Yes, but as the Hound (and most other characters, besides chiefly only Arya) would say, "a cowardly way to kill a man, a woman's way to kill". Cersei is far more vile because unlike Ramsay, she directs that sadism into manipulative schemes. Ramsay just butchers for butchery's sake, he doesn't think about it, he just does it. Cersei delights in the prospect.
She despises her husband so much that she kills her own trueborn son, passing it off as the child catching sickness and dying, then using the story to gain sympathy from someone to throw them off suspecting her of infanticide or, later on, assisted murder.
She arbitrarily determines to hate her youngest brother, so she physically tortures him while still an infant, and she's ONLY stopped by her twin brother. If not for Jaime, she would have continuously inflicted physical, irreparable harm to Tyrion without stopping. She has her spies find A whore she absent-mindedly decides must be his lover, and thusly has the whore tortured purely so she can upset him. She schemes to have him killed in a battle so his death, while a direct result of her hiring someone to kill him, would simply be attributed to the battle, rather than hired murder. She basks in every moment of his humiliation- the ONLY person to do so, while everyone else, no matter how much they may not like Tyrion, only find his harassment discomforting, and in bad taste. She focuses all of her hate in the moment of her eldest bastard child's death on Tyrion by proxy, convincing herself that he's guilty just because of her hate, not hating him because he's guilty. She tries to manipulate JAIME, of all people, to kill Tyrion for her. She pressures anyone she can use as a witness against Tyrion to falsify testimony against him. She's the one and only person to enjoy seeing the gruesome slaying of Oberyn Martell, despite how gut-wrenching it was, purely because this meant Tyrion was found guilty and sentenced to death. She immediately celebrated her "victory" by abandoning all of her promises to her father and returning to manipulating her twin brother. She nonchalantly discards Tyrion's identity as a faceless "disease" and disowns him as family.
She out of paranoia threatens the Captain of the City Guard into hunting down every bastard child of Robert and murder them, including infants, in order to secure her bastard son's claim on the throne.
She passes off all of her most deplorable of schemes as the machinations of Joffrey's uncontrollable will to those clever enough to realize she's the one behind those acts, hypocritically using his malice as a scapegoat while still working in his best interests at every opportunity.
Time after time after time, Cersei orchestrates violence because she has the position to allow her the freedom of others doing her dirty work for her, and no matter how often this blows up in her face, she keeps doing it! Oh, the bastard son you successfully protected the illegitimate claim of the throne for turns out to be untamable and kills the only bargaining chip to stop a costly war; well let's just keep throwing costs to the wind, then. Oh, your efforts to humiliate and kill Tyrion have backfired and he's well aware that you are behind every attempt on his life; well might as well keep trying to have him killed, then. Oh, your paranoid nature has just cost another invaluable alliance that without will cause the demise of your family, well let's just stay the course and keep severing important alliances anyway, then.
So Ramsay gets his hands dirty and doesn't EVER hire others to do his dirty work for him. So he tortures a person so methodically that he reduces him to a fractured shell of a human being, "an animal" as you put it. These are small potatoes next to the level of psychotic behavior displayed by Cersei. Worse yet, JUST like you are right now, people STILL feel like empathizing with the evil bitch, and that's the darkest attribute she has. Unlike the Mountain who is a beastial slayer of inhuman strength, Roose Bolton is a cold and calculating individual who is far more dangerous and treacherous, yet comes off as noble because of his scheming nature. Unlike Ramsay who's a disturbed brute who delights in sadistic behavior, Cersei is a cowardly schemer who irrationally lashes out at everyone around her, contentedly sitting on her position of power to abuse it every chance she gets, the far, far, far more dangerous person, and yet people still identify her as a lesser evil, perceiving her as regal and, at worst, "not as bad".
It's a lapse in judgment to not stop at distinction between killing and getting killed, and go so far as to separate those two things in different levels of psychotic behavior. They're equal, one's just direct and the other's indirect. And the list of people Cersei's gotten killed dwarfs the number of people Ramsay has gotten killed or personally killed, himself. Cersei is unquestionably the single-most vile human being without any equal in all of Game of Throne. Let's not forget, while everyone was "loving to hate" Joffrey, Cersei MADE Joffrey. SHE is the reason he developed into such a sociopathic, ruthless, peerless monster. He doesn't at all so much as measure up to the level of monstrosity of his mother...