It Wandered In From the Wastes

random???Kotaku is some sort of oracle or what?
Says you.Fallout 3 and Oblivion will be forgotten.
Its not even forgotten by you or this community, which in general (not wholly) are against those games. The fact that you posted on this and that we are having a debate about this speaks to that, otherwise it would be ignored like the BOS forum. Prove me wrong NMA stop posting on the FO3 forum and then I will believe it is forgotten.
Minority vs Majority , and were only talking about being remembered, not whether it is a great or even good game, but only remembered.If game was hated by some part of community and loved by other, then it obvious it place in history is in shadows.
Oooh thats not a misleading statement at all, drawing a parallel to F3 being hated by a large part of the fan community? Even it that were true, hate still requires thought, not absent mindedness, so still not forgotten.And yes, Oblivion was hated by big part of TES fans, and Fallout 3 by old fans.
Says you, time will tell.Fallout 2 and Morrowind will be remembered... not their sequels.