After replaying F2 countless times, I had tried slightly different approach in Klamath on my last Restoration Project playthrough. Unlike how any self-respecting F2 veteran should do, I did not complete all the quest on my first visit in Klamath; the same goes for other cities too. (That's how I played F2 for the very first time back in the nineties btw, without interwebz or famous Per's guide.)
The Chosen One needs to find Vic, so he's not supposed to spend weeks in each settlement he stumble upon, anyway. So I just visited Big Nose Sally's place, found a hint about Vic moving to Den and followed the hot trace afterwards, without rescuing Smiley or recruiting Sulik at this moment. The same in Den - visited Smitty, talked to Vic without rescuing him from slavers, got Redding's location at Tubby's place and went straight to Redding then, running for my life without any attempt to fight in random encounters. After talking to local Doc Johnson, who si a great source of knowledge, I jumped on caravan to Vault City and now the game really started for me! Took Cassidy, solved Gecko problem and became citizen of Vault City. Properly armed citizen too, after looting the Vault 8 of all goodies, mind you.
And now is the right time to pay the old debts! Went back to Den through Modoc, took the car and approached Klamath once again because there's that suspiciously looking Highwayman. Solved the cattle rustling mystery, rescued Smiley, got Sulik for free as a reward. With Sulik on board visited Den once again, in attempt to find his poor sister. Sulik rocks very hard with 14mm pistol from Redding or VC, Cassidy is not bad with hunting rifle either, so now I could rescue Vic very American way - by fighting the slaver scum like a true gunslinger would do!
Alright, no need to continue further, perhaps this would inspire someone else for trying this unusal "nooby" approach on his next attempt too. Just play like you've played for the very first time - travel from place to place, visit the cities repeatedly and don't bother yourselves unnecessary by solving every possible quest on first visit of any new location.
Per's guide is a great source of informations, but following his walkthrough will totally ruin your own experience, so try figure it on your own and let that old pedantic lizard rest!