Will Fallout 3 be remembered?

Will Fallout 3 be remembered in 10 years' time?

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The best first-person post-apocalyptic game was indeed released by Bethesda.

It was called Terminator: Future Shock, came out in late 1995, and was one of my most memorable gaming experiences.

It even had talking head NPCs and driveable vehicles!

And the general aesthetic of the world was much closer in atmosphere to canon (Terminator universe).

Then Daggerfall came out, using enhanced Terminator engine. It was pretty good for what it was.

Since then, it was really all downhill, as far as their games are concerned.
WelcomeToDC said:
Will Fallout 3 be remembered, lets see:
-G4's 75th game of all time
-Numerous top 10 of decade awards.
-Numerous GOTY
-Massive sales
-extreme popularity
-Top rated game on xbox 360 by users
-17th highest rated game of all time by critics
-Revolutionary fo its time
-One of the few games at the Smithsonian for there game exhibit
-An overall good game.
-John Henry Eden 35th villian of all time
-Experimental MIRV 7th best weapon of all time.
- Number 1 Game on giant bomb by users
Ya, this will be remembered as one of the greatest games of all time.

A lot of games are actually at the Smithsonian. E.G. Metal Gear Solid, Bioshock, Ocarina Of Time, Final Fantasy VII, The Wind Waker, Metal Gear Solid 2, Heavy Rain, Star Fox and Pacman to name but a few. The MIRV sucks by the way. It's just a way of wasting ammunition in a spectacular fashion.

And am I the only one who didn't find Eden a great villain? I mean, he's just some computer who asks you to upload a virus onto something, he doesn't even force you to do it, only that you take the vial!
I liked eden, I would have loved actual in game interaction(questing /etc), but the radio performances are all excellent.
nope,in future we expect fallout 6 :) also they have a life they will not play fallout 3 because they are 20 years old now it will happen like last fallout game fallout tactics...
rcorporon said:
I doubt it. Most people don't really remember Morrowind... FO3, hopefully, will be forgotten like the mediocre dreck it is.
Your totally right, and if you think more about it a lot of better games have been forgotten.
It wasn't revolutionary, and while I (along with a lot of people) consider it to be a great game, there are so many great video games, nay, greater video games than Fallout 3 that have been forgotten. Wasteland is a game that started the f***ing post-apocalypse in video games, and half the people here haven't played it and you only have a couple of vids on youtube with a couple of thousand views, but it's significance to video games can't be overstated. Fallout 3 did have a huge impact, whether you like it or not with the awards, and sales and popularity. But honestly, it doesn't really matter because Fallout and Fallout 2 will NEVAH be forgotten! :naughty: They're the ones who started this thing!
I say absolutely. It will be known for revitalizing the FO series. Love it or hate it, agree with the canon or loath it's canon, it will be remembered, because so many 'new' FO fans adore this game. For better or worse, FO3 *will* be remembered for a long, long, long time.
TheDudeOfGaming said:
It wasn't revolutionary, and while I (along with a lot of people) consider it to be a great game, there are so many great video games, nay, greater video games than Fallout 3 that have been forgotten. Wasteland is a game that started the f***ing post-apocalypse in video games, and half the people here haven't played it and you only have a couple of vids on youtube with a couple of thousand views, but it's significance to video games can't be overstated. Fallout 3 did have a huge impact, whether you like it or not with the awards, and sales and popularity. But honestly, it doesn't really matter because Fallout and Fallout 2 will NEVAH be forgotten! :naughty: They're the ones who started this thing!
A fellow Serb would understand and appreciate... It's just like Tesla. We wouldn't HAVE any of our technology that we use, today, if not for Tesla. But do people remember him? Nope... Names like Einstein and Edison eclipse all others...

The world is filled with things that ACCOMPLISHED amazing feats, and unimportant things that are never forgotten. I like to think that some better Fallout titles are yet on the horizon and perhaps THEY will outshine FO3 in such a way that it becomes forgotten... But certainly, for the time being, it doesn't look like it's going anywhere, whether or not it deserved to.
Now see, that I agree with Slav ;)

If a future FO title outshines FO3--and I sincerely hope so, because as much as I enjoyed FO3, I can imagine much better--then FO3 indeed will be forgotten. But, whether or not there IS a better one on the horizon has yet to be seen.
FOvet said:
Now see, that I agree with Slav ;)

If a future FO title outshines FO3--and I sincerely hope so, because as much as I enjoyed FO3, I can imagine much better--then FO3 indeed will be forgotten. But, whether or not there IS a better one on the horizon has yet to be seen.

Already happened. It was called Fallout: New Vegas. :mrgreen:
Walpknut said:
Ojectively speaking New Vegas is superior to FO3 in almost every aspect.

I think so too. The main complaints that F3 fans have with New Vegas is, "There isn't as much empty space to walk around in, or the locations weren't as cool". I bet if FNV had a bunch of BoS and Enclave running around blowing up Mutants it would have been received better. :roll: :wink:
Not for me. I actually feel that when I say NV needed more 'wilderness' it did need it. I think I would have blacklisted Beth if they had tried to incorporate yet ANOTHER Enclave vs. BoS so close togethr, good god! For me, I liked the game *mechanics* of NV better, but I liked the atmosphere (among a few other things) of FO3 better. And I genuinely mean that :)
FOvet said:
Not for me. I actually feel that when I say NV needed more 'wilderness' it did need it. I think I would have blacklisted Beth if they had tried to incorporate yet ANOTHER Enclave vs. BoS so close togethr, good god! For me, I liked the game *mechanics* of NV better, but I liked the atmosphere (among a few other things) of FO3 better. And I genuinely mean that :)

Yet you haven't played the New Vegas DLC yet right? Plenty of extra atmosphere for you to try out if not.
Right, I have vanilla (I'd have to buy the edition of NV that includes DLC because I'm using the 360).
FOvet said:
Right, I have vanilla (I'd have to buy the edition of NV that includes DLC because I'm using the 360).

Well, my advice would be to try all the DLC before saying the wilderness isn't up to par. It adds tons of great shit to explore and I couldn't see playing the game without it. Do it for me FOvet.

Do it for VB for crying out loud. :boy:
I will when I can; I haven't played much of anything lately, because the new semester of college started, and precalculus is a B I T C H! :o
FOvet said:
I will when I can; I haven't played much of anything lately, because the new semester of college started, and precalculus is a B I T C H! :o

Precalculus isn't as important as Fallout. Get your priorities straight man!