Fallout 2 mod Megamod version 2.46 Bug Reports and Suggestions - Closed

i Have instaled MM 2.44 and patched it to 2.45.1 (havent found anything else...)

Same happened hith "Car out of power". I have to left the car and when i return i just got a blank area (so, i´ve lost the car). It Also happens often in Random encounters.

Other things:
- When i back to Arroyo, after the knives fight with Sly Fox, all my items are gone - i only have the knive.
the thing with knife fight: Chest in Sly Fox's tent
The work continues. I hope to release update 2.45.4 by the middle of next month. So far:

-Numerous dialog and grammar fixes
-Updated script for Balthas in Klamath
-The mayor of Carson is no longer referred to as Gregory in combat
-Changes to the dog in Scraptown
---He can be pushed if you have befriended him
---He follows you around even if you leave and re-enter
---Note: He still will not fight for your team
-Removed items from the Destroyed Lab entrance map that should not have been there
-Changes to the car breaking down
---Corrected a bug with Ratch when you disagree with the price he charges to repair a tire
---Made it a lot easier to replace repaired tires
---Made it slightly easier to replace repaired components
-Corrected the entrance map to the BOS research facility
-Corrected issues with Vault 23
---Leaving map no longer crashes the game
---Car correctly appears at the entrance map
---Hex blockers added near two elevators to prevent characters from going into walls/cliffs
---Corrections to Max's dialog options
-Added exploding death animation for scorpions
-Added Quick Goris animation mod (Goris puts on/takes off robe faster)
-Dr. Fung now returns to his house after San Francisco fights
-Replaced Vic's radio with a regular radio on a dead Enclave guard in the Military Base
-Can now climb ladders while wearing regular power armor
-Corrected bug regarding talking with Sulik's sister after she is rescued
-Changes/Fixes to the Bounty Hunters
---The leader now takes Kruger's tooth from the player
---Corrected the grammar/floats/displayed messages from the computer
---Corrections to the guards blocking the storeroom door
---Corrections to karma and reputation if you become an enemy
-Corrections to PFC Dobbs
---Can no longer get training from him over and over again
---Minor dialog fixes
---Can be pushed if he is a member of your party
-Updates to Sentrybot Skynet
---Now mentions he is skilled with larger guns
---Now tells you how many rockets he has available in his inventory
---Sentrybot is actually better now with big guns instead of small guns like the robobrain shell
-Cult of Personality now works on Sulik
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Guys i'm really bad at reading a lot of readme files
can anyone please summ up how to install the megamod beginning from installation of Fallout 2 1.0 US version :puppy-dog:
opps my bad I read the above post as what stuff was fixed in the update I missed that it was a to be fixed update in the future my bad..........:lol:
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Got a little fix made for a long time problem with helmetless Power armor critter not able to climb ladders.
That might come in handy if you have NPCs in power armor, or at least use the T-51b Helmet mod originally meant for the Restoration Project. So many things that could go into the unofficial patch as well…!
Of course, I went with the really easy quick-fix of just renaming another set of helmeted power armor. Of course, this is way better. Thank you very much.
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The work continues. I hope to release update 2.45.4 by the middle of next month.

06.05.15 feels sad like never before


Well, the plan was to have another release... I had the changes posted, as you can see. But then I started something else. I started working on a major revision, not just some minor update. And, now, the work is already underway. I could make another release now. But if I did, it would surely require starting a new game as I have already made some changes to major game files.

And "what is the major revision?" you ask? Finally adding in the RP. That work is already underway. Unfortunately, I have no idea how long it will take me to add in. A number of maps will need to be redone. (Not completely remade. But new items need to be recreated (already completed) and re-added. Scripts need to be re-added. Exit grids remade. Hundreds of .pro files (walls, art, tiles, and more) remade and re-added. It is going to be a chore.) Then there are critters to remake. And a couple dozen game files, hundreds of dialog files and scripts to go through. Yeah, this is gonna take a while...
Well, adding stuff in the megamod is what it've been created for, right?
Btw, add this stuff - www.nirran.com/MegamodMods.php , Weapon Upgrades +Mr Fixit Stimpacks

And a little offtop - whatya think about FOL4 new style?

I just meant that a new release will take a while due to including such a large project. I have been procrastinating... putting it off for as long as I could. But the time has come.

And, I work with Nirran regarding the MM. He is always helping me with something. And we talked about some of his mods. Some I have incorporated. He knows that I think some of his mods can be a little over-powered for my tastes, though. Still, they will still be compatible with the MM for those who wish to add them in.

As for the style of the next game, I honestly haven't even looked at it yet. I am so far behind the times. While I have Fallout 3 (the one that came with the lunchbox), I haven't even installed it.
Goody, goody... Two of my most favorite F2 mods put together. Yippee-ki-yay,**@**:aiee: I would say Christmas comes early but given the tremendous amount of work it probably takes, I hope it actually will have been done by this Christmas.
Anyhow take all the time you need.
Listen, id really like y to make a little update with this stuff, cause a have a troubles with it in my current game
-Numerous dialog and grammar fixes
-Updated script for Balthas in Klamath
-Changes to the car breaking down
---Corrected a bug with Ratch when you disagree with the price he charges to repair a tire
---Made it a lot easier to replace repaired tires
---Made it slightly easier to replace repaired components
-Added Quick Goris animation mod (Goris puts on/takes off robe faster)
-Can now climb ladders while wearing regular power armor
-Corrected bug regarding talking with Sulik's sister after she is rescued

Plus scripts with Colly gang story REALLY need to be fixed, im trying to make it to the end second times now, and cant do ant except get laid with gang boss girl. And reduce rad incoming in the town, its just ridiculous, they all should be dead 1000 time to the moment.
Plus ive caught a bug with the sister rescuing in the slavecamp - the door says "Its not the time",or, well you know, no matter if im trying to do stealth or after speaking with gang. And i know the drill, ive done this before in the past.
Plus ive caught a VERY VERY OUTRAGEOUS bug with unavaiable car at the toxic caves. Y just cant get inside the car, cause y get moved to the global map.
Plus the same shit with the primal tribe. I know there is some script for the car at this place, and it should stay in the first section, but it still can appear in the camp.
Plus with the guy, who escaped the Modoc's dead farm, and drinks in the Den - if you didnt speak him off about his story(when y first try to speak with him and dont know the right combination, hell just fall of drunk, right? y can hold everth in your head all the time), when y leave him to rest, when y can tell Modoc's head what y know him, but when y cant talk him to go back.

Actually, there is a shitload of bugs, and i didnt even make it to the Broken Hills
v 45.1, eng.

I could make another release now but it would surely require starting a new game.
Fine with me

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Reupload pls?
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Most issues with Colly were resolved in one of the last two versions (either 45.2 or 45.3). It is true that issues with the slaver camp were to be included in the last minor update (45.4). Maybe I can release some files in the coming days. We will see.
Please I need help.
I made a manual install. Here are the details.
1 - Installed with Steam
2 - Installed MIB88 Mega Mod 2.45.3 (copied archive files to Game folder and ran RUNME.BAT, deleted patch000.dat)

I ran the game with fallout2.exe and started a new game. The game doesnt save. I exited the game. I ran ProcessDat2.exe and it opened a Command console it edited some files and deleted some files and in the end it exited itself.

I ran the game again, still cant save. I exited the game. I ran ProcessDat2.exe again and it gives this message "Dat Replace.txt not found" it doesnt exit itself.

Help would be appreciated.

First, make sure you unpacking megamod 2.45.3 archive into a steam folder with MASTER.DAT present. Crucial, cause it is the file that needs updating by ProcessDat2.exe.

Second, do not bother with runme.bat, its useless. Mib88 forgot to include certain files in the release. Stuff happens.
Once you have everything unpacked, delete patch000.dat (CRUCIAL), and run ProcessDat2.exe. If all went well, master.dat modified date and time in file properties should show the current date and time and PROTO folder in Fallout2 main folder should be gone. If proto folder still present, copy it over from MM_2.45.3_full_repack.zip to main Fallout2 folder with master.dat file and re-run processDat2.exe.

Now you should be golden.
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First, make sure you unpacking megamod 2.45.3 archive into a steam folder with MASTER.DAT present. Crucial, cause it is the file that needs updating by ProcessDat2.exe.

Second, do not bother with runme.bat, its useless. Mib88 forgot to include certain files in the release. Stuff happens.
Once you have everything unpacked, delete patch000.dat (CRUCIAL), and run ProcessDat2.exe. If all went well, master.dat modified date and time in file properties should show the current date and time and PROTO folder in Fallout2 main folder should be gone. If proto folder still present, copy it over from MM_2.45.3_full_repack.zip to main Fallout2 folder with master.dat file and re-run processDat2.exe.

Now you should be golden.
Thx a bunch mate. I have managed to run the game and save at the moment :D
A new question. :D
Would using fallout2HR.exe instead of fallout2.exe or changing the stuff in ddraw.ini affect in any way my using MegaMod?
Edit: And is it compatible with vad's Fallout 2 Savegame Editor?
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