Dark Souls

Spent those souls. Now how the fuck am I going to get past those asshole archers who fucking suck dick god damnit can you tell I'm pissed yet

Sprint at full speed... they won't be able to hit ya. Careful that one on the right doesn't shoot you off the ledge once you get up there though.
Oh I got past just now. Indeed the thing that you need to do to kill both, is watch the arrows from the one when fighting the other.

And yay, Solaire is back!
There's all kinds of ways to approach the Archers on the rampart, but the most common is to simply charge across and take out the one in your way, ignoring the other one (since it can't fire on you once you reach the ledge). Depending on how much of a rush I'm feeling, I like to carry a few dozen Poison Arrows and just pelt each archer a few times and then sit back with the Thief's Ring and watch them die without lifting a finger. Reminds me of the Demon's Souls days of killing some of the more irritating bosses with Poison rather than facing them head first. XD

Arguably that's the last tough section of Anor Londo, besides the upcoming boss fight. The rest of the journey from that Bonfire you got reunited with Solaire at to the boss fight is just a series of journeys through many rooms and stairways trying to orient yourself from "where am I?" to "where do I need to go?" TONS of Silver Knights along the way, but no more death-trap pitfalls every 5 feet, so you shouldn't have much trouble reaching the end of the area.
Well shit. I summoned a guy, and he defeated Ornstein and Smough single handed. I know that you said not to feel bad SnapSlav, but I really didn't even have to evade a single attack. Feels like I missed out on a really great fight, or rather a great achievement in doing it on my own, or maybe with Solaire. I suppose you play the game for so long, you think that even with any other player it wouldn't be easy at all, but you don't take into account how good the other player might be.

I simply didn't feel that jolly co-operation, nor the feeling of overcoming the challenge. :(

I feel like dying to Ornstein and Smough is a rite of passage, anyway. :P
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When phantom after phantom after phantom dies to falling damage because they forgot to equip a fucking ring on the way to the Four Kings, you learn to stop giving a shit about the other players. But the simple way to overcome summoning someone "too good" for your area is to observe their phantom BEFORE you summon it. If they have some decked out gear, chances are they're quite versed at the area ahead. If they look like they're fairly "cookie cutter", then perhaps they're not terribly beyond your experience. Also you can avoid summoning help the FIRST time you face a boss to circumvent this little guilt trip, if you so desire. Ornstein and Smough are NOT the hardest bosses to face in the entire game, but they certainly make up the most impressive and epic boss experience (that fantastic music certainly contributes). SO rest assured there's more challenge ahead of you, but they won't always be as "amazing" as the Dragon Slayer and Executioner.

Besides, when you come upon them again in NG+, your guarantee of dying to them ought to leave you feeling upset with yourself over having deprived yourself the EXPERIENCE to understand what you were up against, not really any sense of "shame". =)
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Well I've decided to have a go at being summoned, and helping someone else defeat them. That should give me at least a taste.

Oh and by the way, I turned the music off somewhat into the game. Having music in a boss fight influenced me too much. It got on my nerves so to say, and turning it off kept my head cool, so it helped too much to turn it back on.

If anyone is playing in europe on pc as well, my very poorly chosen, incredibly old GFWL name is Aaunfadawdeawe.
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If you guys want, you can check out my custom UI that I've attached to this post. My only purpose for it was to make the health/stamina bars, and losing any of it, perfectly visible even in the corner of your vision. For me it works very well, I'd be interested to see if it helps any of you. That is, if you're playing on PC in the first place.

I took the base for the UI from silverui from the nexus, not sure what changes are in it, haven't noticed any myself.

Also, I'm editing this post now to add that I had co-oped with someone, and killed O+S with them. I feel like I really got a far better sensation of how the fight would be with just me and solaire. Obviously not the same as a solo fight, but I don't think I would have braved such a thing anyhow. I sent them a message saying how I was sorry I took both kills, and stole his souls, but that I appreciated the fact that he allowed me to feel like I completed the challenge. He sent me: It's ok, really appreciate the fact that you took your time to send this message! I'm just happy I could kill these guys and, overall, I think it was a pretty epic fight, thanks!

I really do love Dark Souls.


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There's no "stealing the kill" or "taking the souls" in ANY of the Souls games... <.< Souls are shared, and they aren't even divided between players. If any enemy drops 1100 souls upon death when you play solo, it'll drop 1100 souls when you summon someone, and both of you will get 1100 souls once it's killed. Enemy HP goes up so the difficulty is completely negated by navigating in groups a world largely designed to isolate one person, but the rest stays the same.

As for never being able to tackle that battle on your own: I suggest you try it! It's far less daunting that you might imagine. Like I said, I beat them with an unleveled, starting Knight without Solaire's help AND no spells or any Estus, as part of EpicNameBro's Master's Challenge. It was tough (largely because of my lack of particular skill) but quite doable. Not that I'm saying you should attempt this particular endeavor with your same character on NG+, no no no no no! XD But once you get accustomed to all the intricacies of the game, the next character you create (Because of how customized the gameplay is, you WILL make more characters! XD) ought to give it a shot on his/her own. Enhances the fun, as well. =)

Can't say much about the UI mods, though. I play on the PS3, so even if I had an issue with the HUD (which I don't), I wouldn't be able to change it, anyway. XD Sometimes I make it invisible for that added challenge, but most times I just play the game as is and make other tweaks to challenge myself further.
So I got the smough soul from his boss fight. Did I fuck myself out of maybe the best weapon in the game for my character? Is there no way to get Ornstein's soul now? Aside from getting someone to give it to me, which I doubt. Hmmm. . maybe I'll ask for a trade in the steam forum. I still have all the souls from the other bosses.
Smough's soul weapon is really sucks. it's too heavy and useless.
you have to play newgame+ to get ornstein's soul.
why didn't you kill Smough first?
Actually I guess I did, I must've confused their names.
I totally didn't cheat or anything, no, not me.
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So I got the smough soul from his boss fight. Did I fuck myself out of maybe the best weapon in the game for my character? Is there no way to get Ornstein's soul now? Aside from getting someone to give it to me, which I doubt. Hmmm. . maybe I'll ask for a trade in the steam forum. I still have all the souls from the other bosses.
That's what NG+ is for. NONE of the Souls games could be 100%'ed in a single run, they always required multiple runs to obtain every "thing" of a given category. But no, you did not fuck yourself out of any great weapon. The Dragonslayer Spear is TERRIBLE, so you won't miss anything by not having it available in NG until you beat Smough first in NG+. The only weapons you should worry about "missing" are break-off weapons, because those become harder in NG+ when the enemy you're trying to surgically relieve of their weapon are considerably deadlier (300% deadlier, in fact). If you don't get Seathe's break-off in NG, you can consider yourself out of the running for getting it on your own in NG+ without coordinated help from someone who understands what that requires. Mind you, besides the Drake Sword, none of the break-off weapons are particularly amazing, either, and the Drake Sword is ONLY amazing as an early weapon, so by the time you reach NG+ you'll have acquired far, far better equipment.
Is there a better weapon for a build with currently 40 faith, 16 str/dex, around 20 health/stamina I think, then? I was increasing my str/dex to match the requirements of the spear. And what I'm looking for in a weapon is reach, speed, and damage. The spear does well in at least two of those categories. And besides, I'm not looking for the best weapon, it looks awesome, it scales with faith, I think I can afford to be at least a little sucky on my first paytrough.

And concerning the drake sword, I never used it, fed it to Frampt, heheh.
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Well, the easiest to get break-off weapon remains fairly easy to get in NG+ consider the "thing" you get it from isn't hostile ;)
I'm talking about the Everlasting Dragon, ofc
Is there a better weapon for a build with currently 40 faith, 16 str/dex, around 20 health/stamina I think, then? I was increasing my str/dex to match the requirements of the spear. And what I'm looking for in a weapon is reach, speed, and damage. The spear does well in at least two of those categories. And besides, I'm not looking for the best weapon, it looks awesome, it scales with faith, I think I can afford to be at least a little sucky on my first paytrough.
I hope you're starting to see a running theme, but you trade one thing in a weapon when you want another. Spears are great for reach (and they provide the unique property of allowing you to attack with your shield up, an attribute shared only with rapiers) but they have terrible arcs, so they're incredibly easy to sidestep. Claymores have good reach and swing arcs, but they're slow and their damage output is nothing spectacular. Zweihanders have AMAZING reach, swing arcs, damage, and they cause a stunning animation even if you don't hit your target, but its windup is easy to dodge and you can't cancel your attack animation so you're a sitting duck if you miss. If your highest damage attribute is Faith, then you can either get a normally upgraded weapon and learn the Darkmoon Blade weapon enchantment spell (Magic damage that scales with Faith), or get a Divine or Occult weapon (Occult has lower base damage but scales better), or just focus on Miracles and get a Fire/Lightning weapon. The actual weapon still depends on your combat preferences. If you like spears, upgrade another spear (Winged Spear is the best to work with). If you take a shine to another weapon variety, then try that. There's weapons all over the place, so you should try them out whenever you find them (not on enemies, just swing em aimlessly for a while to get a feel for them and acquaint yourself with their animations and stamina demands) and that ought to help you reach your decision about what weapon class you like.
I've been using a +5 divine halberd for almost the entirety so my playthrough so far. When I first upgraded it, it did pretty amazing damage, one shotted so many things.

Right now it's complete shit against the four kings though.
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Even though I cheesed the fight like fuck, beating the four kings is probably my most satisfying win so far, just because of how many tries it took me.

I cheesed it, by putting on havel's armor, two handing my halberd, and simply not doing anything but attacking, occasional roll, and occasional roll away to avoid the purple AoE.

If you had been present in this room just now, you would have heard nothing but the soft hum of my computer and the extremely fervant mouse clicks I was making.
I wouldn't call that cheesing it, rather doing it the manly way. And it's actually one of the best tactics for that boss. I felt like I was cheesing it the first time I did it, because I had a friend with me and we beat them to a pulp in a matter of seconds.