How would you feel about a 3D remake of the first Fallout?


Carolinian Shaolin Monk
No, not on the damn creation engine or gamebryo. But say Unreal 4 or Unity 5? I thought about it for a long while, 5 years to be exact. And I thought about a team that'd stick faithful to original gameplay mechanics and elements of the first two fallouts and remake it in beautiful 3D with maybe a lot of additional content. At least 40 new quests and at least 11 new locations to explore and many new weapons and armor that can be introduced in DLC content or non DLC content. What do you think? I'd really like to start a small team to remake the first Fallout but ehhhh. How do you feel about this?
Depends... if it's still isometric and turn based I would say yes. Imagine Wasteland 2.

But for all the love we have for Fallout 1, I would honestly prefer a new Fallout, lore appropriate game. That would be much better if it had the smart and witty writing, the choices and customization of the first two games.
Depends... if it's still isometric and turn based I would say yes. Imagine Wasteland 2.

But for all the love we have for Fallout 1, I would honestly prefer a new Fallout, lore appropriate game. That would be much better if it had the smart and witty writing, the choices and customization of the first two games.
That's what I mean by staying faithful to gameplay. It'd be isometric kinda like Wasteland 2.
I don't have faith in anyone but the original creators to do something like that, and even then I don't expect it would be either necessary or as good/better. Maybe that's a bit negativistic. Despite a few quirks that one might mod out, the visual design is good as it is.

I would rather see such a team take what they learned from Interplay and create their own work with a new world and their own message. You see all these isometric cRPGs marketed as "inspired by Fallout" and generally they have not an original thought to them; offering next to nothing stimulating or exciting.
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I always fantasize about the prospect of the content of the first games getting transplanted into a different aesthetic set of assets. It's why my curiosity about how the games work is mostly centered on the complexity of the animations relative to the code, because if the process was ONLY incredibly tedious, then it's a fantasy that it's not-too-far-off from possible.

Sometimes, I think all it really "needs" is to have the FOT engine be repurposed to have all the RPG mechanics returned to it and have all the scripted events from the first games implemented to it, of course with custom new maps based on the first games. It certainly would be AMAZING if that could be done. But other times I think about nothing more than a "fresh coat of paint". Not just a mod that shrinks the pixels more and more and calls itself "hi def", but an actual new set of art assets. Just imagine what the game could look like if all the 2D sprites were re-drawn (faithfully, of course) at 1080p resolution, and popped back into place of the original sprites. It wouldn't take much more than that, I suppose. Of course, the necessary engine tweaks would need to be there to support it, but I think that's already around. Or perhaps I'm giving SFall too much credit for what it's capable of? I dunno.

All I do know is... I think about these prospects A LOT. I wish it could be.
I prefer an engine like Shadowrun, Fallout Tactics or Myth.
I can't stand the clunky camera control of Wasteland 2 and the fact there is always an obstacle that forces you to move said camera.
If you can't do camera properly, better have a fixed one.
I'd feel lukewarmly, still ignoring any Unity 3D based game. Hardware demanding engine, tens gigs of data.. Thanks, but no thanks.
Depending on the writing of the new material, it might be good to reintroduce the original story with 3D graphics to new players. Bethesda is liable to throw a crapstorm at you though. They do things like that.
Depending on the writing of the new material, it might be good to reintroduce the original story with 3D graphics to new players. Bethesda is liable to throw a crapstorm at you though. They do things like that.
The writing of the new material would have the Vault Dweller going to San Diego and probably into Mexico as a side thing. It'd also explain that Talon Company was originally a Mercenary band on the West Coast before they came east but they weren't Hitmen. They originally had morals and a conscience. But shit happened.
Myth... as in Myth:The Fallen Lords?

Myth is a superb RTS, but I would not want a Fallout remake done using it.

I mentioned Myth mostly about how easy it was to control the camera.
There was various settings, but the one i used was moving the mouse through the edges of the screen for lateral move and rotation. It was so fluid and so instinctive that i was rarelly even conscious that i moved camera. It was just where i needed it to be when it needed it to be. With camera control of WL2 or Lost Control, camera always feel more an obstacle than a tool.
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I think I'd also make the cities you visit in game more dynamic. LA Boneyard would look a hell of a lot more like LA. A 3D camera would do good so you can see the skyline. Same thing with Bakersfield. I'd also add more weapons and ammunition and make companion NPCs a lot more controable and responsive
I'd also want to make combat a bit more fluid and realistic. Basically adding in wind speed, temperature, angle, and cover. Make the games combat a bit more realistic. Cover would be destructible and you're more than likely to have more cover in random encounters and your enemies will be using it as well. I'd add in prone and lying down positions to make your shots a tad more steady and accurate. Sounds good. My inspiration here was playing Silent Storm and Wasteland 2.
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I think either some people are misunderstanding the discussion, or maybe it's me totally misunderstanding the premise question. Either's possible.

When I think about "3D remake of FO1 (or FO2)", I'm NOT thinking "Bethesda makes a faithful Fallout game, remakes the originals in 3D". I can ONLY see it going in the direction of the F2RP: fans who love the series so much and love putting their hard work and effort into the games they adore, making something wonderful out of these older games and breathing new life into them for the rest of us to enjoy alongside them. Obviously, a full 3D "remake" is a MUCH bigger endeavor than a sweeping rewrite of all the buggy code, or a combination of mods all assembled under one roof. It's a singular project, and it's much more ambitious. But it's not something I consider impossible. It's just (easily understandable) such a taxing concept, that few would really be interested in taking on such an endeavor. But people HAVE taken on building entire GAMES from the FO2 assets, like Mutants Rising (I'm still curious how that's coming along) and a couple others. So that doesn't mean people aren't willing to try these things. But the most illustrious are simply not likely to happen.

But still, I can dream...
I think either some people are misunderstanding the discussion, or maybe it's me totally misunderstanding the premise question. Either's possible.

When I think about "3D remake of FO1 (or FO2)", I'm NOT thinking "Bethesda makes a faithful Fallout game, remakes the originals in 3D". I can ONLY see it going in the direction of the F2RP: fans who love the series so much and love putting their hard work and effort into the games they adore, making something wonderful out of these older games and breathing new life into them for the rest of us to enjoy alongside them. Obviously, a full 3D "remake" is a MUCH bigger endeavor than a sweeping rewrite of all the buggy code, or a combination of mods all assembled under one roof. It's a singular project, and it's much more ambitious. But it's not something I consider impossible. It's just (easily understandable) such a taxing concept, that few would really be interested in taking on such an endeavor. But people HAVE taken on building entire GAMES from the FO2 assets, like Mutants Rising (I'm still curious how that's coming along) and a couple others. So that doesn't mean people aren't willing to try these things. But the most illustrious are simply not likely to happen.

But still, I can dream...
Yeah, let's just dream here. I'm sure if I tried to a remake of Fallout 1 on a beautiful 3D Engine like Unreal 4 or the latest version of Unity Bethesda would slam us with copyright infringement so hard and a big cease and desist. If only Interplay still owned the rights to Fallout 1 and 2. Then they might be okay with Greenlighting a Fallout 1 remake with some supervision from their team. I would consider it very taxing, but I think worth it if we can get rid of buggy code and assemble many mods seen in the others into Fallout 1 3D. With honesty I think Bethesda hates Interplay and really wanted to fuck them on owning the rights to the first two Fallouts.
If only Interplay still owned the rights to Fallout 1 and 2. Then they might be okay with Greenlighting a Fallout 1 remake with some supervision from their team. I would consider it very taxing, but I think worth it if we can get rid of buggy code and assemble many mods seen in the others into Fallout 1 3D. With honesty I think Bethesda hates Interplay and really wanted to fuck them on owning the rights to the first two Fallouts.

You mean InXile/Obsidian ? Current Interplay is no better than Beth.
If only Interplay still owned the rights to Fallout 1 and 2. Then they might be okay with Greenlighting a Fallout 1 remake with some supervision from their team. I would consider it very taxing, but I think worth it if we can get rid of buggy code and assemble many mods seen in the others into Fallout 1 3D. With honesty I think Bethesda hates Interplay and really wanted to fuck them on owning the rights to the first two Fallouts.

You mean InXile/Obsidian ? Current Interplay is no better than Beth.
What do you mean?
Interplay was bought by Vivendi Universal sometime after Fallout: Tactics. The new leadership cancelled Van Buren, develloped Fobos, sold the IP to the highest bidder and didn't publish any game for a decade.

The old leadership, including the founder Brian Fargo created the society InXile, which devellopped and published Wasteland 2 and the upcoming new Torments/Bard's Tale.
Interplay was bought by Vivendi Universal sometime after Fallout: Tactics.

Wrong Frenchies. Titus bought majority control of Interplay in 2001. Then stopped Interplay from being a publisher and signed a publishing deal with Vivendi Universal.