Will Fallout 3 be remembered?

Will Fallout 3 be remembered in 10 years' time?

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Even in the whole of video games industry, there is very few games that could be compared with Fo1-Fo2.
Even FoT was not a very frequent kind of western game. (more frequent eastern, i think)

About Fo3, i would say it will be forgotten by the time of Fo5.
When Fo4 will be released, it will be compared with Fo3.
When Fo5 will be released, it will be compared with Fo4, not Fo3.

I am more curious about what would be the answer with FoNV.
I think you guys a little to fast to say Fallout 3 will be forgotten. Maybe in ten years time it will become as Fallout 1 and 2 are now, but never "forgotten". And that's a MAYBE. The game was the cover page for many gaming magazines, on the front page of several websites, and received numerous Game of the Year Awards, not to mention its millions of fans. Despite what we think (or feel) Fallout 3 won't be totally forgotten for a long time. At least not by the gaming community as a whole.
Actually, I'm positive that most here are too quick to judge the game to be "forgotten" in a few years, simply because the vast majority are spiteful towards it. But I don't think many of us are unreasonably quick to reach a similar conclusion. Thinking back, there's TONS of games I played in the 90s that I've completely forgotten about, simply because better games came along, and it takes deeply reflection for me to even remotely recall these. Relatively speaking, that's "forgotten", and I wouldn't put it past FO3 to reach that point, because of how insubstantial it was. Superfluously hyped, but insubstantial in the end. I think it's just a question of how LONG it will take, and whether 10 years is enough is a bit up in the air. I'd say it'll be well on its way to being forgotten by then, at the very least, if perhaps not quite forgotten.

But this:
Fallout 1 & 2 are remembered 17 years and counting... I cannot imagine that FO3 will be remembered in 17 years. The reason is that FO3's specialty/gimmick is graphics, open world and empowerment fantasy... and that is improved upon every couple of months by the industry; but Fallout 1 & 2's specialty/gimmick is gameplay & story related interaction; with extended dialogs, and Player/PC fallibility ... and that is rare to see at all in games these days, and has not been much improved upon.

When people post of how it's unfair to compare Fallout to FO3, I usually agree, but I usually see it as unfair to FO3... like comparing a welter-weight's stats with a heavyweight's. As an RPG, Fallout is in a class above any of it's follow-up titles.
Well fucking said. =D
Fallout 3 is 6 years old and y'all are still posting in this thread. Yes, Fallout 3 will be remembered for many years to come. Many people may have an opinion that it is either not personally and/or won't be memorable to the general public. What you're really saying though is that it shouldn't be remembered or you are projecting how you feel about the title onto where you think it will be in 10/20 years. Really though, for a game that is not memorable and will not be remembered people have created (and continue to create) terabytes of mods and content for it:


This is neither or a good or bad thing. It is simply a thing. The game will be remembered, whether ya like it or hate it. People are still modding Morrowind and Oblivion, both very old Bethesda titles that are still "memorable". The term memorable itself is really kind of subjective.

Again I say, it is not a good or bad thing. It is simply a thing.
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But Fo4, Fo5, Fo6 aren't released yet.
There are good chances those would be comparable, but bigger, with better graphism, more weapons, more things to kill, more lulz.
Unless they change their formula, there are good chances many of these clones will be forgotten once the next one is released.

I man, you may like the Need of speed games, but who cares of Need for speed 5 if there are already 19 sequels that are better on what the previous provided ?
I see what you're saying, it's just not the practical reality. There really isn't a better example than the Elder Scrolls series which is the same type of gameplay by the same company done with iterating sequels that are spaced roughly the same number of years apart with "bigger/better graphism, more weapons, more things to kill, more lulz" and would be a better comparison than Need for Speed which is not even the same genre.
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But to be fair, you're comparing FO3 to a brand and a series, you're not just addressing it as a singular game, which I think is what the topic question is asking. It's the difference between stating that Sonic will be remembered for ages and saying that Sonic the Hedgehog (2006) will be. Obviously the character is practically immortal, and there's no telling how many decades will go by before the Blue Blur fades from all memory. But his shittiest titles ARE forgotten* already, despite the fact that they are part of this same franchise that's totally memorable.

* Let's not be facetious, here. OF COURSE "remember" or "forgotten" are intended to be used in practical application, not some form of absolute. Me mentioning StH'06 is not an outright contradiction to me saying it's been forgotten by me acknowledging its existence, because we're talking about widespread acknowledgement and popularity.

FO3 has far more in common with TES than it does with the rest of FO, so the diehard FO fans will cling to their hatred for a while, but ultimately let go of it because we still have the originals, DRM-free, pirated like nobody's business so they're still available even if they aren't DRM-free, and they can't be taken away from us. They're memorable, and so they haven't been forgotten even 17 years later. But FO3 will live in in the hearts of TES fans, and that series does NOT have a long track record of being remembered fondly. Nobody* even knows what the first 2 games were, nowadays, and they've been completely forgotten, despite the series they're part of being so fucking virulently beloved. yes, TESIII-V and FO3 are NOT forgotten right now, but I'm positive it's only a matter of time before they are. Because what Gizmojunk said is absolutely true, there's nothing particularly remarkable about any of them, so there's nothing that makes them stand out from their contemporaries. Nothing whatsoever. Sooner or later, it will be forgotten. It's just a question of if 10 years is the magic number; and since we're more than halfway there, I suppose it probably isn't.

* Again, not LITERALLY "nobody".
It's only a matter of time before anything if forgotten to tell the truth. Look at NMA. I've said this once before, and unfortunately I will say it again. It's only a fraction of what it was when it first started, and we're not getting any new members (that are sticking around anyways) anytime soon... The original Fallout community is dying. The other fallout webpages are dead, except for the irradiated society I think which has 3, maybe 4 members? The die-harders here, in another ten years time will most likely be the last of the original Fallout fans. Even NMA isn't that much of a "Fallout" community anymore. No one barely posts in the Fallout section anymore... which is sad to see.

Everything has a birth, and everything has a death. It's only a matter of time before anything dies... By the time Fallout 3 "dies", the original Fallout's will be long gone. Because the truth is, Fallout 1 and 2 isn't the only games that improved upon story and tabletop gameplay, and even if they were, those things are slowly fading into the past.

But as certain thing's die, they usually give birth to a new generation. Right now Bethesda is handling that generation. Good or bad? That's up to the individual...
Maybe the age shows off and many got sick, but i don't think we got in the process of dying yet.

In december 2013, the original Fallout were the games sold the most, by the second digital games company worldwide.
There are many Fonline MMORPG servers, with 100-300 people connected in the same time, doing quests/PVP/PVE, spending countless hours crafting weapons and armors that they would lose in 10 minutes during the next fights.
The Fonline2238 modding tools were released last years, with gave birth to new servers. More people learn how to mod it, to make other servers, like Ashes Of Phoenix or Desert Europe, that take place in other locations and are better that previous servers. Those Fonline modding tools allow for 3D characters, that are easier to make than old sprites, which means far more possible new contents.

But Fonline is not much discussed here. There are many Fonline forum/website for it. There are even forum/website for team of specific servers.

There are ongoing incredible (or rather promising) Fallout mods currently in develloppement, with good hopes of release, like Mutant Rising/Van Buren/Resurrection, that make sure the Fallout player have new things to discover and enjoy. They are only discussed in the mod section.

Also, there are new TB top-down RPG games that allow a gameplay close to Fallout, and provides modding tools that could be easier to use and with greater results. (like Shadowrun returns, Wasteland 2, to name a few). So there are good chances to see in upcoming years, mods that try to emulate Fallout and attract new players.

Sure, after a significant number of decades, only video games historians (if they exist), will know about Fallout, but the process haven't began yet.
Considering the increase of TB top-down RPG kickstarter killers, i doubt the interest will die off during this decade.
I even think that another 17 years of Fallout 1-2 interest won't be that hard to get.

Not only the community didn't died off, but it is likely that Fallout 3 disaster gave players motivation to learn modding, to get Fonline servers full (Fonline was born after Fo3) to invest money on kickstarters.
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Look at NMA. I've said this once before, and unfortunately I will say it again. It's only a fraction of what it was when it first started, and we're not getting any new members (that are sticking around anyways) anytime soon... The original Fallout community is dying.

NMA isn't dying but we do go through lulls in traffic. Once Fallout 4 news starts rolling it will pick back up again. We also have a host of changes and updates coming that will bring in new users and generate additional content as well. If anything, in the next year or so NMA will likely increase in size and user-ship. Things don't die as long as there are people interested enough to keep them alive.
While I would love for Fallout 3 to be forgotten I saw an article in the Guardian today asking what the best video games ever were. Most of it was popular stuff like Portal and Zelda but somehow Fallout New Vegas made it onto the list set up by the writers (brought a smile to my face). While it was all well and good to see a newspaper's support of New Vegas over 3 (and any other Bethesda game) the comment section was less impressed, with many complaining that Skyrim, Oblivion and 3 were all a better representative than New Vegas.

So, frustratingly, I think Fallout 3 will still be sticking around for a while, at least in the mainstream consciousness.

(Also, I think NMA still has a good amount of life in her. I know I'll be sticking around (even if I don't actually post that much :shrug:)
FO3 is allready forgotten. The fanboys have moved on to any game that is sortof-similar, "Last of us" etc, hell even that is considered old and boring by now.

So, for those who have a special emotional attachment to Fallout, 1 and 2 are still the memorable ones. FO3 lost :]
I cannot vote, there's missing option in the poll which would fit my opinion the most:
„Yes, I'll remember F3 until my last breath, as the greatest disappointment along with FOBOS.”
Damn, you better be right man.
I really hope that those two games with remain the worst Fallout, forever, that there will be no upcoming Fallout worse or as bad as those two.
I didn't noticed there were two titles/question.

I have no doubt it will be remembered in 2018.
I believe it will be forgotten before 2028. (even by its makers)
I cannot vote, there's missing option in the poll which would fit my opinion the most:
„Yes, I'll remember F3 until my last breath, as the greatest disappointment along with FOBOS.”
What's a FOBOS? :twisted:

*I'm the same way with both of these. The funny thing with FO3 & FOBOS ~if it wasn't so sad... is that FO3 really seems ~BE~ FOBOS 2.
FO3 seems to share the general sensibilities of FOBOS, where the setting is concerned; like it was a followup title or even a sequel to it.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N-Xs1tm-9-U ... and the Brotherood is again pressed into the role of state police/ or desert rangers instead of [optionally encountered] xenophobic cult off in their isolated bunker.

Other similarities and odd coincidence are noteworthy: For instance, FOBOS was seemingly a re-skin of BG-Dark Alliance, as FO3 was a re-skin of Oblivion ~~In both cases with minor cosmetic variation between them.


So does anyone think for a moment that had they named it Brotherhood of Steel 2, that it would not have been a perfect fit? Or even expected ~where the shift from ISO3D to FPP is concerned. It seems obvious to me that these games share the same setting, and seem targeted to the same crowd, and IMO... neither is the one from the core Fallout series; and neither seeks to scratch the same itch as the original games ~the ones that MADE the reputation for the series, and defined the de facto Fallout experience.
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I cannot vote, there's missing option in the poll which would fit my opinion the most:
„Yes, I'll remember FO: Tactics until my last breath, as the greatest disappointment along with FOBOS.”


Now that's not fair... Tactics, while being a bit off canon, did a good job in preserving a Fallout feel. In fact, before Beth's FO3, Tactics was always the look and feel I expected for Fallout 3
I cannot vote, there's missing option in the poll which would fit my opinion the most:
„Yes, I'll remember FO: Tactics until my last breath, as the greatest disappointment along with FOBOS.”


Now that's not fair... Tactics, while being a bit off canon, did a good job in preserving a Fallout feel. In fact, before Beth's FO3, Tactics was always the look and feel I expected for Fallout 3
Amen. FOT CANNOT compare to the likes of FO3/FOBOS in terms of disappointment. FOT had problems, but it was actually a good game.

To answer your question, Gizmojunk: yes, if they'd named FO3 "FOBOS2", I would have felt it totally appropriate. Having actually PLAYED FOBOS when the game came out, I would have feel very wary of the title, but I would have come away as IMPRESSED by the improvements the title had made over its legal prequel. I agree with most who consider FO3 as the bottom of the series BESIDES FOBOS, but I do not overlook that FOBOS was leagues and bounds worse than FO3. They're both the bottom of the Fallout barrel, but you don't have to reach NEARLY as low to grab FO3, low though it may be.
Fallout 3 brought Fallout back into popularity and brought tons of new fans. With all the popularity it had and still has I think it won't be forgotten any time soon. It might be like how fallout 1 is now but not forgotten.