

). So if your world is less exciting than Morrowind, and your story is less charming than Fallout 2, well, the game is pretty pointless. There's other 1st/3rd person stuff out there that's probably better.