Fallout 4 Engine looks to support a Chicago Typewriter 'Tommy Gun'


It Wandered In From the Wastes
Fallout 3/NV's engine couldn't support a Chicago Typewriter, and that is why their wasn't one in the game. Honest Hearts had .45 ammo, .45 pistol, .45 Thompson smg, but not a Chicago Typewriter or 'Tommy Gun'. You could download a mod with a Tommy Gun obviously, but for what ever reason it was gimmicky to have foregrips.

It could still be this way in Fallout 4, the only thing that breathe's hope is this concept art,


Now their is not any actual real life gun models in Fallout 3 to my knowledge, and probably definitely won't be any in Fallout 4. Just to have that out their as a disclaimer. Their was obviously a lot of irl look alike gun models in New Vegas however.

Their is a gun though in the F4 gameplay trailer that could come very close to a Tommy Gun. Add a drum, foregrip, and a compensator. Not that a Tommy Gun had a compensator necessarily, but it will complete the look and keep it classified in game as a SMG. The gun is obviously a smg, but can be modded into a rifle obviously too.
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Hopefully they support multiple weapon animations for each class of weapon.

But I wouldn't hold my breath too hard.

Well their is actually no real life look alike weapons in F3, and I doubt their will be in F4. New Vegas had several as we know, but if you read my now finished edited post, I explain how you might be able to come close to a Tommy Gun in stock F4.

But like you said, I won't hold my breathe for support for too many weapon animations, will just see. That concept art at least breathe's hope for foregrip animation, that makes modding or reskinning a actual Tommy Gun in the game that much easier for a modder.
They had the chinese assault rifle and the assault rifle and the leaver action rifle. Those have been at least inspired by real life weapons I guess.
I just really hope there are more professional looking weapons.

I like the cobbled together from scrap look of the pipe weapons, but it's really still digging into that "dirty steel" aesthetic that Beth seems to love for some reason.

Also, why is double-barreled a mod?

There's a reason why only shotguns and miniguns have multiple barrels.

And even then, the barrels are usually closer together than that.
Well there is the minigun as we have seen it a few times. So I guess there will be at least a few.
I wonder if there will be tiers like in STALKER's MISERY mod.

You start from dirty weapons and rise to shiny weapons.

Some things look weird in that picture though.